fed up with dieting and getting hungry between meals



  • coruscatti
    Are you hungry or thirsty? Sometimes the body gets them confused. im good with a cliff bar for a while. However from your diary I only see 3 cups of water.

    I didn't finish entering all my water for the day.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    why is sugar bad for you? Sugar is just energy that your body uses for different functions….You can eat sugar, be in a calorie deficit,and lose weight…

    I would suggest looking into new rules of lifting for woman or maybe a program like strong lifts 5x5 ….lifting heavy will help you recomp your body and lose some body fat….

    just my two cents...
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Most days I eat 1600 and I have a 6 inches and lots of pounds on you. You just haven't found the combination that works for you yet. You can do this
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    Way too many carbs, not enough protein. Don't forget carbs = sugar, so you're having alot more than you think. If you eat a reasonable amount of protein, more saturated fat, and less grains and sugars, you won't be hungry all the time.

    Something I learned after 20 years. I used to get the mid afternoon headaches and shakes as soon as I cut calories too.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    shai74 wrote: »
    Way too many carbs, not enough protein. Don't forget carbs = sugar, so you're having alot more than you think. If you eat a reasonable amount of protein, more saturated fat, and less grains and sugars, you won't be hungry all the time.

    Something I learned after 20 years. I used to get the mid afternoon headaches and shakes as soon as I cut calories too.

    it is fear mongering posts like this that drive me nuts…OP had 157 grams of carbs for the day, that is not "bad' and as long as she eats in a calorie deficit she can eat carbs, and *gasp* sugar and will lose weight just fine…

  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    shai74 wrote: »
    Way too many carbs, not enough protein. Don't forget carbs = sugar, so you're having alot more than you think. If you eat a reasonable amount of protein, more saturated fat, and less grains and sugars, you won't be hungry all the time.

    Something I learned after 20 years. I used to get the mid afternoon headaches and shakes as soon as I cut calories too.

    it is fear mongering posts like this that drive me nuts…OP had 157 grams of carbs for the day, that is not "bad' and as long as she eats in a calorie deficit she can eat carbs, and *gasp* sugar and will lose weight just fine…

    Fear mongering? Learn to science. Too many carbs, not enough protein, and not enough fat WILL cause hunger. Period. End of discussion. This is because of how these things are processed in our bodies.

    No one said she couldn't eat a calorie deficit of carby foods and lose weight, she asked why she was always HUNGRY.

    It's ill informed, baseless posts like this that drive ME nuts.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Whatever plan you have to shed some pounds it has to be sustainable. If you are starving - it's not. Protein and healthy fats provide the best satiety value and will keep you feeling full longer. Some people eat huge breakfasts while others don't start their food intake until the afternoon. Find your best pattern and go for it. Also make sure your calories are set properly. Sometimes it's best to set them for 1/2 to 1 pound per week for a couple of weeks - especially if you've been eating lots more calories.

    Good luck - you can do this!

  • thinkpositive92
    thinkpositive92 Posts: 111 Member
    edited October 2014
    Few foods that really keep me satisfied is of course protein and my favorite breakfast meal oatmeal/porridge!
    I make it with a cup of unsweetened almond milk (42 calories), 35g of quick oats (133 calories), 150g of frozen strawberries (53 calories) and topped with a few dollops of delicious yogurt and a sprinkle of ground cinnamon!
    Which is easily under 275 calories depending on the type of yogurt you use! :)

    So yeah don't really look at it as a "diet" you can still eat all the foods you love just in moderation. It gets tough at times because it is hard work, logging and measuring everything but you haven't got much to lose! You've just got 8lbs left!
  • coruscatti
    Thanks for all your suggestions! Although there are too many comments to reply to them all, I read them all :)

    What do you guys think of me adding dried edamame to my lunch and reducing the amount of crackers by half? That will increase the protein and lower the carbs and it will still be something I can keep at room temperature.

    The only thing is that I'm afraid it will have hormonal effects if I eat too many soy products (I already have tofu about once a week) since I think it has for me in the past. But I also don't want to start eating nuts again because that's what made me fat in the first place.

    Does anyone know of any other vegetarian sources of lean protein that are portable, besides edamame?

    Also for breakfast I am going to have the Chobani yogurt, only one slice of the bread, 3/4 cup of lentils, and the salad greens.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    shai74 wrote: »
    Way too many carbs, not enough protein. Don't forget carbs = sugar, so you're having alot more than you think. If you eat a reasonable amount of protein, more saturated fat, and less grains and sugars, you won't be hungry all the time.

