Have certain foods ever surprised you with their calorie content? Good or bad?



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    lexbubbles wrote: »
    MamaRiss wrote: »
    WRT "holy hell why so high?!" pile. Turkish delight. Like, I know why it's so high. I get it. But when I make my own and cut it into 40 little squares and THOSE are still 40+ cal each it makes me sad (ditto fudge)

    Oh my, I love Turkish delight. Especially with Bosnian (or turkish) coffee. It's a good thing it isn't readily available here

    I'll send you some when I next make a batch because if I'm going down I'm taking someone with me

    I'll await @MamaRiss's sabotage thread :laugh:
  • berz82
    berz82 Posts: 100 Member
    edited October 2014
    one packet of Walkers - Ranch Raccoon Crisps, 40 g for 210 cals! no wonder people get fat. and couple that with a mars bar for another 200 and a can of coke lol
  • sunsetbeach1
    sunsetbeach1 Posts: 16 Member
    jvs125 wrote: »
    Yup, this morning! I made up this recipe for homemade nutella with only good for you ingredients. I thought it would still be super high in calories, but only 42cal per tablespoon!! Yay!!

    Sounds good, what's the recipe?
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    Yes. This may be silly, but I never expected a slice of pecan pie to have so many calories. The brand I ate had way more calories than a slice of cheesecake. And, I had two slices at that.

    I was given this at work where phones are prohibited, so I couldn't look it up, but I thought I had enough calories to fit it into my day. Boy was I wrong.
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    lexbubbles wrote: »
    MamaRiss wrote: »
    WRT "holy hell why so high?!" pile. Turkish delight. Like, I know why it's so high. I get it. But when I make my own and cut it into 40 little squares and THOSE are still 40+ cal each it makes me sad (ditto fudge)

    Oh my, I love Turkish delight. Especially with Bosnian (or turkish) coffee. It's a good thing it isn't readily available here

    I'll send you some when I next make a batch because if I'm going down I'm taking someone with me

    I'll await @MamaRiss's sabotage thread :laugh:

    I already made one of those, can't over do the sabotage threads. Don't want to get eaten alive on here :)

  • ViolaLeeBlueberry
    ViolaLeeBlueberry Posts: 182 Member
    Coconut! 159 calories for a two inch by two inch square?!?!? That's not a piece. That's a sliver. A postage stamp. A square tiddly-wink.

    So what would a bag of trail mix with coconut in it be? 15,000 calories? I think coconut may be the new solution to world hunger. The heck with peanut butter and sacks of USAID rice. Pass out little gift bags of coconut slivers. One baggie would apparently feed a whole village. :smile:
  • misswhitney1
    misswhitney1 Posts: 72 Member
    Breakfast cereal. Not so much the calorie count itself, but the calories to serving size ratio.

    Right? 2/3 c of cereal does not make a breakfast, whoever came up with that as a serving size is nuts.
  • DayByDayGetStronger
    DayByDayGetStronger Posts: 108 Member
    I made vegetable Thai curry with tilapia last night and was surprised that even with the light coconut milk and rice/potatoes it only came out to 370 calories per portion :) And it was soooo tasty!
    Costco pizza at the food court window was the biggest heartbreak of my life. How can a slice of cheese pizza have 660calories?? I haven't eaten it since and probably never will. There are better pizzas out there for that many dang calories.
  • DayByDayGetStronger
    DayByDayGetStronger Posts: 108 Member
    amykhughes wrote: »
    Twizzlers. I thought they were a decent choice as far as candy calories are concerned but the package from the checkout lane was over 500 calories (it was king size, but seriously not a huge package). Um, no! If I'm going to blow 500 calories on candy, it will be chocolate!

    Yesss! Every time I'm at the checkout and want an innocent "little" chocolate treat, I am so saddened by how even M&Ms plain are about 220 calories in that little bag. So not worth it. Only on occasion do I get the pretzel M&M bag. 160 calories is still quite a lot for a little taste of chocolate. I try to only buy them when I am with my husband or someone else so I can share the guilt. :) On the other hand, 7-11 sells a 3-pack cookie (choc chip, peanut butter, snickerdoodles, etc) at the register. Each cookie is a good size and about 140 calories. Much more worth it, IMO. And they are only $1.29 for the 3.
    Here's what I do though, I open the package before I walk out of the store, take 1 cookie out with one hand and toss the other 3 in the big trash next to the front door. May seem like a waste of money, but I'd rather waste the 80cents than have it add to the cellulite on my butt! If I were to bring all 3 cookies into the car with me, you know I would eat them immediately.

  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    I was shocked when I discovered that banana's are virtually fat-free. I always assumed they were high fat because they have a lot of body and add so much body to desserts and smoothies, similar to an avocado.

