anti-depressants and weight-gain



  • Lyndzo
    Lyndzo Posts: 142
    I was on Paxil for nearly 2 years (for anxiety though) and I advise NOT to go on that one. I worked out hard and ate well for nearly four months and lost a whopping 12 pounds. I later found out that it was probably the Paxil that was causing me not to lose and had probably caused me to gain a few pounds when I went on. Also, it's one of the hardest medications to get off of and when you do the side effects are horrible. Luckily I am finally off of it and starting my journey over again.
  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    I have been of the same thought....trying to amange it with diet and exercise. I have a sister that is bi-polar...and she has been on and off meds practically her whole life. Some help some don't...then I also see her NOT helping herself which makes me crazy.

    I have added omega-3's cause I read they help with depression, I exercise more now then EVER before (not that that is sayin much), I take, a multi, biotin, iron, etc. (mainly since i am a gastric bypass patient 4 years ago...vits for life). Some days are ok. some not. reason...just blah...sitting at my desk at work in near tears and no reason for it. It is taking everything I have to maintain composure and get ANY work done.
  • amacd999
    amacd999 Posts: 19 Member
    I was on Wellbutrin in the past and it didn't make me gain anything but I had a lot of insomnia from it. I was off them for a few years and am now on Pristiq and so far no adverse side effects at all. No weight gain. If anything I am eating less now than before. I don't have as big an appetite - especially for anything sweet. A little goes a long way now. Hope you can find something that works for you!
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    I have been of the same thought....trying to amange it with diet and exercise. I have a sister that is bi-polar...and she has been on and off meds practically her whole life. Some help some don't...then I also see her NOT helping herself which makes me crazy.

    I have added omega-3's cause I read they help with depression, I exercise more now then EVER before (not that that is sayin much), I take, a multi, biotin, iron, etc. (mainly since i am a gastric bypass patient 4 years ago...vits for life). Some days are ok. some not. reason...just blah...sitting at my desk at work in near tears and no reason for it. It is taking everything I have to maintain composure and get ANY work done.
    Awww....sweetie, I know how you feel. I'm on Celexa and haven't gained any weight. I finally gave up trying to "white-knuckle" it without any meds and I was miserable. My doc finally talked me into trying Celexa, which is a antidepressant AND anti-anxiety. Worked like a charm. Hang in there and let us know if you need to talk. Hugs!!
  • lmcd1377
    lmcd1377 Posts: 2
    I quit smoking 5 months ago after 32 years and gained alot of weight. I felt terrible about life and myself and cried all the time. I think I was starting perimentapause . My dr. gave me Citalopram and I have felt so much better. I quit crying, am happy, started my fitness pal and started walking miles every day. I am now loosing the weight. I wish I had went on this years ago.
  • lmcd1377
    lmcd1377 Posts: 2
    I also starded taking D3 everyday. I think it helps with your moods too!
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    There is no shame in taking medication when you need it. You owe it to your new baby to be the best mom you can be, which means taking care of yourself first and foremost.

    That being said, I've been on antidepressants for about 10 years now, and celexa has worked the best. However, there was a LOT of trial and error to find the best combination/type/dosage. And, as life events change, so too does the dosage. Get started on it quickly before it gets worse. You can't just "fix" this yourself -- depression is more than just "being strong"; it's a chemical imbalance.

    Additionally, you should be more concerned with feeling better than weight gain. Depression can become severe and potentially threaten your life if left uncontrolled. Many medications won't make you gain weight, but the could increase cravings, causing you to put on weight if you choose to eat (similar to birth control).

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Dellonious1
    Dellonious1 Posts: 209
    Efexor xr is what i take...
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    I had PPD/PND with my daughter. It was absolute hell by the time I finally sought medical intervention. I was on anti-depressants for just under a year, and it is soooo good to be myself again. I am able to be healthy mentally for myself and my family (and I'm no longer bursting into tears for no reason). It wasn't until I was mentally well that I was able to finally deal with my physical health. Diet and exercise can help to elevate your mood, but a serious depression needs to be handled with the help of people with the right training (medical or psyschological).

    Sometimes PPD/PND is linked with thyroid problems (which is was in my case, so I'm now on medication for that as well). If that is the case, you cannot make yourself better, and with your system out of balance, losing weight or keeping weight off can be even harder.

    Please be kind to yourself and get some help.
  • popchex
    popchex Posts: 52 Member
    I'm taking zoloft and haven't gained anything. I haven't lost anything either, but then I haven't really tried until now. I just wanted to say that I know it takes a lot to say you need help. I was trying to "go it alone" and do it without medication, but honestly wish I had gone to my doctor sooner, because the quality of life we have now is so much better. Good luck!
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