Add people who comment on this thread, make MFP friends!!



  • Jenny8511
    Jenny8511 Posts: 141 Member
    Hello! I'm 25 and I lost 43 pounds but gained some back the past few months. I was a little inactive and a lot of my old good friends deleted their accounts, so I am needing some new active friends to help me lose my last 20 pounds! Anyone please feel free to add me!
  • cherryblossombabe
    cherryblossombabe Posts: 113 Member
    Hey MFP'ers B)

    I'm 22 years old, and I currently weigh 14stone 11pounds.. Looking to lose weight and maintain muscle and achieve a goal weight of 11 stone :) please feel free to add me x
  • jazminefoley2013
    This is awesome!

    I'm Jazmine, I'm 19 from Canada and I have about 110lbs to lose for my major goal! Would love to have some friends to help me through it!
  • wireforks
    I'm in my early 30's but mentally feel a lot younger! I've gained a ton of weight sitting at a desk for the last year and a half and am very disappointed in myself, as I'd worked my way up to 10k runs (from barely being able to run for a minute) and was fitter than I'd ever been. Determined to get that back, but want to lose a few pounds before I get fully into working out again. Looking to lose 75lbs in total... it's going to be a long journey, would like to meet some people to take it with me :)
  • 721dance
    Hello all, I'm starting up again. I'd like to lose 43 lbs and know I will need friends to do this. I'm a fun and supportive friend! :)
  • budderbun
    Hi everyone. I've been around this site for a while but never really post much/add people randomly. I'm giving it a second go and thought I'd give this a try as well.

    My names Brittany, 20 years old, 220 pounds. Been heavy since I was a child but day by day changing my eating habits around and staying a little more active. Looking to lose 20 pounds as a short term goal to leave the 'obese' bmi category. Feel free to add me, I'm pretty friendly and I'm also here to help whoever else needs the support.
  • SnoopCalib
    SnoopCalib Posts: 12 Member
    Name is Hicham, 35. Ottawa canada... Looking to drop about 15 lbs (of fat) then start toning and building muscle. 3 kids, travel for work often enough, hard to get those workouts in and lug the extrax clothing around... i hate checkling luggage!! :smile:

    Add me in you live in Canada or the US - maybe our paths will cross someday!
  • Hyspin
    Hyspin Posts: 76 Member
    I am Canadian but looking to ad friends around the world. My goal is to get my body to best looking hourglass I can get, weight goal is just for the site of 135lbs. Really goals is to get from bust 36", waist 28" and hips 40" to about 36"-25.5"-39" if it is to keep the hip and chest at their current measurement I would love that more.
  • krontar1
    krontar1 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I'm Stephanie, 43 year old from Florida. I got tired of missing out on so much of life and started losing weight the beginning of this year. I have lost 63 pounds since the beginning of the year by changing my eating habits and adding regular exercise to my life. I'd like to lose about 47 more pounds. :) I didn't join MyFitnessPal until July of this year, and I wish I had found it sooner, it has been so incredibly helpful to me.
  • bananahb33
    bananahb33 Posts: 28 Member
    Hello All!

    I'm looking to loose a little weight before my wedding next year! (it's cliché, I know). I've actually been wanting to do this for a while so hopefully getting in front of everyone in that white dress is the motivation I need. I'm 23 and currently live in Chicago. Would love more connections! :smiley:
  • gbk0
    gbk0 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Garrett from Texas, 21 yrs old. I've been using MFP off and on for the last couple of years but can't seem to get past 6 weeks before slipping back into old habits. I exercise regularly but my diet is where I seem to lack discipline. I'm looking to try something new with adding friends and staying accountable that way. I'm tired of this cycle and would like to join a support network so that I can help others as well as myself. I look forward to your friend request and can't wait to start!
  • prettymrsnelson
    My name is Deborah and I'm 27 years old. Im from a small town in New Mexico, USA. I have 3 sons; Brian 10, Kellen 3, and Braxton 1. I put a lot of weight after having my two youngest and I've struggled to find the motivation to drop the 30+ pounds I'd like to lose. I've jumped up to a size 12 after being a size 6 when my husband first got married! I'm am a self confessed yo-yo dieter and fad diet junkie but I'm ready to give all that up to make some life long changes. A few non-diet/fitness facts about me: I love to cook and bake, I read as often as I can, I'm a SHM, I have an obsession with the color purple, I collect unique coffee mugs and my favorite NFL team is the Miami Dolphins. I hope to find some friends. Feel free to add me!
  • agal129
    agal129 Posts: 215 Member
    Hello all. I've lost about 40 pounds over the last 1 and 1/2 year and still going. I am looking for friends who log-in daily and keep their food diaries open. Add me if you can hold up to my standards :)
  • tjstickwood
    Ugh! Feeling a bit shy...42 yr old hockey Mom of one cool daughter and awesome son in Canada. About 60 lbs to lose. Tried everything under the sun. Now a new Type 2 diabetic on medication. Number one thing you need to know about hockey Mom's is we are SUPER-
    BUSY people. I'm not a really big chatter, but I'm very real and down to earth. Not here to complain every day or hear someone help me justify my shortcomings or chocolate intake!
  • DaFibble
    DaFibble Posts: 152 Member
    Hi! I'm a 38 yr old guy living in Canada. Looking to lose a bit and improve overall health. I work loooooong hours on a computer so need to find a way to balance that with diet, exercise and other habits.

    Add me!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I'm Stephen, 26, from New York. Lost a little under 80 lbs so far on my way to my goal of 93 lbs. I've been fat since my late teens and finally decided to do something about it three years ago. Ta-da!

    I'm a triple minority, and laugh at myself over it all the time. Disabled, gay, and black. Its a tough life [sarcasm alert]. XD I love cars and traveling. I love reading fantasy books. I'm all into Game of Thrones like WHOA.

    Friends are welcome and appreciated!
  • KarynCopia
    KarynCopia Posts: 7 Member
    I'm Karyn , trying to regain focus on feeling good about me. I feel this all starts with getting on the fitness and healthy lifestyle train. I want to drop 10+ pounds and tone up.
  • feathernaut
    feathernaut Posts: 66 Member
    I'm Amber. I'm looking to lose about 35lbs. I gained ten pounds at my new job and at least would like to get that off.

    I will be anyone's friend, I'm not at all picky unless you're a stalker or something
  • LOSTandFOUND2014
    LOSTandFOUND2014 Posts: 190 Member
    United we stand. Add me.
  • Rich71bat
    Rich71bat Posts: 195 Member
    Hi, 43 year old man from the UK. Looking to lose about 60lbs in total, my motivation being spending a long and healthy life with my wife and 3 fantastic kids.

    Anyone feel free to add me.