Having Trouble Being Proud of Myself During The Process(Not Just The End)

So in the last 2weeks, I lost 5 more pounds. That puts me at 11pounds of loss in three weeks. That should be great. 2lbs last week and 3lbs the week before. Something makes me feel like I won't be satisified or happy until I'm at goal. How do you celebrate the steps along the way? Part of me feels like it's not right, like I'm going to get back on the scale or on a different scale and it's going to tell me I've lost nothing at all. I know that's highly unlikely. I see subtle changes in my body. I can't be the only one being hard on myself or having emotional issues to get past. How do you guys get past the emotional stuff?


  • IvyLuci
    IvyLuci Posts: 117 Member
    I would stop focusing on the scale and numbers. Your weight fluctuates during the day and is not an accurate indicator of anything.
    What I would do instead is focus on other things. Do you do any type of exercise? Set goals for yourslf, whether it is how far or how fast you can run, how much you can lift or how many pushups you can do.
  • missjazminenicole
    missjazminenicole Posts: 379 Member
    I do 45-60 minutes at the gym about 3 times a week. I usually take a fitness class or 2. I broke my goals into smaller sections. But the goals were all size related. Your idea to set fitness goals is something I'm going to try. Also, I started at 220 and I am now 209 but my first mini goal was to get to ONEderland. I think a 20 lbs mini goal may have been too much. I have 10lbs left to get there so I'm looking at another 3 weeks, which means technically, I'm 3 weeks in and I'll be 6weeks in before I ever reach a goal. Maybe it's my goals I need to reevaluate.

    IvyLuci wrote: »
    I would stop focusing on the scale and numbers. Your weight fluctuates during the day and is not an accurate indicator of anything.
    What I would do instead is focus on other things. Do you do any type of exercise? Set goals for yourslf, whether it is how far or how fast you can run, how much you can lift or how many pushups you can do.

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    It was hard for me to get excited about the first 5 pounds or so. I only had 20ish to lose so after 10 I felt pretty hot. I think it's all relative. You're going to notice a bigger difference after your next 5 pounds or so and it will keep you motivated.
  • lizzyrose418
    lizzyrose418 Posts: 19 Member
    Honestly, I had to break down my main goal into smaller goals. Although I'm still not a huge fan of what I see when I look in the mirror, I am happy with myself because I know that I am doing EVERYTHING in my power to get to my bigger goal.

    Go easy on yourself! It's so easy to get discouraged, and you have to make sure that you slow down to enjoy the process. Do you feel better with the new foods that you're eating? Is your skin clearing up?

    You got this! Trust the process, and keep doing what you're doing! :)
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    I'm with LizzyRose ... I broke it down to small steps. I dropped 100+ in <10 months, and I gave myself a big pat on the back for every 10 lbs dropped, and inch off the waist (down from 44+ to 36-). I wanted to celebrate with cake at each point, but that's what got me there in the first place, so I celebrated with stuff ... a Fitbit at about 30 lbs down, and at heart rate monitor at about 60 lbs down. I also bought a few new items of clothing along the way, so I could look better while I was feeling better. Definitely do something nice for yourself as you achieve you mini milestones along the way.

    Best of luck!