I eat junk food... but only 1200 calories worth..

Is that ok? If you just have a quick skim through my food diary and see I still eat crisps, bread, chocolate bars, etc.. but I still manage to stay within 1200 calories. So.. is this okay?

I never really had a problem with it in the past, but my scales recently broke and so I'm not going to be able to see if it's working still. I still can't help but feel a bit guilty.


  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    If junk food is all you eat, you may or may not lose weight, but you definitely won't be healthy.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Depends on whether your goal is to be "Thin" or Healthy.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    If the calories aren't catching up, the sugar/sodium contents sure will. :/
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    you'd have more energy if you ate healthy non-processed foods. As others have metioned, you will be "skinny-fat" rather than thin and toned if you just eat junk
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    To each his own. With 1200 calories I really dont think i'd waste 200 on kitkats though....just sayin.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I was going to basically say what everyone else is saying except that even the thinnest people can have heart attacks and blocked arteries from eating terrible. My dad knew a man who ran marathons and was a runner. He was in shape but all he ate was the worst foods. He ended up dying of a heart attack from blocked arteries even though you could look at him and he looked in shape.
  • Spayrroe
    Spayrroe Posts: 210 Member
    Firstly, seems you're from the UK, and I'm from the US, so I don't really know what a lot of the food on your diary is. The only thing I was a bit concerned for you about (now, I just went through your diary for yesterday) is that you only got half of the protein recommended.

    As long as you're getting enough vitamins and nutrients (and adding a multi vitamin in the morning would help with that) and maintaining the necessary calorie deficit to lose, you should be fine.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Typically yes you will lose weight if your calorie count is low. It is when people plateau even with a low cal diet that their diet is reevaluated for the proper foods. Eating all junk, and little healthy foods, will take its toll on your body, however. Lack of energy, fatigue, mooodiness, and not to mention actual health problems may ensue. You skin, heart, kidneys, liver, and muscles will thank you if you adopt healthier choices. :)
  • alexbowser
    alexbowser Posts: 322
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Think of your body as a machine, that needs fuel to run. If you put in crap fuel, what happens to the machine? Will it still run? Probably. Will it run well? Probably not. Your body NEEDS protein, carbs, good fats, vitamins, in order to keep it healthy - things you find in real food, like chicken, veggies, etc. It's ok to have a snack every now and then, as long as you have a healthy diet. But if those are the only things you're eating, it will catch up with you eventually.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    From someone who was once very small but lived on mostly crap, all I can say is "Don't Do It"!! :noway:

    This was me a few years back:
    Breakfast: if I felt like it, Lunch: package of nabs with a coke, candy in the afternoon, then normal dinner which may or may not have had veggies or fruits. Dessert was a sure thing. Snacking on chips, cookies, candy also a sure thing.

    You know what happened? I passed out at work, not once but twice. The first time I tried to catch myself, but my head came down HARD!!!! on the corner of a table. I managed to get myself up & into the hallway to ask for help b/c I knew I was in trouble. BAM!! I went down again.

    Diagnosis: malnourished and severe iron deficiency. Boy, the lecture I got from the doctor. He was irritated. I was definitely old enough to know better, he said.

    Believe me, I'd rather be a few lbs heavier, but enjoy good health and have energy. Be good to yourself! :flowerforyou:
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    Depends on whether your goal is to be "Thin" or Healthy.

    That's the BIG question!! You may lose weight but you're body is suffering if all you're eating is junk and eventually.....eventually.....you will be trying to lose weight again.....and again.....and again......and......well-you get the point:))

    Have a daily treat perhaps, rather than a day of junk:)) You won't feel so deprived and on "punishment" if you allow yourself one treat a day and then a cheat meal at the end of the week:))
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    No, not a good way to do it at all. like your title says "JUNK FOOD"...... i.e., its junk....... I have not read any of the other responses but I would think most people are going to say you should eat healthier for your 1200 calories! If you have "junk" as a treat now and then thats ok, but not as your everyday meal choices.
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    I took a look at your diary. Some things I am not sure what they are. Are crisp potato chips?? Definately eat breakfast (not a kit kat). space your meals out more. I saw one day just 2 meals and one was like 800 cals. The other was lunch and no breakfast. Maybe to wean yourself off junk you can allow yourself one half the kit kat after a well balanced lunch and the the other half after a well balanced dinner. Have fruits and veggies or nuts for snacks in between. Eat whole grains in the morning with maybe peanut butter.....a cereal with fruit maybe:)) for dinner-I try to go dark green and lean (meaning a protein/meat with dark green veggies). You've gotta spread those meals out though....what I think will happen (based on my own experience) is eventually you will CRASH and go into binge mode....happened to me everytime. Then the pounds will pack on (that happened to me too). I would do what you are doing and then spend months in binge mode (my word for it).... You're body will start craving everything because it will starve....even if you eat 1200 calories of junk everyday. I am not trying to present myself as a know it all or be mean...I am almost 32 years old and can tell you...I have been there so I know all too well the end of this story:))
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    Depends on whether your goal is to be "Thin" or Healthy.

    I Agree! If you really want long term results you have to treat your body better. Loading it with junk is like putting mud in your gas tank, won't get you very far.
  • BrownSkinBeauty1990
    BrownSkinBeauty1990 Posts: 59 Member
    It's not healthy to eat the foods that you're eating, but I'm sure you know that already & that's not the question your asking!
    But yes you will lose weight if you stick to your calories. You can live off crisps all day but if you eat 1200 cals your defo going to lose weight. x
  • jjhenry5
    jjhenry5 Posts: 80 Member
    Eating too much sugar can spike your insulin, and over enough time, this could cause insulin resistance which limits your bodies ability to use blood sugar as energy, so it tends to get stored as fat. It also puts you at risk for diabetes. On the other hand, you are still young yet, so you can probably bounce back from a bad diet better than us old folks. God knows I ate like crap in college.

    With that said, starting healthy eating habits now will prevent problems in your future.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    No, not ok. Your diet is awful! But you know that already or you wouldn't have posted. You may be thin on it now, but it will bite you on the behind when you are older. Get healthy now while you are young.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Try to cut back on the junk and eat some real food. You're not tracking sugar or sodium... try doing that for a few days and you may start to think differently about the things you're eating.

    Sure, you'll lose "weight," but you'll be starving your body of the nutrients it needs to be healthy & function well.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I don't have first hand experience, but I've read several MFPers on here who have eaten similar to what you have, but just watched their calories and still lost weight consistently.

    If you just want to be slimmer, I'm sure this is fine, but if at some point you prefer to be healthy, a healthier diet is needed.

    Good luck hun! :)