Need motivation

Ive been on MFP for a year as of next month and I just keep losing 10 pounds and gaining them back. I want to try a fad diet but i know it wont help itll just make me lose weight and gain it all back . I dont know what to do anymore. I can think positive but then my actions show otherwise. Im so stinking tired of weighing this much uugggh


  • ReadyForWeightLoss
    ReadyForWeightLoss Posts: 75 Member
    I am 5'10 and 259 pounds.
    I started at 269 pounds back in november.
    My profile picture is back in 2011 i was weighing 160.
  • 23kat23
    23kat23 Posts: 62 Member
    Yeah don't do any fad diets, you need to make a lifestyle change that you know you can maintain! It may take a lot longer to lose the weight but it will be a lot easier to keep it off. You don't want to restrict yourself too much cause that never works in the long run. Portion size is huge and try to make healthy choices when you can but also give yourself times to indulge as well every so often!
  • cutenikki07
    cutenikki07 Posts: 120 Member
    I added you so we can chat! :)
  • kendalslimmer
    kendalslimmer Posts: 579 Member
    It sounds like you need to be a lot stricter with yourself and sort out your diet. Get yourself some MFP friends who love snooping in people's food diaries and let them whip you into shape!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    You can add me as a friend if you are looking for support. I'm also apart of a accountability group that helps keep me motivated week to week (Link Here.)

    Changes need to be habit forming else they won't stick. Small goals till they come apart of our lifestyle. It's hard, but worth it.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    time to go overboard.
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member

    MFP has great people here that will support you as you work through the process. They will encourage you, challenge you, and inspire you, but the actual motivation needs to come from within. You have to have that little voice inside that says "Enough. I'm ready to make some changes. I WANT to do this. I NEED to do this." If you can't find the motivation from within, then you are doing it for the wrong reasons and you will continue to struggle. It has to be for you and only you. It's hard. It's frustrating. We all need a little push. We all need encouragement. We all need support. Those come from MFP friends and members. Motivation comes from ourselves.

    With that said, if you really want to make a change, know that you are strong, you can do it! You have the ability to make positive changes in your own life without having to answer to anyone else for the decisions you make along the way. You will struggle, you will stumble, you may give up and start over a few times. But, if you really, really want it, you can make it happen. So ask yourself "Why am I doing this? Why is it important to me? Am I willing to make the sacrifices necessary to be successful?" You have it in you. You just need to find it. :smiley:

    None of us is perfect. I struggle with motivation too. I've been up and down the last couple of years too, and find myself starting over again. My husband has been nagging me for about a year to do something. I just plain didn't want to. Now that I've decided to do it because I want to; I need to, it doesn't seem like such a chore to plan my meals and squeeze in the exercise.

    Dig deep. You'll find it.
  • TXEXrunner
    TXEXrunner Posts: 178 Member
    Was going to suggest accountability but 13strong beat me to it. Do you have someone to help keep you in a routine? Virtual friends and MFP go far but often are not a substitute for an in-person friend or trainer. You probably have heard you are on a journey and this is a marathon. Set short term goals and celebrate your accomplishments when you achieve those goals. Have you tried to find some clothing you want to work into as a goal? I've seen this work as a motivator for others. Fit Bit (or a step counter of your choice) and meal planning are popular with other friends I have for helping with meeting their goals. You can do this!
  • Surfingbodi
    Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
    I strongly suggest you create a vision board with images of what you want to look like, what you want to be able to do when you are in better shape, anything that makes you see the positive in changing your food and exercise ways in a permanent pattern rather than just to get that 10 lbs off. I am doing a great deal of vision work now (which I never do as I am a very literal person) and it is really helping. I just picked out my favorite hot older women that I would like to look like and that really inspired me as well because I am getting 'old'ish and want to have fun with it!

    Keep checking in, find your people on here, make permanent changes that you can live with, find fun things you like to do that are active other than just exercising to lose weight. You've got this!

  • wmcmurray61
    wmcmurray61 Posts: 192 Member
    In Oct. 2012 I weighed 206. On my own, after trying all kinds of stupid fad diets, I decided to try portion control and walking. By this time last year I weighed 160. I maintained that weight, thinking it was my goal, but was still not happy with the way I looked or felt. I found MFP last month and decided to go for it and establish myself a new goal of 140. I am down to 150. What has worked for me, to keep me motivated, is realizing that my MAIN goal is to be healthy. All of the research I have done about weight loss has led me to believe that the people who are most successful at taking the weight off and keeping it off have 2 things in common: They want to adopt a healthy lifestyle that they can enjoy the rest of their lives and they enjoy all things in moderation. Depriving yourself will lead you nowhere. Starving yourself will do nothing. Slow and steady wins the race. It's a life changer. Go read the success stories. They are all ordinary people, just like you and me. They all did it! And you can too!
  • wmcmurray61
    wmcmurray61 Posts: 192 Member
    Also, I have gotten to the point that I think of exercise and keeping track of what goes into my mouth as something akin to brushing my teeth. Just something I have to do. A good health habit. It takes nothing more than trying and being consistent and realizing that it won't happen over night. You've GOT this!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I started a Pinterest board with photos of fit women. When I need a kick in the pants, I look through that board.

    I also have several slinky dresses that I need to lose about 10 lbs to wear comfortably...I can just squeeze into them now. If I really need motivation, I try one on.

    I have a habit of sitting in front of my computer at night binge-watching TV series. I've developed a small collection of things I can do while watching, like dumbbells and fitness bands. I can work on my arms and shoulders and not feel that I'm "wasting" a couple of hours. I'm pretty active at times, but when I get sucked into a program, that's pretty much all I want to do til I've watched it all or get bored with it, so I decided to work with it instead of fighting it.

    I also take long walks/jogs, not for my health, but for my dog's health. He's 14 and still fit, and I want very much to keep him that way for as long as possible, so I try to stay motivated by making his health a priority.