I wanna eat the whole cake



  • GoingSlightlyMad
    GoingSlightlyMad Posts: 190 Member
    Thank you, guys! I'll see what I can do. But I have almost no calories left for today so no controlled small portion of dessert for me :sob:
  • ineedtobulkup
    Who wants to be friends? i'm new
  • wmcmurray61
    wmcmurray61 Posts: 192 Member
    If you can't do portion control then it's best to stay away from those foods at least for awhile. What I found was that with every drop on the scale I got more positive reinforcement. I am 7 lbs away from my goal and I am now able to re-visit my fave junk foods but in small amounts. Also, you will find that when you are smaller you get the smaller apetite to go with it. This feeling won't last forever so don't get too discouraged. Keep up the good work and you WILL get there.
  • TJR88
    TJR88 Posts: 37 Member
    I have these huge cravings for cookies, chocolate, ice cream, pizza... basically junk. I can't just have a 'small portion', I want the whole damn thing, and I'm not even hungry.
    Does anyone feel this way too? How do you stop it? Because I'm dying here.

    I feel your pain! I often want ALL THE FOOD and then some. I had all my calories for today by about 5ish and had a strong craving for chinese take out a few hours ago. Like the whole menu. I could smell the sweet and sour sauce and the spare ribs and taste the crispy pork belly in my mouth. I even started looking for the menu...and then I decided to look at some of the success stories on here first, promised myself something greasy tomorrow for breakfast and brushed my teeth!

    Reminding myself of what I'm trying to achieve and planning something delicious within calories for the next day often works for me. I don't always win the battle but tonight i did :D And if I can do it then so can you!
  • jennifurballs
    jennifurballs Posts: 247 Member
    50sFit wrote: »
    Yeah man, it's hard to resist cake. But brownies are the absolute hardest. The smell of fresh warm brownies makes me watery at the mouth.
    That's me right now reading this thread!

    I feel you on wanting to junk out. I have those days too. Most of the time, I fight through it, remembering that nothing tastes as good as being fit feels. But if I do feel like I need a bite of something, I'll have just one bite and that's it. I savor that one bite, get to taste what I wanted, log it, and move on. I don't know if that's the right thing to do but, so far, it's kept me from binging on junk.

    My mother lives with me and she's a complete junk food junky. Right now there are three kinds of chips and two kinds of chips ahoy cookies in the kitchen. She also went and got my favorite fried chicken in the whole world from this deli down the street! I could tear that chicken up, but instead, I chose a bowl of my homemade chicken, cabbage and carrot soup. I added some Frank's hot sauce to make it taste more like a treat than a low calorie soup and right now I'm full and happy drinking water.
  • skiextrm
    skiextrm Posts: 144 Member
    50sFit wrote: »
    Yeah man, it's hard to resist cake. But brownies are the absolute hardest. The smell of fresh warm brownies makes me watery at the mouth.

    That's my dog!!
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    I added some Frank's hot sauce to make it taste more like a treat than a low calorie soup and right now I'm full and happy drinking water.

    That's a really good tip too. Good food doesn't have to taste like cardboard. Make pinterest your new best friend and find skinny recipes of your favorite treats.
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    The self-control thing gets easier. Cut the junk food out completely and in a few weeks, you won't even miss it.

    Some people can have little bits, but if you don't want the temptation, just stop eating it. It really does get easier. You'll get to a point where you can see other people do it and not join in. :)
    That's me...but, just one bite, and KATY BAR THE DOOR!

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have these huge cravings for cookies, chocolate, ice cream, pizza... basically junk. I can't just have a 'small portion', I want the whole damn thing, and I'm not even hungry.
    Does anyone feel this way too? How do you stop it? Because I'm dying here.
    Been there, done that. Now, I just go there sometimes but I make a conscious choice not to do "that anymore".

    I allow myself to indulge in a bigger piece than I know I need, but I try to balance the plan and to balance the end week calories out.

    For example, if I know a birthday party is coming up, I'll plan to have a larger piece of cake, but I might eat a bit less the day before or the day after. Or, I might just choose to be over my calories for that week. This does not happen often, but it does.

    The difference between then, when I would eat the whole cake, and now, when I don't eat it all, is the realization that I always choose what amount of anything to eat.

    What I do with all foods I have in my house: take it out package, weight portion out, put package away, and eat portion.

    I now have all the foods I love in my house and they last, which is something I could never have before learning how to control myself.

    It takes awhile to learn portion control. Stick with it and it becomes second nature, just like any habit.

