embarrassed to say...i have 200lbs to lose. :(



  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Read the forums and learn.
    Get MFP friends.
    Understand how to use MFP properly and in line with safe sustainable guidelines.
    Dont demonise food.
    Dont beat up on yourself.
    Aceept each day as a challenge, but dont be afraid to fail.
    Be realistic.
    Log and weigh your food.
    Focus on small targets, daya to day and week to week. Each one you complete gets you closer to the target.

    am sure theyve said all the above
  • whitehorse67
    whitehorse67 Posts: 101 Member
    Don't be embarrassed.....be MOTIVATED.....be INSPIRED.....be DETERMINED!

    Don't look at the fact that 187lbs is a big hurdle.....look at the 13 pounds as 13 pounds closer to a new life!

    Personally speaking, whether you have 187 to lose or 60 like myself, it can be somewhat overwhelming when you think about all the hard work you have to put in.

    Don't look at the over all goal right now.....concentrate on daily goals.....then weekly, then monthly. It will get easier and when you see results, you will become more determined!

    When you have setbacks.....and you will....write off that day and set a goal for the next day...meet/beat it and you will be amazed at how good you will feel that you did not give up!

    YOU can do this......
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    First step is admitting it, gets a lot easier when you are honest with yourself. Good luck!
  • Twinkie2530
    Twinkie2530 Posts: 47 Member
    Don't focus on the numbers, focus on the changes you are making to make yourself feel better and healthier! Celebrate mini milestones by treating yourself to the things you find rewarding, and above all else, do not become a slave to your scale. The scale is not a reflection of how successful you are! With time and patience, you will get to where you need to be.
  • Valereee
    Valereee Posts: 74 Member
    Hi! Everybody before me gave you excellent advice, so I just want to wish you well. You can do it! When I started I had 300 pounds to lose and believe me, as time goes on it actually gets easier! You'll start to feel better and you'll definitely feel so good that you just won't want to blow it! This morning I got up and WALKED to the park with the grand kids. Then while they played I continued to walk. They are so amazed cuz they only knew me as a sedentary grannie. You can do it!!!!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Welcome! You are in the right place. I saw a speech by a very bright high schooler a few weeks ago. the "a" in "Goals" stands for ASK for help. It's my mantra now as my new goals take longer than losing weight. So how do you hang on? ASK for help. I am on my third year of maintenance and somedays it's super easy - others not so much.
  • Ldbg289
    Ldbg289 Posts: 236 Member
    I started out wanting to lose 75 pounds and was convinced it'd never happen because I was looking at the big goal. I started setting smaller goals as some of the people in here have suggested to you and it's worked wonders. I've since set my sights on a new number(wanting to go smaller because I know I can do it). You can do this!
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    At least you realised you have to lose it.. Better than those who look past it and carry on with bad habits...

    Stick to it, and you're on your way to a better life to live :)
  • Congratulations of making a start,...that is awesome! Making small goals on teh way is best...I agree with all the others on that. I've done the same thing. Ok, my next goal is to get 10 lbs off, and then when I get there, I'll shoot for another 10. It makes it a lot less daunting. As you go, you'll have days of feeling great and days where you might not feel so great..but don't give up, and come here for support when you need it. And NEVER ever let guilt drag you down if you have a bad day. Guilt does more damage than good. If you've decided to eat a certain thing on a particular day, enjoy it and then move on. Don't give up.

    I'm like miss_1999, and she said it better than I've been trying to. I'm trying to eat healthier but we are a normal family, and sometimes we get pizza, etc. But I'm learing to control my portions, etc.

