Ladies that lift - what can we do in 2 months?


I'm new but have been browsing my fitness pal for a while. I put on weight whilst ill 3 years ago and my metabolism slowed right down as well due to my own fault I imagine.

3 weeks ago I started a PT programme which is mainly based on strength training. A week ago I started doing insanity, but then started reading more about lifting so bought the book The Fat Burn Revolution and I'm going to start that. I might do Insanity too if I have time but I'm not sure.

My partner is away for 2 months, and I was wondering if anyone could give me any inspiration of what they've managed to do with clean eating and lifting in 2 months?

Finding eating fine as I'm eating more than I did before, just healthier stuff.



  • Oh I will continue after 2 months, but I want to surprise him so would be good to know what others have managed in this time :)
  • missylectro
    missylectro Posts: 448 Member
    2 months isn't a very long time... In a year I am able to lift 10 pounds more and eating way healthier.

    Feel free to add me for support and motivation.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Any changes in that time period will be driven by your calorie deficit much more than by your lifting routine. There's not need to eat "clean" unless that's what you enjoy, just get plenty of protein (100g is a good mark for most people) and eat at a deficit.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    In my first two+ months of MFP (June 17, 2013 to Aug 30th 2013) I logged for the first 30 days (wasn't weighing my food tho...) and did 30 DS...I lost 9 inches and 3lbs, the 2nd 30days where I was weighing my food I lost 4 inches and 5lbs...

    So in total after just over 2months I lost 13 inches and 8lbs

    I could do non modified pushups galore, situps, planks etc.

    I started at 178 and very soft and weak (I am ex military so the weakness didn't last long)
  • Thanks guys!

    That's helpful SezxyStef. I'm about 151 now and 5'5. I'm interested to know how much difference I can make so I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully it'll be noticeable at least.

    I do want to eat clean as it means it's easier to eat more and regularly. Before I would just eat rubbish and not very often and I think that was part of the reason for my weight gain! :)
  • Anyone else got any results from this kind of thing? :)
  • I just got done doing a whole 30 challenge and i saw amazing results in weight loss, better skin, sleeping better and more energy! i recommend it highly!
  • burkalurkk wrote: »
    I just got done doing a whole 30 challenge and i saw amazing results in weight loss, better skin, sleeping better and more energy! i recommend it highly!
    that's awesome :) what kind of results did you see?
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Anyone else got any results from this kind of thing? :)

    From what kind of thing? Eating at a deficit and lifting? Yeah, most of us have gotten results from that kind of thing.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Anyone else got any results from this kind of thing? :)

    From what kind of thing? Eating at a deficit and lifting? Yeah, most of us have gotten results from that kind of thing.

    results in 2 months...what can be expected...

  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I focus more on 6 month results so I can't give you exacts. But when I eat cleaner my skin is clearer, my mood is better, I sleep better, I feel healthier, I workout harder. So props for leaning towards good food. And lifting has definitely helped me shred pounds and change shape. The first 6 months of this year I lost a measly 2 pounds but kept getting compliments for losing weight....I lost a ton of inches ;)

    Results are determined by how much work you put in. Are you going "ham" and doing a ton of lifting 5 times a week? You'll see better results than if you lift 2 times a week. But I think 2 months is long enough to notice changes if you are switching up your diet and exercise routine and put in a solid effort.

    Best of luck!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I don't eat "clean", I eat foods that I like, but I do lift. A couple months of a solid, heavy lifting program will make a difference in your appearance when coupled with a reasonable calorie deficit.

    After two months, I didn't have massive progress as far as numbers, but my body did look more defined and less jiggly.
  • esjones12 wrote: »
    I focus more on 6 month results so I can't give you exacts. But when I eat cleaner my skin is clearer, my mood is better, I sleep better, I feel healthier, I workout harder. So props for leaning towards good food. And lifting has definitely helped me shred pounds and change shape. The first 6 months of this year I lost a measly 2 pounds but kept getting compliments for losing weight....I lost a ton of inches ;)

    Results are determined by how much work you put in. Are you going "ham" and doing a ton of lifting 5 times a week? You'll see better results than if you lift 2 times a week. But I think 2 months is long enough to notice changes if you are switching up your diet and exercise routine and put in a solid effort.

    Best of luck!

    Thanks!! That sounds great!