    Something I learned after 20 years. I used to get the mid afternoon headaches and shakes as soon as I cut calories too.

    it is fear mongering posts like this that drive me nuts…OP had 157 grams of carbs for the day, that is not "bad' and as long as she eats in a calorie deficit she can eat carbs, and *gasp* sugar and will lose weight just fine…

    Yes, she could lose weight fine with 157 g carbs. However, her OP detailed the problems that she is having and, from her description, they are the kind of problems that tend to lead to quitting weight loss entirely so clearly her current practices aren't great for her. Looking at her diary, it's easy to see that her carb intake is high, relative to her protein and fat intake. People need to focus more on balance rather than generalizations like sugar is bad or good or carbs are bad or good.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    shai74 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    shai74 wrote: »
    Way too many carbs, not enough protein. Don't forget carbs = sugar, so you're having alot more than you think. If you eat a reasonable amount of protein, more saturated fat, and less grains and sugars, you won't be hungry all the time.

    Something I learned after 20 years. I used to get the mid afternoon headaches and shakes as soon as I cut calories too.

    it is fear mongering posts like this that drive me nuts…OP had 157 grams of carbs for the day, that is not "bad' and as long as she eats in a calorie deficit she can eat carbs, and *gasp* sugar and will lose weight just fine…

    Fear mongering? Learn to science. Too many carbs, not enough protein, and not enough fat WILL cause hunger. Period. End of discussion. This is because of how these things are processed in our bodies.

    No one said she couldn't eat a calorie deficit of carby foods and lose weight, she asked why she was always HUNGRY.

    It's ill informed, baseless posts like this that drive ME nuts.

    LOL Okie dokie then ..

    I get about 35% of my macros from carbs and I have zero issues with hunger and satiety ...
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    why is sugar bad for you? Sugar is just energy that your body uses for different functions….You can eat sugar, be in a calorie deficit,and lose weight…
    You can be skinny and not be healthy.

    Eating too much sugar can lead to Type II diabetes, insulin resistance, etc. It's hard on your liver, too. Unless the OP is doing a lot of endurance type of workouts where the body needs simple sugars for quick energy, limiting sugar is the healthier option in the long run.

    To the OP:

    If you bring your lunch to work in an insulated bag, it should keep just fine. I sent my kids to school with sandwiches and yogurt and the like for years and they never had spoiled foods even though it sat under their desks until lunch time. I often bring my lunch to work and don't bother putting it in the fridge. As long as I actually eat it and don't try to bring it home for the next day, it's fine even until the afternoon.
  • coruscatti
    coruscatti Posts: 81
    edited October 2014
    MacMadame wrote: »
    To the OP:

    If you bring your lunch to work in an insulated bag, it should keep just fine. I sent my kids to school with sandwiches and yogurt and the like for years and they never had spoiled foods even though it sat under their desks until lunch time. I often bring my lunch to work and don't bother putting it in the fridge. As long as I actually eat it and don't try to bring it home for the next day, it's fine even until the afternoon.

    Yeah I used to do this as a kid also and never had a problem either (athough, I heard that the cultures in yogurt prevent it from going bad at room temperature for several hours anyway). I guess it probably would be fine. I had food poisoning a few months ago so I think you get more paranoid about these things after that happens, and I heard you're not supposed to keep perishable foods unrefrigerated for more than 4 hours, but there are always ice packs. Plus I kind of got out of the habit of eating meat because at my old supermarket I couldn't find ethically raised meat, but they do have the Applegate Farms brand of cold cuts at my current supermarket, so that might be something to try. I heard that cold cuts have nitrates that are supposed to be bad though...is that a big deal?

    I think maybe I will have a variety of things for lunch. Maybe on some days I'll have a turkey and cheese sandwich, on some days I'll have a tuna pouch with string cheese and whole grain crackers, and on some days I'll have the cheese and crackers with edamame. That might help counteract the "bad" effects of eating any one of those things all the time (phytoestrogens for the edamame, nitrates for the cold cuts, and mercury for the tuna).

    Also I've read a lot of things that say cutting sugar improves your health in many ways. I actually found the best way for me to get rid of sugar cravings. For dessert I have two tablespoons of unsweetened baking cocoa in water, heated up just like hot cocoa. I realized that what I actually crave is the chocolate itself, not the sugar, so this works perfectly for me. It has only 40 calories and 0g of sugar. Other than that I will have a little bit of flavored dark chocolate at lunch and of course occasional treats from time to time.
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    As an example of the protein/fat thing, on the weekends I eat a bowl of bacon for breakfast. Just bacon, cooked in the oven, about 400 to 500 calories worth. By dinner time, I could eat, but I'm not starving, and I don't think about eating all day.