    Good luck!!
  • motmot21
    motmot21 Posts: 23 Member
    Wow!!! What amazing support I'm finding here! I've been on MFP before and pretty much kept to myself....now I see the beauty of this forum! Thank you all for your uplifting and kind words! Today has been a good day and for that, I am thankful....one day (moment) at a time and smaller goals really seems like the way to go. Thank you all again and I look forward to not doing this alone (even my BFF who is tiny is on MFP to get healthy)!
  • Beanogirl
    Beanogirl Posts: 97 Member
    One day at a time! Good luck.
  • fluffyasacat
    fluffyasacat Posts: 242 Member
    Miss_1999 wrote: »
    In the past, the minute I went on a diet, I immediately craved, something- be it pizza, ice cream, a candy bar, some type of fast food- something I wasn't "supposed to have" on that "diet". But the difference is, when you change your lifestyle, there isn't anything you CAN'T have. It's simply a matter of finding where things fit in. Proper portion control, and having a balance of healthy and better food choices combined with others.

    Fantastic advice, Miss_1999!

    Once you've started, take about 6 weeks to get settled in a good groove. Pay attention to your cravings and work out where they're coming from. Once you've settled in, remember that what you've been doing for 6 weeks is as hard as it gets, and it doesn't get any harder. Then keep it up! Lots of people here to sound off to when it gets annoying :wink:
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I'm guessing you have your calories too low but you have them hidden so I can't see. There is no need to go too low and you'll do better with having them a little higher. Much easier to stay on track till you get to goal. Also do some exercise like walking to get more calories most days.
  • glenstrek
    glenstrek Posts: 15 Member
    edited October 2014

    Awesome Job

    Set small steps for your weight loss. I use 5 pounds at a time and never l@~@ked at how much more to lose, but at the weight LOST. Always l@~@k at the positive side. Never place a date (deadline) on yourself. It's produces negative results. If your losing wait too quickly, you're placing your body into a survival mode and begin to burn off muscle thus reserving fat for future use. Use the tools available right here in MFP, I've found them excellent in managing your diet. I'm diabetic, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, low potassium and low Vitamin D. Every 3 month doctor visit these numbers improve. I'm happy as a lark!

    If you wish, send me a friend request, I'd be proud to have ya as a friend.
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    First - Dont be embarrassed. You are here and you want to make the change. Thats what matters.

    As you stick with it and see the numbers drop - you will be so proud and feel so accomplished that you'll never look back!
  • wilkimania
    wilkimania Posts: 42 Member
    13lbs is a great start to make, it may not seem like much now but you just need to remember that it all adds up and helps you on your way to your goals. Like others have said, satisfying cravings aren't the end of the world it's about meeting those cravings in a sustainable way by doing it in lower quantities and balancing it out with healthy days. Also remember that you will have bad days and weeks. It's about picking yourself up when these things happen, brushing yourself down and getting back on the right path again.
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    13lb is brilliant. You are 6% of the way there already. I started needing to lose 116lb and am 37.5lb down and Im not even looking at the finish line, Ive set myself to get to 50 by NY. Thats 12.5. The bigger numbers can wait, it didnt go on in a week, it wont come off in a week. You lose it 1lb at a time
  • sgtchester
    sgtchester Posts: 20 Member
    You should be happy for yourself, not embarrassed. Keep small goals in close periods of time to keep you motivated. You're 2/3rds of the way to 20 lbs lost! That's a significant victory on its own. Keep up the good work.
  • Misterfish96
    Misterfish96 Posts: 26 Member
    edited October 2014
    2 pounds at a time is my goal. I seem to lose 2 and then gain one back so it kind of a pound at a time for me. That might seem like it will take forever but it seems like I've already been trying forever with no good results so at this point I can be patient. Two pounds a week for just a year ends up being a lot.

    It will be worth it in the long run when you get there.
  • cstevenson86
    cstevenson86 Posts: 158 Member
    Please please please don't give up! You are off to an incredible start. 13 pounds in 2 weeks? That's fantastic! I know it is hard. But, you can do this. I have 94 pounds to lose...I know it seems daunting. You will find this is a fabulous place for support and motivation. I log on to the forums daily at work for encouragement. Good luck on your journey!