Why do I keep overeating??? What really is the problem.

Kiyy Posts: 91 Member
I am really good at exercise but I have had a difficult time getting the diet thing under control. This time I decided to see a shrink about loosing weight. She taught me to talk to my food. Each time im faced with a decision to eat or not eat something ask myself who is in control. that food or me. Next I learned that im an emotional eater and im a food addict. In the past the only way i lost weight was starvation. Balance has been a struggle. so I recently figured out that the largest part of my problem is that I am facing a addiction issue. This article is what I finally learned is happening to me. Now that I understand this I'm finally loosing weight. Its so much easier now that I figured this out. If you are like me than I hope this information helps you. ........................................................................................ ....http://authoritynutrition.com/how-to-overcome-food-addiction/....................................................
Of course, we all need to eat something. Otherwise we’ll die of starvation. But no one needs to eat sugar, refined wheat flour or any of the modern junk foods that people tend to lose control over. Most food addicts will never be able to eat junk food like “regular” people again. That’s the cold, hard truth. But if they manage to avoid the “trigger foods,” then they should be able to eat healthy and lose weight without problems. The truth is… complete abstinence is the only thing that reliably works against addiction. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you will recover. Although the “everything in moderation” message may work for some people, this advice is a complete disaster for food addicts. When it comes to addiction, moderation fails. Every time.


  • cdspark
    cdspark Posts: 56 Member
    Thank you for posting these, I'll have to finish reading later, but I have issues with food too. It became a problem after I had kids and then more so after my divorce.
  • Kiyy
    Kiyy Posts: 91 Member
    edited October 2014
    I stopped the madness. I hope this helps you. For me I first just ate meat and veggies.
    Breakfast: broccoli, eggbeaters, garlic salt and pam spray
    Lunch Chicken breast cut up on a salad of spring mix mixed veggies and garlic salt no oil for the first few weeks.
    Dinner Salmon and string beans or broccoli.

    1. I make soup with lots of veggies and chicken often
    2. I now eat lots of 97% fat free popcorn. I spray coconut Pam on and add some smoked paprika, chilli, garlic salt sometimes.
    3. Bread, flower and pasta set off cravings and rack up the calories
    4. Stir fry with pam is easy tasty an fast
    5. fresh Broccoli is a filling food that stops hunger
    6. Replace pasta with Spaghetti squash saves me 200 calories a serving
    7. Protein is great for satisfying hunger.
    8. Protein shakes are filling make with ice, kale, vanilla protein, half water half coconut milk and frozen berries
    9. Watch for sauces that have sugar and corn syrup in them

    watch you labels, corn syrup triggers hunger. It is in everything. even half and half.

    I had to stop eating so many foods. and suddenly im loosing weight. I am NOT starving. I eat lots of food everyday. I don't have to limit lean meat and veggies I can eat as much as i want.
    This is changing my life I hope it works for you also.

    My diary is open you can see my success and my failures. I learn something new every day.
  • marlovs78
    marlovs78 Posts: 75 Member
    Kiyy wrote: »
    3. Bread, flower and pasta set off cravings and rack up the calories
    Flowers have calories? :o
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    You need to ask yourself why do I overeat. You are fulfilling some need.
  • Kiyy
    Kiyy Posts: 91 Member
    Read the articles. People don't realize that even if it starts off as emotional eating it ends up as about addiction. 1. when we eat wrong our ability to metabolize body fat simply atrophies—because it’s never used! This is why dieters feel so desperately hungry, and why it’s hard to reduce ‘carbohydrate’ (= sugar) intake: we've got plenty of energy available in the form of body fat, but our body’s ability to metabolize it has atrophied—so we are metabolically starving in the midst of plenty. 2 sugar addiction sugar (carbohydrates) boosts brain tryptophan levels, which makes us sleepy. This tryptophan boost increases brain serotonin levels over time, which makes us feel content and satiated (“food coma”). Furthermore, the immediate reward of eating palatable food is a dopamine rush: the same neurotransmitter behind drug highs like cocaine and amphetamine.
  • jg0399
    jg0399 Posts: 5 Member
    Wish someone could tell me what need I'm fulfilling with overeating and fast food. I'm just starting to think that I'm lazy with cooking and have gotten so used to just driving to places to get food. Bought some fast food the other day and it didn't even taste good, so I can tell you for sure I'm not buying it for the great flavor.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    People who are addicted to food are addicted because their reward pathway in their brain chemistry gets tripped.

