Body Reset Diet??



  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    Bumping this thread into 2014
  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    I see LIS everywhere I go :) So given that the OP has 4 posts in a year, Ill assume she is still looking for another fad diet to "try".. go shakes!
  • I don't do anything that encourages shakes. Shakes don't fill you up like solid foods and you feel hungrier sooner. Rather just eat the veggies in the raw, chew throughly and slowly, and you get the real "nutrient extraction" juicers claim but fail to deliver. Besides, what do you REALLY do with all that bulk the juicer removes? More than likely trash it, right? That's all kinds of fibers and other bulk that's real good for you tou end up trashing...
  • Gioooo
    Gioooo Posts: 301 Member
    i dont understand why you cant just eat solid food thats 'healthy and clean' . Why are you making shakes and fad dieting..
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    I would be willing to try this. I've been on a gaining trend with seemingly no end in sight. I need to research this but I feel like crap....eating and drinking too much. here's my do you do this with a family to feed?? I guess the first five days I will just be drinking smoothies at dinner? just curious.... @wordwhimsy if you want some company and I can pull it together this weekend I'd be willing to be your buddy :-)
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    It's "blending" to make the shakes, with frozen fruit, yogurt, spinach, etc. It's more of a 5 day kick start. I don't know how I'd do this with a family. The first 5 days would be tough. My husband is traveling next week and we don't have kids, so it shouldn't be too hard for me. Then the next 5 days you have a meal for dinner. The thing that should get me through this is there are two snacks per day at 150 cals, with at least 5 grams of protein and 5 grams to fiber and no more than 10 grams of sugar. So like celery with hummus or an apple with peanut butter.

    @sixtyinchesoffury see if your library has the book and we could team up!
  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238
    carlcopley wrote: »
    I don't do anything that encourages shakes. Shakes don't fill you up like solid foods and you feel hungrier sooner. Rather just eat the veggies in the raw, chew throughly and slowly, and you get the real "nutrient extraction" juicers claim but fail to deliver. Besides, what do you REALLY do with all that bulk the juicer removes? More than likely trash it, right? That's all kinds of fibers and other bulk that's real good for you tou end up trashing...

    They're making smoothies, not juicing. You throw everything in the blender and well... get this... blend them together. No extraction there. FYI.
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    2013 THREAD
    WordWhimsy wrote: »
    Bumping this thread into 2014

    This made me LOL.

    Seriously, though, you can lose weight with nothing but a calorie deficit. I mean, it's great to replace junk food with more healthy foods, but weight loss is calories in/calories out. And I'm instantly wary of any diet plan that includes the phrases "reset," "jump start," or "kick start."
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    2013 THREAD
    WordWhimsy wrote: »
    Bumping this thread into 2014

    This made me LOL.

    Seriously, though, you can lose weight with nothing but a calorie deficit. I mean, it's great to replace junk food with more healthy foods, but weight loss is calories in/calories out. And I'm instantly wary of any diet plan that includes the phrases "reset," "jump start," or "kick start."

    Glad to make you chuckle! I agree it's all about lifestyle changes. I don't think a few days to try to break the sugar/processed foods habit is a bad thing. We'll see how it goes :#
    I'm going to post my results here and let them speak (hopefully) for themselves. It seems like most people on this thread have started and only a few finished. The few who stuck with it seemed to have achieved good results with the initial plan, then ate healthily to keep it off.

  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    So today is day1, smoothie breakfast (apple, banana, greek yogurt, cinnamon & almonds) pretty good.

    Snack at work - 1 pear and 3 slices of turkey.

    Lunch- smoothie

    afternoon snack - hummus & carrots

    BalletBar class

    Dinner smoothie
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Why not just eat regular food at a deficit?
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    WordWhimsy wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    2013 THREAD
    WordWhimsy wrote: »
    Bumping this thread into 2014

    This made me LOL.

    Seriously, though, you can lose weight with nothing but a calorie deficit. I mean, it's great to replace junk food with more healthy foods, but weight loss is calories in/calories out. And I'm instantly wary of any diet plan that includes the phrases "reset," "jump start," or "kick start."

    Glad to make you chuckle! I agree it's all about lifestyle changes. I don't think a few days to try to break the sugar/processed foods habit is a bad thing. We'll see how it goes :#
    I'm going to post my results here and let them speak (hopefully) for themselves. It seems like most people on this thread have started and only a few finished. The few who stuck with it seemed to have achieved good results with the initial plan, then ate healthily to keep it off.