  • hungrymarathongirl
    hungrymarathongirl Posts: 444 Member
    I was shocked to find how many calories are in my delicious coffee creamer. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LIVE WITHOUT IT??? :neutral_face:

    I know! Try looking for sugar free and do half creamer and half milk.

  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    edited October 2014
    Matahairi wrote: »
    I made vegetable Thai curry with tilapia last night and was surprised that even with the light coconut milk and rice/potatoes it only came out to 370 calories per portion :) And it was soooo tasty!
    Costco pizza at the food court window was the biggest heartbreak of my life. How can a slice of cheese pizza have 660calories?? I haven't eaten it since and probably never will. There are better pizzas out there for that many dang calories.

    A slice of Costco pizza is like 3x the size of a slice of most other pizzas. Try buying a whole pizza, it won't even fit in the shopping cart.
  • nicolemviolette
    nicolemviolette Posts: 105 Member
    The first time i was shocked about how many calories were in things was when i first started my fitness journey and learned what a calorie WAS and how many i was actually consuming in a day (fast food, candy bars, energy drinks almost every day, sodas, pasta, basically whatever tasted good) so when i started reading labels i was SHOCKED that i didnt weigh 500 pounds. Lol. Some things that surprise me calorie weise... olive oil, and subway sandwiches! I had a sandwich once, (a footlong because im a piggy) and the total calorie count was like 900 calories. also mcdonald's snack wraps shocked me too, because i used to be a CNA for 8 hours a night when i got out of a long day at school, so after school i would hit up mcdonalds before work and eat like 3 snack wraps and a large frappe, then get a candy bar and soda at work. i would NEVER eat like that now!
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    The first time i was shocked about how many calories were in things was when i first started my fitness journey and learned what a calorie WAS and how many i was actually consuming in a day (fast food, candy bars, energy drinks almost every day, sodas, pasta, basically whatever tasted good) so when i started reading labels i was SHOCKED that i didnt weigh 500 pounds. Lol. Some things that surprise me calorie weise... olive oil, and subway sandwiches! I had a sandwich once, (a footlong because im a piggy) and the total calorie count was like 900 calories. also mcdonald's snack wraps shocked me too, because i used to be a CNA for 8 hours a night when i got out of a long day at school, so after school i would hit up mcdonalds before work and eat like 3 snack wraps and a large frappe, then get a candy bar and soda at work. i would NEVER eat like that now!

    Yes, when I started looking and knew how many calories I should be eating I was surprised by a lot of things: fast food burgers, olive oil, Starbucks drinks. I knew they were high calorie it just didn't hit me what that meant.
  • nicolejo143
    nicolejo143 Posts: 214 Member
    edited October 2014

    Homemade Microwave air popped:
    Pretty low cal!

    MOVIE THEATER POPCORN on the other hand:
    I split a large with my boyfriend one day thinking popcorn is relatively healthy. We didn't add butter or anything. Well I found out that I still ate over 500 cal for my portion and around 50 grams of fat! The reason: coconut oil, theaters use tons of oil so that you smell the popcorn from a mile away. Even if some places don't already add butter in their popcorn the oil will still get you! Now, imagine adding extra butter...Isn't that scary!? Sneak in your own popcorn guys!
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    Well, tonight actually. I knew choc milk would be at least 300 odd cal. But this one is 440 for 500ml. And I shouldn't even be drinking cows milk, makes me feel ill, I drink almond milk. As it was bought for me though (did not ask for it) I have to be polite and drink it and not waste money. Feel sick.
  • A small 70g bag of roasted and salted pistachio nuts. The packet stated that per 100g 'serving' would be 564 calories. Worked out that the contents of the 70g bag would be 395 calories. Much as I love pistachio nuts I haven't opened the bag since I bought it. That is a lot of calories for such a small amount of nuts.
  • kendalslimmer
    kendalslimmer Posts: 579 Member
    I was also surprised by popcorn! Way lower in calories than I thought, although last time I went to see a movie my friend and I took a packet of raisins each. (Also low low low!) I just had sushi for dinner because it's so filling for the calories. Veggies are awesome too - they bulk out any meal! Or fruit.

    I was shocked by the calories in hot drinks - latte, hot chocolate etc - and I'm now trying to stick to water. The number of calories in bread and baked goods is also higher than I'd thought... (Which explains a lot!)

  • SophieJacksonn
    SophieJacksonn Posts: 3 Member
    BigSpoonSA wrote: »
    Almonds were a big surprise. One small tin I'd eat in a sitting was almost a thousand calories.

    really? There's only 80 calories in 12 which is a handfull. x
  • SophieJacksonn
    SophieJacksonn Posts: 3 Member
    ShortMrsN wrote: »
    When I first started logging (on my old account) I nearly died when I found out the calorie count of Couscous :( I love it, and was making big roast vege or fresh vege salads with it and having them for lunch everyday.....until I started logging!!
    Substitute it for quinoa or bulgur wheat instead, it tastes very similar but is lower in calories :) x