What is your non-weight goal(s) ? aka. NSV



  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    In order of do-ability:
    1. Buy clothes in a normal plus size department of a regular store, like JCPenney, Target, etc. VERY close!
    2. Go horseback riding with my daughter. A ranch we go camping at has trail rides but I have been 100 lbs over the weight limit. 70-some lbs to go and I am there.
    3. Ride the swings at the fair, weight limit 230.
    4. Hike the Wonderland Trail. Approx 100 mile trail around Mt. Rainier which takes around 10-12 days to complete. Extremely challenging elevation gains/losses and really tough to do unless you are in top physical condition. Planning to do the year I turn 40, 2.5 years.
    5. Hike the PCT, a 2600 mile trail from Mexico to Canada. A very long term goal, 10 years+ away. Planning to do the year my youngest child graduates.

    Those are awesome! I want to do the Triple Crown of Hiking (AT, PCT & CDT) to be completed on my 50th Birthday. The AT North hike traditionally closes at Mt. Katahdin on 15 OCT each year, which just so happens to be my birthday!
  • izu87
    izu87 Posts: 267 Member
    Someone to find me attractive.
    To be able to wear the clothes I really like.
    To be able to be proud of my body.
    To go to the beach with my friends next summer and not get an anxiety attack because of my body.
  • AmandaLeighisme
    AmandaLeighisme Posts: 110 Member
    Dear! Where do I begin?!

    Then, I'd like to rock a Bodycon Dress. Especially a Hervé Leger one. (Yep, I know the price...)


    Calves that would fit into any boots

    And A LOT of fitness goals!!!

    A girl after my own heart... I know exactly how you feel about the clothes and the boots. I've lost about an inch off my calves so I'm closer.

    And for the sake of being on-topic, my goals are:
    • single digit clothes sizes (almost there, my size 8s don't look so daunting anymore, which is great considering I started out teetering on the edge of 16s)
    • healthy BMI (finally got out of Obese I, time to get out of Overweight too)
    • get some muscles up in here! I wanna be tiny and powerful tumblr_ms326wNnxg1qdjo2ho1_1280.jpg (If I had a body half a great as hers I'd consider my goal met)
    • be small enough that a fella could lift me (I'm so short) without breaking his back
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    • Fit into my old clothes (size 6 or less)
    • Be able to do a back handspring again (former gymnast)
    • Be able to do pull-ups again (possibly even one arm pull-ups)
    • Run a 5k
    • Get my nice shelf of a booty back
  • whilehesaway
    I'm quite new to this but my goals are:

    For my partner to notice something has changed when he sees me in 2 months
    To be able to go shopping and want to buy something because I feel like I look good in it in the mirror

  • GeorgieGuitar
    Mine are all silly little things that I've always been slightly jealous of other (much slimmer) people being able to do.
    1. Be able to be lifted up (without fear i'm going to literally cripple him) by my partner for no other reason other than it's something I've always been too self conscious to let anyone ever do
    2. Be able to go in to any shop and find a bra that actually fits me and is a 'normal' or 'average' size around my back
    3. Not feeling really hot and gross ALL summer because i'm too self conscious of my arms to ever (ever) dare take my cardigan off, even at home which sounds ridiculous i know, but it's something i can't wait to not care about

    there are a fair few more but they're the ones that I am most looking forward to
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,031 Member
    be able to do a sub 30 5k.
    Be able to do a handstand again, not because handstands matter but because my arms will be strong enough and my weight low enough
    be able to wear the clothes I want to, not the ones that hide my lumps and bumps
  • AmandaLeighisme
    AmandaLeighisme Posts: 110 Member
    Be able to be lifted up (without fear i'm going to literally cripple him) by my partner for no other reason other than it's something I've always been too self conscious to let anyone ever do

    You are not alone there. Last time I had a guy lift me, I know for a fact he weighed less than me and I made him put me down immediately because I was so scared I'd hurt him.
  • littlej01
    littlej01 Posts: 30 Member
    1. Be able to confidently wear a bikini on my honeymoon in April
    2. To not feel like "the fat one" when I'm with my girlfriends
    3. To fit into standard bra sizes! (I already have big boobs and when I gain too much weight they go above a DD which makes bra shopping a pain in the *kitten*!)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    1. 30 minute 5k
    2. Plank for 5 minutes
    3. 90 minutes non stop barre3...
  • drattedfatbody52
    Dear Snickers,

    These are all so awesome for each person and yourself.

