Will my small breast size decrease even more with weight loss?

Hi I am currently 9st 6lbs and I already have only a 34 A cup, sometimes I believe AA in some bras, anyway, none of the weight goes in that area clearly, but goes all to my hips, thighs and belly, yuck! So I have been on a diet, mainly just to loose the chub and the flab in those areas so haven't thought how many pounds I really want to loose as just going by how I look! Doing this I have been eating around 1200-1400 I know some think its not enough but I eat when I'm hungry so I am not starving myself! And about 4-5 times a week I have been going to the gym using the equipment such as cross trainer, elliptical bike, the rowing machine and hand bike. Now this week I dared to go over into the weight section! I have been doing squats, using the power plate, leg press machine and those machines that work your arms and legs lol I don't have a clue what they're called! But my question is, will my breast size go even smaller with this weight loss?? I don't want to loose any more size as there's barly anything there to begin with!!! Also, I want to know what strength training to do that will not make my waist stomach or thighs look bigger especially my waist look wider!! Just want to be toned, thank you!


  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    I was that size until children no they wont shrink they cant really the back number might. how tall are you? and age? id recommend lifting if its definition you want. i do the 30 day shred i would recommend it as it is designed to create a curvy shape that you make shoulders wider, waist narrower etc ive had 3 children and it works for me
  • dlj1405
    dlj1405 Posts: 66 Member
    I was that size until children no they wont shrink they cant really the back number might. how tall are you? and age? id recommend lifting if its definition you want. i do the 30 day shred i would recommend it as it is designed to create a curvy shape that you make shoulders wider, waist narrower etc ive had 3 children and it works for me
    I'm about 5ft 4 inch and I'm 19, shoulders are already pretty wide wouldn't want to make them wider aha!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    yeah i was only ever a decent A cup and they have goooooooooooooone since losing a load of bodyfat...

    i would go with a small deficit - aim to lose 0.5lb per week and a decent strength/resistance routine.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    35lb weight loss saw me lose a strap size and go down a cup size from a 36DD to a 34D - so I reckon I lost 2 cup sizes as if your back goes down and your boobs stay the same you go up a cup size to compensate

    but I had a lot to lose so you'll probably lose less <fingers crossed>

  • dlj1405
    dlj1405 Posts: 66 Member
    yeah i was only ever a decent A cup and they have goooooooooooooone since losing a load of bodyfat...

    i would go with a small deficit - aim to lose 0.5lb per week and a decent strength/resistance routine.

    Sigh :( didn't think there was anything to loose there!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    yeah i was only ever a decent A cup and they have goooooooooooooone since losing a load of bodyfat...

    i would go with a small deficit - aim to lose 0.5lb per week and a decent strength/resistance routine.

    Sigh :( didn't think there was anything to loose there!

    me neither, but i have lost loads from my upper body, while my thighs and stomach have been rather stubborn... its getting there though, you just have to be patient when its the vanity pounds and make sure you're preserving LBM so you dont still look flabby.
  • dlj1405
    dlj1405 Posts: 66 Member
    yeah i was only ever a decent A cup and they have goooooooooooooone since losing a load of bodyfat...

    i would go with a small deficit - aim to lose 0.5lb per week and a decent strength/resistance routine.

    Sigh :( didn't think there was anything to loose there!

    me neither, but i have lost loads from my upper body, while my thighs and stomach have been rather stubborn... its getting there though, you just have to be patient when its the vanity pounds and make sure you're preserving LBM so you dont still look flabby.

    If I do cardio mainly but strength training like squats, leg presses and stuff will that work or do I need to do more strength?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    yeah i was only ever a decent A cup and they have goooooooooooooone since losing a load of bodyfat...

    i would go with a small deficit - aim to lose 0.5lb per week and a decent strength/resistance routine.

    Sigh :( didn't think there was anything to loose there!

    me neither, but i have lost loads from my upper body, while my thighs and stomach have been rather stubborn... its getting there though, you just have to be patient when its the vanity pounds and make sure you're preserving LBM so you dont still look flabby.