    The old me would have had toast for breakfast (possibly bacon and eggs on toast), something mid morning, a sandwich or two for lunch, starving at 3pm at which point I'd eat or wait til dinner with a headache and growly tummy, eat dinner, eat something at about 9pm, and have been pretty much hungry the whole day. And wonder why I could never stick to a diet and after a few days would lose my *kitten* and eat like 3000 cals in one sitting.
  • trungalung
    Try green apple with peanut butter (or better, almond butter) dip for a snack. That always kill my hunger.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    This is your first day and you are fed up already?..........
  • jdt242
    jdt242 Posts: 106 Member
    coruscatti wrote: »
    So today I decided I would make a brand new start of this dieting thing. I haven't been doing too terribly, but I haven't been doing great either. I'm not even sure if I lost any weight yet due to fluctuations in weight over the course of a day. Some days I am way below the calorie goal and some days I am way above.

    But I was like, this is it! I'm going to eat whole grains and Greek yogurt because those are supposed to make you feel full. I'm going to eat plenty of vegetables. I'm going to only have 25g of sugar per day. I will be totally healthy and lose these 10 pounds without even noticing!

    So the day started pretty much as planned...I had my planned breakfast of two slices of whole grain bread, a plain Greek yogurt, two cups of salad greens, and water. I had this around 7:20 A.M. I started getting hungry again around 10 AM! So much for making me feel full! Luckily I brought a midmorning snack...one cup of Cheerios. So I had that and then later I had lunch around 12:30 PM. Lunch was two servings of whole grain crackers, two cheese sticks, water flavored with crystallized lemon, and a little bit of raspberry dark chocolate.

    By 3 PM I was STARVING again. Not just slight hunger pangs, full-on nausea, headache, etc. I went to a deli near my workplace to get something to eat. I stupidly got a Clif bar, which has 22g of sugar...I was so hungry I wasn't even thinking clearly. So I ate that and it did NOTHING for my hunger. It was like I had an angry wild animal inside me roaring to get out. This hunger was like all-consuming. And now I only have 500 calories left for the day! I am so upset and still so hungry that I'm going to eat an entire Chipotle burrito for dinner even though it's like 1000 calories.

    I'm just so angry. I feel like I've tried so many different foods to try to last without getting hungry between meals. I know someone is going to recommend eating nuts, so I will tell you now, I tried those and they do nothing for me. Plus they're what made me gain 10 pounds in the first place. I feel like MFP has ruined my life in a way. I used to have a healthy relationship with food...I focused on eating healthy, not on weight...and now I am one of those people who obsesses over calories and grams of this or that.

    Is this really what my life is going to be like? I have a choice between being constantly hungry, or gaining 10 pounds every couple of years? This just seems like such a zero-sum game. And I don't even know if the total daily calorie expenditure calculations are remotely accurate. What about metabolism? Do I count my half-mile walk to and from the train station as exercise, or does it count as part of the "lightly active" designation I made when I first completed my profile? This stuff is just so inexact. And then there are the people who don't eat enough calories and yet still don't lose any weight, because their metabolism slows to make up for it.

    Is there any way to win at this? Or is it just supposed to keep you miserable?

    Eat more protein. Move more. Log exercise accurately. Eat back exercise calories. You can eat a lot if you're moving and still lose.

    You can eat a lot if you're exercising. It won't feel like punishment.
  • bootssowhite
    bootssowhite Posts: 93 Member
    coruscatti wrote: »
    Does anyone know of any other vegetarian sources of lean protein that are portable, besides edamame?

    Hard boiled eggs will last for days at room temperature. Sprinkle some cumin on chickpeas and you have a high protein snack, or add them to a salad for a more substantial meal. Yogurt can easily last 12 hours without refrigeration, especially if you're in a climate controlled building, or you can make a smoothie with yogurt and keep it in a thermos.

    You shouldn't feel hungry. It's totally possible to eat at a deficit and still not feel hungry. If you're hungry, you're either not eating enough calories or you're using them poorly. Play around with different foods. Try and increase your protein (although neither sugar nor carbs are the enemy). Keep experimenting until you find a way to eat at a deficit and still feel satisfied. I promise it's possible.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    One day of calorie counting is not long enough to be so dramatic as to say that MFP is ruining your life.
    We all need to vent sometimes, but I encourage you to take a breath and step back for a moment. There are many many positives here.

    At 5'4" and 128 lbs, you are in the normal BMI range. If you want to weigh less, that is your business and I'm certainly not going to tell you not to. However, consider this. You have been doing well. If you were absurdly exceeding calorie goals before you started to "diet" you would be far heavier than you are now. This means that you shouldn't have to make big or dramatic changes to lose the few pounds you have identified. 1600 calories is very doable. Consider that there are people who have been very successful with this who were accustomed to eating many more in a day than I would guess you are accustomed to.

    You've got great advice here on how to spend your calories wisely so that you don't feel hungry all day long, and based on your responses, it sounds as though you are willing to try them. That is great! Too often people blow off good recommendations. Just cut yourself some slack and see this as a lifestyle change, not a diet that is going to anger you on day 1. You are very young and you need to figure out what is going to be sustainable for the next 70 years. You can do this. I think you are far closer than you are giving yourself credit for.