How in the world to measure.....



  • tdhdee
    tdhdee Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you all for your suggestions and for those who made me laugh this morning. I love this place! I will try the various methods. I'm just trying to be true to myself and my food diary. I do best when I don't guess. Everyone makes food different so sometimes it's hard based on ingredients, etc... I saved the various suggestions and will give it a whirl. My mother will be making a big pot of pot pie soon (same pot as I made my chili and it's full) so I will give this a shot again when she does that.

    You guys rock!

  • crystalewhite
    crystalewhite Posts: 422 Member
    Can you not estimate based on how much your pot holds and how far up the side the finished product comes up?
    Like it you have a 10 qt stock pot and when you are done it comes about half way up the side so you have 5 qt of chili. Then you can measure out 8 fl oz portions.
  • blktngldhrt
    blktngldhrt Posts: 1,053 Member
    next time you could measure and record everything before it goes into the pot. then you would be able to calculate serving sizes, calories, protein, etc. based off of that information.
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    edited October 2014
    This is where your study in geometry and chemistry come into play. If you know the volume of the pot with the meal in it, you can calculate total volume of servings. You can then convert that volume into whatever unit your servings are, and then divide the collective serving size of your ingredients into the total volume.

    Also, you can take note of every item that has calories, put servings against servings, and if it is completely mixed, you know that a certain mass per serving is in every scoop. For instance, in chili, you have meat beans, sauce. If a serving of meat (300 grams) has 200 calories, a serving of beans (170 grams) has 220 calories, and a serving of sauce (240 grams) has 100 calories, you know that every bowl that has a mass of 710 grams has 500 calories. proportions can be made from that.