    You know what I stuck to? Getting my nutrient intake and staying in a moderate deficit. Enjoying foods I love.

    that includes sugar, processed foods and fast food in moderation. Lost 53 lbs and greatly improved my BF%, overall fitness....

    and I didn't have to smoothie a thing.
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    I survived day 1 and am feeling pretty good. I had a moment after work last night before my BalletBar class where I was quite hungry for about 10 minutes then it was gone and I wasn't hungry at all.

    Breakfast was Pear Smoothie - very good
    Snack at work - 15 baby carrots & 2T hummus
    Lunch will be a pb&j smoothie, looking forward to this, and I'm not normally a big fan of pb
    Snack - 14 almonds and 30 cheese fiber crackers
    Dinner - green smoothie - I've noticed of all the smoothies, the green is the most filling because of the spinach, I like the variety of all the different smoothies, I'm sure I won't be saying that after day 5, haha!

    I plan to get back to the couch to 5k, or maybe just walk on the treadmill tonight, we'll see how I feel.
  • bylot
    bylot Posts: 11
    This whole thread is an advertisement. Read the first 2 posts that whichever marketing firm is targeting this forum "kicked it off" with.

    Further down, plenty more Stepford Wives-esqe "OH I LOVE THIS DIET. WHAT I DO IS blah blah blah AND IT WORKS GREAT FOR ME! TRY IT!".

    This is an ADVERTISEMENT.
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    I'm just a regular person who got the book at the library and am tracking it each day here.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    Good luck with that.

    I haven't been so good lately with my diet but on Saturday got back on task. Guess what happened, I lost 5.4lbs in 3 days. No Shakes, just eating at a deficit. I ate hash browns, wheat bread, baked potatoes, rice, chicken, lean ground beef (not grass fed or organic), turkey, Greek yogurt, eggs, etc... Granted I know most of it is water weight but the point is, that most of that weight you will lose in that 15 days is the same thing. You can do it with real food and not shakes. Shakes should be a supplement, or an occasional meal replacement, but not a diet.

    I will try and remember to come back in 15 days and report my total loss to what yours is.
  • amcevers
    amcevers Posts: 12 Member
    Lots of folks drink smoothies. It's a quick easy way to get your veggies and fruit. And many people feel raw food is better for you than cooked food, so there's that. I may not be in the mood or have time to chew up a bunch of spinach and raw carrots, but I can throw it in a blender and drink a 'milkshake'. It IS solid food.

    Don't poo poo something you don't understand.
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    The shakes only are meal replacement for the first 5 days. Then for the next 5, it's 2 shakes, 2 snacks and 1 meal. Then next 5, it's 1 shake, 2 snacks, 2 meals.

    I'm just trying to lose 5# in 15 days. Lately I've been on a roll of gaining to the point of 160# which is an all time high for me, my ultimate goal is 135. I'm just looking for a little kick in the pants to help break my addiction to sugar and salty treats and snacks.

    I agree it's all about calorie deficit, for the first 5 days I'm probably around 1200 calories, next 5, 1300, then around 1500.

    Hopefully this will provide the jump start I need, then can get on track to losing with healthy eating.

    When I just count calories I blow through my allotment by lunch, and I'm like, what am I going to eat for dinner? Salad with vinegar?
  • bylot
    bylot Posts: 11
    There's one or two posters in this thread who are clearly curious about "Juicing" for whatever reason, but the main thrust is being made by marketers.

    Spammers are being pulled off a lot quicker by the mods these days, so expect to see more of this kind of thing.
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    amcevers wrote: »
    Lots of folks drink smoothies. It's a quick easy way to get your veggies and fruit. And many people feel raw food is better for you than cooked food, so there's that. I may not be in the mood or have time to chew up a bunch of spinach and raw carrots, but I can throw it in a blender and drink a 'milkshake'. It IS solid food.

    Don't poo poo something you don't understand.

    Thanks for the support. I didn't think of that. I am probably losing because of the raw aspect of the veggies and fruits. I'm not totally raw, as I do have 2 snacks a day of 150 cals (not a lot of restrictions on those, they just need to have 5 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein and less than 10 grams of sugar).