    If I do cardio mainly but strength training like squats, leg presses and stuff will that work or do I need to do more strength?

    i would do full body - you want nice arms and shoulders even if you cant get your cleavage out as mcuh any more!!!
  • dlj1405
    dlj1405 Posts: 66 Member
    yeah i was only ever a decent A cup and they have goooooooooooooone since losing a load of bodyfat...

    i would go with a small deficit - aim to lose 0.5lb per week and a decent strength/resistance routine.

    Sigh :( didn't think there was anything to loose there!

    me neither, but i have lost loads from my upper body, while my thighs and stomach have been rather stubborn... its getting there though, you just have to be patient when its the vanity pounds and make sure you're preserving LBM so you dont still look flabby.

    If I do cardio mainly but strength training like squats, leg presses and stuff will that work or do I need to do more strength?

    i would do full body - you want nice arms and shoulders even if you cant get your cleavage out as mcuh any more!!!

    Ok thanks! I'm just struggling on how to exercise and eat right as I see a lot of sites and information that contradict each other!!
    Surely working your pectorals would help you maintain some chest size?
  • T_Ciku
    T_Ciku Posts: 133 Member
    I've always been a member of the itty bitty titty committee. Then I gained weight and I got some pretty awesome breasts. Which were the first things to go when I started losing. And I haven't even lost that much already. My body just loves to store fat in my hip area. Nothing I can do about it. :neutral_face: I feel your struggle.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Buy implants.
  • dlj1405
    dlj1405 Posts: 66 Member
    T_Ciku wrote: »
    I've always been a member of the itty bitty titty committee. Then I gained weight and I got some pretty awesome breasts. Which were the first things to go when I started losing. And I haven't even lost that much already. My body just loves to store fat in my hip area. Nothing I can do about it. :neutral_face: I feel your struggle.

    Awful isn't it, I am happy with my small breasts now if only I looked I'm proportion! I have a big belly! If I lost that belly I think I'd be happy with them but just don't want the, to decrease more in doing so !
  • dlj1405
    dlj1405 Posts: 66 Member
    Surely working your pectorals would help you maintain some chest size?

    What exercises would those be?
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Surely working your pectorals would help you maintain some chest size?

    What exercises would those be?

    Bench Presses

  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    T_Ciku wrote: »
    I've always been a member of the itty bitty titty committee. Then I gained weight and I got some pretty awesome breasts. Which were the first things to go when I started losing. And I haven't even lost that much already. My body just loves to store fat in my hip area. Nothing I can do about it. :neutral_face: I feel your struggle.

    Awful isn't it, I am happy with my small breasts now if only I looked I'm proportion! I have a big belly! If I lost that belly I think I'd be happy with them but just don't want the, to decrease more in doing so !

    Look into heavy lifting... Stronglifts 5X5, New Rules of Lifting for Women, and Starting Strength are all good programs.
  • dlj1405
    dlj1405 Posts: 66 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    Surely working your pectorals would help you maintain some chest size?

    What exercises would those be?

    Bench Presses

    I don't mind strength training as long as I don't do certain exercises that make my waist wider cause I'm trying to slim it down to make it propitiational!
  • Docbanana2002
    Docbanana2002 Posts: 357 Member
    They might, but the rest of you will shrink too so it will be proportional. I actually look much more chesty after losing weight. Went from 42D to 36DD because my rib cage shrunk faster than the breasts, and my belly being flatter makes my chest more prominent.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    Surely working your pectorals would help you maintain some chest size?

    What exercises would those be?

    Bench Presses

    I don't mind strength training as long as I don't do certain exercises that make my waist wider cause I'm trying to slim it down to make it propitiational!

    You don't get to choose where the fat goes or what comes off first.
  • BrittanyMG3
    BrittanyMG3 Posts: 163 Member
    I was in a push up B cup before I had my children, I was 125lbs. After I had my son I put on too much weight and shot up to 220lbs. I was in a (tight) DD. Today, I am back down to 128lbs and still in a C cup. I don't know if it is only from having children, It's only a guess from my experience, but I don't think that breasts will go much smaller than their natural size. I know how I felt when I was in a B cup, and I know you are smaller than that, but be patient. If down the road, having children is something you want in your future, you won't be stuck in an A cup forever. :) but either way, be happy with what you have even if it's a little less! I know plenty of men (including my husband) that love smaller breasts. :stuck_out_tongue: (^_^)