I am crawling back to MFP

Hi to All:

My name is Lisa and this is my first time on the message board. This is my second attempt at MFP. In 2012 I followed MFP for 6 months and lost a total of 79lbs. I felt great. Somehow stress, medication, and frustration gave way to my success and I slowly gave up on myself and the 79lbs crept back.

I am now enrolled in the Gastric Sleeve Program for the 6th time. Yikes!! My youngest daughter inspired me to try MFP again but I am afraid to drop out of the GS program yet again.
Has anyone out there been in my shoes? What helped you to make your final descision?

I have been dieting and exercising off and on for the past 26years. I don't want to give up but I feel like GS surgery may be an additional tool the Medical field offers to help persons like myself.

I'm sorry to be so blue. I would love to hear what others have to say. Please be kind.
Thank you for your time


  • CariJean64
    CariJean64 Posts: 297 Member
    I don't understand. Your profile says you only plan to lose 13 pounds.

    What is your total amount to lose to meet your goal?
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    Add me if you'd like and we can chat. I have three relatives who have had this done.
  • itsfeast4dabeast
    itsfeast4dabeast Posts: 21 Member
    Welcome back to mfp. I just came back myself. Good luck on your journey
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    welcome back...and best of luck!
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    I have a friend who recently got it done and while she has had success losing weight it has come at a cost as well. She often gets sick if she eats the wrong thing, etc.

    I think if you are about to die if you don't do it, it is an option, but only after all other things fail.

    It sounds like you had success before following MFP and your daughter may be on to something. Does something bad happen if you drop out of the sleeve program? Can you keep on moving forward with the sleeve program while trying MFP again and give yourself a little more time to decide?

    80 lbs is a lot to gain in a year/year and half so I can understand why you might feel like you have to explore surgery, but is it possible that your issue with weight gain is more mental than physical?

    I'd want to make sure there was a physical reason why I needed the surgery and not just mental roadblocks that were the source of my weight gain. I know they make you do classes and such before gastric surgery but do you have intense (weekly) regular sessions with a therapist to address any mental/emotional roadblocks before hand?

    It's sad there is such a stigma to mental health counseling because most people could probably benefit from such things. I hope they do require intense therapy for people undergoing gastric surgery because it is such a huge change to your life and not all of it feels like it's for the better.

    There are a few gastric surgery groups on here I'd recommend you join so you can get more feedback from people who have had the surgery who are familiar with MFP. Best of luck to you no matter what you choose! Step 1 is always showing up so you've come that far at least :)
  • stonegirldancing42
    stonegirldancing42 Posts: 76 Member
    If it helps - I'm looking to lose 60, after gaining 50 really fast. I'm losing slowly but steadily. You can do it, too. Be gentle with yourself and your daughter sounds like an awesome support system!
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    Welcome back!

    I don't know anything about gastric sleeves, but I'm back on MFP for the second time too. I joined in 2012 and lost 84lbs. Unfortunately during the past 12 months I suffered a nerve injury in my leg which stopped me running, plus changed jobs to one where I am sat at a desk most of the day. I took my eye off the ball and put at least half of that back on.

    Now I'm back and trying to lose around 21-28lbs to put myself safely back within a healthy BMI. I'm not aiming to lose it all again as I think I was too thin and a little bit obsessed about it at my lowest weight. But I do want to be a lower weight than I am now.

    I was shocked at how easily the weight went back on. But I wasn't tracking and clearly can't maintain without it. At least this time when I hit goal weight I will know not to get complacent.
  • Ruth4111gut
    Ruth4111gut Posts: 289 Member
    welcome back... feel free to add me and best of luck! :)
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    I think the problem (at least it was for me) is taking days off. One day off turns into two, then a week, and before you know it you haven't logged in for several months! You need to make sure you login every day. Even if you don't feel like it, force yourself to do it. As for exercise, unless you're in the hospital/bedridden, make sure you do at least something every day. Take one rest day per week (it should be the same day every week) and the rest of the days you have to do at least something. If you're sick, it could be going for a short walk, something light. If you're feeling well, alternate cardio (jogging, swimming, dancing/Zumba, etc.) and strength training days. It's about forming good habits even if you don't feel like it. Once the habit is formed it will be easy to remember to do it. It's just the beginning that's hard and then it's hard to start back up after taking time off from it.
  • Pebbles5280
    Pebbles5280 Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome back. Don't be discouraged, there's a lot of support here. We've all tried and failed but thankfully tomorrow is another day and we can try again.

    Feel free to add me in your friends, I can use all the support and motivation I can find and I'm happy to do the same in return.