    I don't know what ham means but yeah I'm going to try and do it 5/6 times a week following this book. I think some of the days are HIIT cardio though to mix things up a bit. I'm very determined and can't stop thinking about it so fingers crossed! I am actually having trouble getting my mind off it and keep reading posts and forums and things, which isn't good as I'm self employed and need to work! Ahh!

    Thanks for your reply :)
  • I don't eat "clean", I eat foods that I like, but I do lift. A couple months of a solid, heavy lifting program will make a difference in your appearance when coupled with a reasonable calorie deficit.

    After two months, I didn't have massive progress as far as numbers, but my body did look more defined and less jiggly.

    Thanks! Maybe I don't really know what eating clean means I don't know, but before my diet was so crap that I feel like any changes I have made are pretty clean. I'm trying to eat protein and vegetables and things.

    Thanks for the reply - I hope it is noticeable. Even if it's just a bit less of a jiggle!
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    edited October 2014
    Ham = crazy! Sorry might be a local term, haha. If you are following a well designed program you should be fine lifting 5/6 times a week. Just make sure to listen to your body and back off if you are tired and overly sore or weak as you'll be more prone to injury.

    Sounds like a fun exciting way to pass the two months until your partner returns! Don't forget before and after pictures!!

    In general "clean" eating refers to organic unprocessed types of foods. So prepackaged Lean Cuisines are not included. But fresh salads, fruits, etc are. Do a quick Google search. Different places will say different things but you can get a gist of it and follow what is best suited for your lifestyle!
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    I don't eat "clean", I eat foods that I like, but I do lift. A couple months of a solid, heavy lifting program will make a difference in your appearance when coupled with a reasonable calorie deficit.

    After two months, I didn't have massive progress as far as numbers, but my body did look more defined and less jiggly.

    ^^ This, just start lifting.
    Squats (even body) can make a big difference in 2 months!
  • esjones12 wrote: »
    Ham = crazy! Sorry might be a local term, haha. If you are following a well designed program you should be fine lifting 5/6 times a week. Just make sure to listen to your body and back off if you are tired and overly sore or weak as you'll be more prone to injury.

    Sounds like a fun exciting way to pass the two months until your partner returns! Don't forget before and after pictures!!

    Haha then yes I am going to go as ham as possible!! I'll be sensible though thank you :) .

    I know I hope he notices :p we will have to wait and see. Either way it will be a change for the better, even if it takes a bit longer to start working than I am hoping. Eurgh I have taken a before photo, not enjoying it but I know I will be thankful in a few months when I want to convince myself it's worth it :)
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    I don't quite get what you're asking.. do you mean in terms of lift progress? Weight loss? Body composition?

    2 months is not a lot of time, although for weight loss you can achieve a fair bit in that time depending on how much weight you have to lose. While in my deficit, I haven't made that many increases in my lifts, although I did double my deadlift, also increased squat and back work all within the same time frame (6-8 months) but I was NOT in a calorie deficit when much of those increases happened. Being in a calorie deficit means maintaining and possibly deloading a bit due to lack of energy. Programs need to be adapted as well to ensure you are not doing too much volume while in a deficit.

    Also weight loss has nothing to do wtih eating healthier and all to do with a calorie deficit, so if weight loss is still your goal then.. you need to still be tracking how much you eat.

    Also, as a newbie to lifting you will make faster progress. I was a novice/intermediate when I made my increases, as I'd been lifting on and off for ~2 years but never followng a proper program (I've devised my own program now) nor having proper rest periods. But newbies benefit from the ability to increase strength and muscle (if in a surplus) faster than those who have been at it longer. Similar to how weight loss is usually fastest at the beginning even if you don't have that much to lose.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 656 Member
    Here's a pic.. This is my before/after over 7-8 weeks while following NROLFW stage 1, ate at a 20-25% deficit with high protein and gained 3 lbs...9tff9qp05d3l.jpg
  • Here's a pic.. This is my before/after over 7-8 weeks while following NROLFW stage 1, ate at a 20-25% deficit with high protein and gained 3 lbs...9tff9qp05d3l.jpg

    Awesome! You look much sleeker, goes to show that the scales shouldn't be what you monitor by :) .

    Do you find it hard to be critical of your own photos and tell yourself whether you have made a difference?