    Activation of the pathway tells the individual to repeat what it just did to get that reward. It also tells the memory centers in the brain to pay particular attention to all features of that rewarding experience, so it can be repeated in the future.

    That's why it's so hard for some people to break this habit - much like smoking.
  • Kiyy
    Kiyy Posts: 91 Member
    jg your correct. I'm sure KBnurse did not read the information posted because they only understand one small component of most peoples overeating. But be careful not to limit this issue to fast food. I never eat fast food. Today restaurants and grocery store foods are using sugar , salt and corn syrup in everything. Read what the food companies have figured out they use science to get us eating more and more of their food products. I believe this because it was happening to me. I cook at home but still I am a sucker to sauces and condiments. Get back to basic natural foods as much as you can.
  • Kiyy
    Kiyy Posts: 91 Member
    emdeesea wrote: »
    People who are addicted to food are addicted because their reward pathway in their brain chemistry gets tripped.

    Activation of the pathway tells the individual to repeat what it just did to get that reward. It also tells the memory centers in the brain to pay particular attention to all features of that rewarding experience, so it can be repeated in the future.

    That's why it's so hard for some people to break this habit - much like smoking.

    You got it. I was a victim of this for a long time. I really wish I had figured this out sooner and I hate to see other people struggling with this when its pretty easy to resolve.
  • Kiyy
    Kiyy Posts: 91 Member
    I'm not selling anything!!! I just want to help other people from this same problem.
  • Kiyy
    Kiyy Posts: 91 Member
    I keep being flagged in this post. I'm not selling anything. I guess some people are having a hard time with this issue because they don't want to change. The articles I posted are just some random information that i thought may help anyone who wants to read more about this food addiction issue.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Thank you for your posts. Marion Nestle is one of the ones talking/ writing about these things.
  • Kookie215
    Kookie215 Posts: 66 Member
    I think people have a hard time admitting eating can be an addiction and thats why you are being flagged, ive tried everything just about, even meetings, with very little help. I have tried going to just chicken fish and veggies and i got so bored with my food i wanted to rip my hair out. I have to find a balance in portions not just stop eating good food all together because of an eating disorder. I dont think eating the same amount of veggies that you would eat anything else really helps the problem does it? You're still eating all day, just now its something very low in calories instead.
  • I just wanted to thank you for posting this. I have been struggling for over two years now and am just starting to piece together why. This has opened my eyes and given me a new avenue to try in my struggle for getting the old me back. So thanks!
  • Kiyy
    Kiyy Posts: 91 Member
    Kookie215 wrote: »
    I think people have a hard time admitting eating can be an addiction and thats why you are being flagged, ive tried everything just about, even meetings, with very little help. I have tried going to just chicken fish and veggies and i got so bored with my food i wanted to rip my hair out. I have to find a balance in portions not just stop eating good food all together because of an eating disorder. I dont think eating the same amount of veggies that you would eat anything else really helps the problem does it? You're still eating all day, just now its something very low in calories instead.
    For me the first month I was so Hungary. So I knew that if I ate low carbs I could eat more food with out damage. I made a few things that I sometimes would eat all day.
    First I cooked a huge electric skillet of chicken breast. I would use pam and garlic, onions and spices. I would use it for easy put together meals during the week. First meal I like swansons chicken broth it doesn't have MSG. then I add some of my cooked chicken breast and some spaghetti squash and seasonings it is very good. Other days I add Cabbage and other veggies to the broth. I can make a huge pot and eat it all day.
    I sometimes ad the chicken to eggs and broccoli and cook in the microwave. You have to get creative but you can eat great tasting food.

    One of my best things is 97% fat free popcorn. You can eat that all day long and hardly eat lots of calories. even if you add some extra garlic salt or seasoning its better than eating crackers and chips.

    Join me and watch my food. I even have figure out how to eat at restaurants. I always get salmon, fish chicken or steak and a side of broccoli or steamed veggies. If they send me out veggies in oil i send it back. I choose to skip the bread and I eat salads with salt and pepper. I can even have a Vodka Soda with lime and usually stay around 1200 calories for the day.

    Try it break the processed food habit it was killing me. Good luck.