I eat junk food... but only 1200 calories worth..



  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    As a girl, I naturally love chocolate, and I love eating sweets and junk food when I get stressed...but if you're putting in the time and effort to LOSE weight, don't you think you at least owe it to yourself to adopt a healthier lifestyle so you won't be gaining/losing the same weight for the rest of your life?? If I'm going to lose all this weight, I'm going to make sure that it never comes back!!
  • MaribelDM
    MaribelDM Posts: 12
    I just had a bag of SMALL Doritos.... it's okay. it was a craving. I'm done with it.. Now, back to my plan!!
  • Eskimopie
    Eskimopie Posts: 235 Member
    I mean, I'm not skinny, but not overweight, and my diet isn't great (it swings from pretty healthy to wayyy too much sugar), and at 23 I just got diagnosed with high cholesterol...so I wouldn't recommend it! I'm trying to cut back on junk because it starts impacting you YOUNG.
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    Not to sound patronising but you're only 18, age is on your side. Yeah it's crap that you're eating so don't be surprised if you feel tired and sluggish, in all honesty this is pretty much the way I ate at your age too ... I did party hard and dance my *kitten* off most nights of the week and I did maintain/lose weight between 8-9st BUT here it is ... it WILL catch up with you x
  • I was pretty much the same until I started this diary. Many meals of mine would be a chocolate bar and a cup of tea or squash and then I would have a small sized dinner of oven chips or smiley faces and some sort of frozen breaded processed chicken or maybe frozen pizza. No vegetables or exercise ever.

    I'm starting to feel more lively now I'm improving my diet a little. Ive been over every day since I started but today went a little better. :)
    I wanna get to 8 stone and I have the same calorie target of 1200 a day. It is really tricky trying to get under it. I'm hoping to lose weight on my bottom half I have fat over what used to be muscley legs but it seems to keep coming off my upper half of my body which is already small and flat and I'm not in proportion.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    one thing i DO know is if you keep having that type of food regularly, whether it fits in your calories for the day or not, you will continue to crave it. *S*

    so i guess it depends on whether you are trying to retrain your body to expect healthy foods instead, or not *S*
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Not healthy

    You eat crisps for breakfast? How does that wake your body up after it's long night fast? You can't point cheap oil in a car and expect it to run properly for long hauls. You're doing your body a dis-service by putting junk food in it. If you add a bit more fruits/veggies I'm sure you'd feel better and lose weight quicker.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member

  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Why, may I ask, would you even want to do that. Don't you feel terrible? I know when I eat a bunch of crap I feel like crap. Again, do you want to be thin or healthy; there is a big difference.
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    Is that ok? If you just have a quick skim through my food diary and see I still eat crisps, bread, chocolate bars, etc.. but I still manage to stay within 1200 calories. So.. is this okay?

    I never really had a problem with it in the past, but my scales recently broke and so I'm not going to be able to see if it's working still. I still can't help but feel a bit guilty.

    LOL. I'm in the same boat to a point... I'm not making an effort to just eat junk food but it's a hard habit to break. I eat healthy food as well though but about 1/3 of my calories come from crappy food on most days :/
  • No. Imagine what you're doing to your arteries and your body in general. Your cholestrol levels will fly through the roof, and you will be eating saturated fats, which are bad fats and will increase your risk of diabetes and heart disease. Just because you're slim it doesn't mean that you won't get any problems - because eventually, you will! Non-processed foods is the best way to go. l am not saying to cut out junk forever, it is OK to have in moderation but like l said - bad health effects will catch up.

    Only 'obese and fat' people will get high cholestrol, heart disease and diabetes.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I also eat some unhealthy foods...like today I had a muffin and a starbucks and stuff. But I don't understand why you buy food which is 1) unhealthy and 2) more expensive. Yeah you will lose weight but I really don't get how you can afford to buy all that prepackaged stuff when it's so much cheaper to buy a pack of pasta and a tin of tomatoes. You would probably end up eating less because it would not just be sugar rush food too so you'd have calories left over for yummy unhealthy stuff - but because you really want it not just out of habit.
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    Just looked at your diary. That is a lot of junk haha =P
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    Lol! You ARE joking?! Right?
  • hellen72
    hellen72 Posts: 144 Member
    When I started on here my priority was to get my cal down to 1200 net, this meant a large propertion was junk. Once I had the calories under control I then started replacing some of the junk with fruit.

    In the short term it is ok if that's what you need to eat to satisfy cravings as if you dont have the junk you may crave it anyway and just overeat. But, not ok ling term. So once you are used to 1200 cal then start a little at a time switching. I havnt looked at your diary but from what others say it sounds bad. Maybe start with having a banana instead of a packet of crisps then the next week swap something else
  • To each his own. With 1200 calories I really dont think i'd waste 200 on kitkats though....just sayin.

    I agree!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    When I started on here my priority was to get my cal down to 1200 net, this meant a large propertion was junk. Once I had the calories under control I then started replacing some of the junk with fruit.

    In the short term it is ok if that's what you need to eat to satisfy cravings as if you dont have the junk you may crave it anyway and just overeat. But, not ok ling term. So once you are used to 1200 cal then start a little at a time switching. I havnt looked at your diary but from what others say it sounds bad. Maybe start with having a banana instead of a packet of crisps then the next week swap something else

    I appreciate that this worked for you, but for me when I started on MFP it was important that I cut out the junk so I stopped eating crisps and biscuits regularly - however I am a firm believer in the odd treat if that's what keeps you going. For me though the main thing about eating whole grains and more fruit and veggies is that you feel so much fuller and because you aren't hungry you are less likely to snack or feel deprived. Basically for your 1200 calories you can get much more volume of whole foods than if you eat calorie dense processed junk.

    That is just what works for me, I know everyone is different, OP I wish you luck in your MFP journey.
  • mommacool
    mommacool Posts: 138 Member
    NO! You reap what you sow. Eat healthy and you will reap the rewards. Your body needs good nutrition to function properly.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Aren't you hungry a lot of the time?
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