    I've already gotten to do some of my non-weight goals but, of course, all of them were possible because I've been losing weight.

    I've gotten to sleep without snoring, eliminated my sleep apnea. I've gotten to buy smaller sized clothes, which is nice but only a couple of weeks ago, I got to buy Victoria Secrets panties for the first time in 26 years. I will soon be able to wear the same sized jeans as I did before I got married almost 25 years ago.

    I've eliminated my threat of cholesterol medication. I've eliminated my threat of diabetes at this point in time. I've improved my dental and periodontal health.

    I can walk up and down steps and stairs, even multiple flights without my knees buckling under me or panting and each landing for a few minutes recovery.

    I've gotten to reduce my blood pressure medication by a third of my dose.

    I can fit in a coach class airline seat.

    I can lift and carry more weight. I can walk farther. I can wear modest heels without hurting my back all day at work.

    More people, both men and women, will initiate conversations with me, you, like at a grocery store or in a line somewhere. This is really nice because I'm an extrovert and really like people, but it is new because others will speak to me and I'm not always having to start a conversation all of the time.

    What I still want to do, but haven't yet, is learn to dance, but I will. I want to ride a bicycle again and not have it hurt to sit on it.

    I want to eliminate all of my blood pressure medication because I have become sufficiently healthy enough for my doctor to do so.

    I also want to go to the Harry Potter theme park in Florida since I am now small enough to ride the rides too.

    I'd also like to find a way to improve my saggy, excess skin, but if it is a choice between looking like an elephant woman or gaining the weight back, I'll stick with my elephant skin.
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    edited October 2014
    I have set a long-term goal to go horseback riding when I near my goal weight. This is something my daughter and I are going to do together, and she is so excited. I've always wanted to go horseback riding, and there is a ranch near here. But, believe it or not, there is a weight limit, lol. You have to weigh under a certain amount to ride. Anyway, I am probably near the weight where it's okay for me to ride, but I'm waiting until next summer or fall and keeping it a long-term reward.
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I want to do a real push up! I have never been able to do one. I'm not sure it's my weight stopping me any more as I am now only 7lbs. away from being in the "normal" bmi range. But I still can't do a single one.
  • izu87
    izu87 Posts: 267 Member
    Oh, I got another one! I want to make a post in the Successful Stories forum. :)
  • cranberrytape
    cranberrytape Posts: 29 Member
    I want to be fit. I want to be able to run up and down the stairs without getting out of breath. I want to be able to ride my bike everywhere and run and swim. I want to be strong.
  • justalittlecrazy
    justalittlecrazy Posts: 88 Member
    edited October 2014
    ...whoopsie... made a mistake.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    To be strong!
  • knoelledi
    knoelledi Posts: 91 Member
    1. Get in Normal BMI
    2. Single digits/Size M (haven't fit in any since before my son was born 19 years ago)
    3. Run a 5k
    4. Do 50 5k's by age 50 (I'll be 42 this coming saturday and I've done 1 and have 1 in 2 weeks).
  • mizroxy13
    mizroxy13 Posts: 466 Member
    Rock a bikini with confidence next summer!!! And I definitely plan on looking way hotter when I hit 40 than I did when I hit 30. :)
  • Fallenangelx111
    Fallenangelx111 Posts: 15 Member
    Feeling like a God when I take my shirt off. When I walk in to a room knowing all eyes are on me and admiring. Building some self confidence