Gymnastics Rings

So I few weeks ago I bought a pair of rings. I have a pull up/dip rig I built, but never really had anything high to hang the rings from. I had started practicing the support hold on the parallel bars on my little rig and was actually doing okay (in my opinion). Today I got the chance to hang the rings and test out a ring support hold and it was humbling, to say the very least. After 2 attempts to hold the position for more than like 5 seconds i was out of juice. I have a whole new level of respect for people who are good with rings. I may have to stick with the rig and work up to ring exercises.

Anyone else have tips for ring use or working up to them? It'd be much appreciated.


  • I did the same thing. I am able to lots of wide grip pull-ups and chins but had difficulty doing a muscle up. Its harder as you have to try to prevent the rings from moving around too much. Persevere. I can now do about 10 muscle ups (technique mainly).