Do you need a "relationship" with food?

Right now I'm trying to find a good balance regarding how I feel towards food.
I gained the best part of 100lbs in a very short amount of time. I think I can say I was addicted to food. It was every other thought - I LOVED it.
This was a couple of years ago, over the past couple of years I've maintained around 220lbs unintentionally.
Now, I've been loosing weight for about 3 or 4 months. I really had a massive lifestyle change. But I'm finding my enjoyment from food has decreased to the point that I'll forget to eat. I get hungry in my stomach but my brain isn't fussed if this makes sense. If something comes up or I get distracted at all then eating just isn't thought about. My meals are slowly becoming more and more basic as I don't get the urge to eat a big tasty meal and I usually don't end up eating a meal until around 8pm.
I'm definitely not repulsed by food at all, I don't have any odd routines or rituals but I feel like I'm eating to live rather than living to eat like I was.
I know it's hard to define "normal", but is this?! I don't know if I'm developing something that is potentially unhealthy or if this is how most people feel?


  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    im not sure I'm clear that there is a problem? you're worried because you forget to eat? but eventually you do eat right?
    "normal" is irrelevant. everyone is different.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Obsessing over food (whether by wanting it constantly or purposely avoiding it)is disordered. You sound fine to me. Try to keep snacks with you so you can eat on the go.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,746 Member
    If you mean that your prior "obsession" (for lack of a better word) that caused you to gain weight has now subsided now that you've decided to get healthy, then that is a GOOD thing. Depends on how you define "relationship" but I think not being overly consumed by food for merely pleasure is a good relationship. It is for fuel and nutrition, although you eat what you enjoy.

    I think you are on the right track!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Sounds like you broke up, good job!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    edited October 2014
    You sound fine to me, but if YOU think you may be developing a problem, it cannot hurt to schedule one meeting with a therapist. EDs sneak up on people, just like alcoholism. If you have even an inkling that there is a problem, see a therapist, just once.

    EDs are not just for skinny girls! Binge Eating Disorder, especially, can make you fat, fat, fat. BED and OSFED people can be quite big, sow never think that you can't have an ED because you aren't skinny.
  • hamoncan
    hamoncan Posts: 148 Member
    Some people are like that and seem to do just fine. Food is just fuel, fill up when necessary just like your car. You're aware of it, so no worries.
  • Kellyfitness128
    Kellyfitness128 Posts: 194 Member
    Let me just say I'm jealous. Haha, that doesn't sound like a problem to me. I'd love to not be thinking about food all the time.