  • Jojojesse
    Jojojesse Posts: 21 Member
    This is the same scenario that has me in a rut right now, I fell apart during thanksgiving and can not get back on track. I will bake a cake and eat a lot of it, I do not buy the cake, I pull the ingredients from the cup board and bake it. I find I go in cycles for cravings, yes I understand this is a lifestyle change, yes the skinny jeans sound Onederful... Right now I have embraced my sudden fall from the saddle, am eating the dust (ie junk food I should not) and am preparing my next plan of action. I still log and walk my 13000 steps daily. I too scratch my head, why can not I empower myself to get through this cravings. Caving stops them, but then I either make a course correction or derail ( it's going on 2 months now) I am waiting for that trigger to get me back on track, whether it's a photo inspiration, someone's tough words, or encouragement.
    Right now I still want the whole cake, still waiting for the reality check to register....... Unfortunately.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I'm the have a little something something daily. This way Im golden and don't feel out of control.
  • jg0399
    jg0399 Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah at this point in my diet, I can't have any junk food in the apartment or else it all gets inhaled in a very short time frame. I lack self control where I can only eat a piece so I definitely feel your pain.
  • GoingSlightlyMad
    GoingSlightlyMad Posts: 190 Member
    edited October 2014
    Thank you all for your encouragement words, I appreciate them :)

    Today is over, but tomorrow I think I'll allow myself a treat (maybe a large amount of the treat, and then eat less of other stuff throughout the day as you said, @SLLRunner), fit it in my calorie goals and see how it goes. If it works (yay!) I'll just practice more on self control as some of you suggested, @dbmata, @Zerodette, @MrM27, @TJR88, @jennifurballs, @Liftng4Lis.

    Sometimes it's worse for me to have a little of a treat than to have none at all, so if I see I get even more anxious by eating a limited portion, then I'll try cutting it cold turkey as some others of you suggested, @crisb2, @50sFit, @Kalikel, @wmcmurray61.

    @Jojojesse I know the feeling! I've had my times of bingeing for entire days in a row, and then depriving myself again. Fortunately I think I'm cutting the cycle, slowly but surely. You can do it, maybe navigate through this post for motivation? http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1102508/mfp-fitspiration :)

    Thanks again to you all for replying!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I know the feeling, I have it way too much! I try and have treats in my days. Surprisingly a Quest bar will sometimes get rid of that craving. When it doesn't, some days I'll be able to stick to one cookie. Other days, I just eat way too many cookies. Oh well.
  • sydneydeb
    sydneydeb Posts: 93 Member
    You guys can have my cake, I can't stand the stuff but if anyone has any savoury stuff they don't want then hand it over ;)

    Seriously though, I cannot have cheese or chips in the house, I simply cannot control myself so I just do not buy it. As I currently do not have a car its a good 30 minute walk to the closest shop to buy any rubbish so I just do not bother.

    Another thing that helps me is I log it before I eat it, seeing how many kilojoules are in something may be enough of a fright to stop you eating it and if it will send you over your count for the day then you know you shouldn't have it.

    In the long run though it's totally your responsibility what you eat and how you manage your own weight loss - good luck.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    One can of pumpkin plus one box of sugar-free devil's food cake mix. Mix it up and put it in muffin tins. Bake for about 25 minutes. That's one way I get my chocolate fix without going over my calories. Now that I'm on maintenance, I add some walnuts as well. Two out of those three ingredients are extremely nutritious.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    One option if you simply cannot learn moderation(I have this issue too) and do not want to go cold turkey, is to simply allow a day every few weeks where you do eat your whole cake, lol, whilst keeping to healthy eating the rest of the time. This works for some.
  • missyleep
    missyleep Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you, guys!
    The problem is since I live with my siblings -my non-dieter siblings- there's pretty much always junk food in the house. Right now I can almost hear a bag of cookies calling my name from the cupboard. And I must have my precious too! :wink:
    I might be needing a salad with nuts, seeds, leafy greens, beans, fish, tomatoes, peppers, etc. LOL
    It is probably time for me to learn some self control. But, God, why does it have to be so hard?!

    Same!! It is more difficult when it is constantly around, and it is for me too... my household buys lots of junk food. My best cure: out of sight, out of mind.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    I have these huge cravings for cookies, chocolate, ice cream, pizza... basically junk. I can't just have a 'small portion', I want the whole damn thing, and I'm not even hungry.
    Does anyone feel this way too? How do you stop it? Because I'm dying here.

    I do. So I eat a piece.

    Today's lunch was a coffee with jager and goldschlager, paired with a slice of cherry pie.
    Yup. Same here. Feels good to know we're able to learn self control

    I have just received a whole 9*13 pan of home made baklava for my birthday. 309 calories a piece. 24 servings. all for me. it will take all week to make that fit my macros but I will enjoy every piece of it.