New Job, New Weight... Help?

Hi. I've been on this site for several years, using it off and on; for about a year I didn't really use it, because I'd hit my goal weight and was maintaining without much issue.

In August, I switched from working at Tim Hortons - so crazy running around, always on your feet - to working a desk job. The first month my weight stayed the same (likely because I was in the middle of moving as well and thus wasn't sitting around much while at home), but now I'm up ten pounds that I can't seem to drop, even though I'm eating roughly the same/ a little less then I was.

I know I need to start exercising again - something about sitting at a desk all day actually tires me out more then Tims, weirdly enough - and that that is a big part of why I'm not losing the weight. I just wanted to see if anyone had gone through similar experiences, and if so, how you overcame it?


  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I have two alarms set during the day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I get up and walk for 10-15 minutes when they go off. Between that and lunch, I can manage 6000 steps before I get home at night, not bad for a desk job.

    You should be getting breaks in your day. I know that people don't like to take them, but in most cases, you are legally allowed them. Get up and walk. Employees who take their breaks tend to be able to get more work done anyway because they are refreshed.
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    Yup, desk jobs are tiring. Make sure you review your ergonomic stuff. Won't help you lose weight, but can help with the fatigue.

    Other than that, you know what you have to do. You went from an active job (THANK god for coffee ladies!) to a sedentary one. And make sure to change your activity level here.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Try to utilize your breaks by walking and taking the stairs.
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I hit my goal weight last year while working a hospital lab and always moving. Now I work at a desk job and have put on about 15-20 lbs. I am unable to do lots of exercise, but I make sure to walk on my breaks and I keep my diet in check. I've lost about 13lbs so far on diet alone, so for me it makes a huge difference. The biggest thing is not snacking at work! which I know in an office is tough.
    Good luck!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    TOTALLY! I went from a job in fashion where I was always in my underwear, to a job behind a desk where i didnt even see the public and totally put on 10 pounds. A big way to kickstart myself was to get a journal to decorate with all my planned workouts, a couple cheap workout outfits and sit my *kitten* in front of youtube and watch allllllllllllllllllllllllll the motivating tough mudder videos. And I decide Im NOT ALLOWED to go to the gym or workout until such and such day. And I turn myself into a little wind up toy that is just itching and whirring and trying to rush forward at full speed. And then I set my wheels on the ground and TAKE OFF!!! Yay Momentum!!!
  • laurasnyder411
    laurasnyder411 Posts: 172 Member
    Definitely seconding what everyone else is saying. I have set times I go for 1 mile walks. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon. I have to "make" myself go though because it's hard to want to step away from my desk. I also try to get up and stretch, stand at my desk every now and then. Sitting for that long is killer! Also, I found that the desk job is much more tiring than waiting tables! I would come home from my desk job and almost immediately fall asleep and nap. I really had to force myself to get around the house and be active. Just keep reminding yourself to move. Take breaks!
  • littl3xlion
    littl3xlion Posts: 28 Member
    Ahh, I feel you!

    I started my first FT job which is a desk job, and that's been my new struggle; trying not to gain weight.

    I honestly just put at least 3 alarms on at 5am and just force myself to workout before work. Though, I guess I am in the camp where if you really want to lose weight you will make it work.
  • Amariahellcat
    Thanks guys! I'm definitely going to try and kick my *kitten* into gear and be more active this week. Not that it's an excuse, but I was out of commission with an ear infection two weeks ago and have been fighting to get my energy back since. I've taken my pup for multiple walks the last two days and went skating today, and felt a bit better :) I'll just have to do my best to get myself moving again!
  • sinistraltyger
    I like the ideas of alarms. I used to do them. I think I will set them again -- 7 days a week tough to keep me moving on the weekend too!
  • bunny1006
    bunny1006 Posts: 325 Member
    edited October 2014
    Yep, I started a new job in July and gained 30lbs before I realized it...and I was already carrying too much weight. So, I now work with a trainer with my co-workers once/week for strength training, changed my diet, and I'm trying to add in more cardio back intomy life now too that I've lost a few of those 30 lbs. Eleven down, 49 to go!
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    I've worked a desk job for 10 years at least. I've lost nearly 60lbs in the last 6 months, and I DON'T go for walks during the day. In fact I work 8 hours without a break so I can go home early. I mow the lawn and ride my horse on the weekend. I don't go to the gym, or do much else. Losing (or maintaining) is all about what you put in your mouth.