5'2"/'3" Girls Success Stories

Hello (: If you're a girl at this height that lost weight, please leave your story below! I could really use some motivation. Tell how you did it and at what weight you felt confident. Also exercise, muscle, and where you hold your weight can be mentioned. My heighest was 148 and i'm about 141. Aiming for 120-125 by the end of the year (:


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  • Wills820
    Wills820 Posts: 32 Member
  • skiextrm
    skiextrm Posts: 144 Member
    I am 5'2" and started at 172! Now at 142 after 253 days. I move a bit more and treadmill or walking. I try to stay within my calorie goal, but don't always! Still want to lose more, but I am SO much happier now!
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I'm also 5"2, i started at around 196lbs. I'm now maintaining around 105-110lbs. I want to become and look stronger so going to start lifting. My confidence shot up when i started to lose the weight.

    Congrats so far and good luck!
  • CatalinaJoye
    CatalinaJoye Posts: 26 Member
    im 5'2 and started at 128 lbs lost weight and was 104lbs but now back to 128 *sigh* but losing weight again this time slower so i am more likley to keep it off
  • jaimekbee1219
    jaimekbee1219 Posts: 96 Member
    We have roughly the same goal! I'm 5'3. I started at 148 and I'm currently 139. My goal is 125-130... It'll depend on how I feel when I get to 130. The first seven pounds came off quickly (Nov-Feb), but then came some plateaus and a five pound gain in July (following the doc's recommendation of a B12 shot). My weightloss has slowed a little again, but I'm still happy because I've lost some inches which is huge since I have PCOS (and the dreaded PCOS belly) and went from a size 10 to 4 or 6 (depending on the brand). I've been increasing my healthy fats which is recommended for PCOS so I think that's helped with the inches and I try to do a lot of yoga! I try to stay under my calorie goal, but I don't freak out when I go over.

    Sorry this is rambly. I'm super long winded :blush:
  • Numberwang22
    Numberwang22 Posts: 213 Member
    Maybe it's me but 120 sounds pretty low... I'm 5'3" and my soft target is 140... Maybe 130 if I can keep this up! There would be nothing left at 104 :-o !
  • laineybz wrote: »
    I'm also 5"2, i started at around 196lbs. I'm now maintaining around 105-110lbs. I want to become and look stronger so going to start lifting. My confidence shot up when i started to lose the weight.

    Congrats so far and good luck!

    What size jeans are you? Congrats!
  • im 5'2 and started at 128 lbs lost weight and was 104lbs but now back to 128 *sigh* but losing weight again this time slower so i am more likley to keep it off

    I would love to be 128! Why do you feel you need to lose weight? I can't imagine myself at 104 but everyone's body is different xx
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    laineybz wrote: »
    I'm also 5"2, i started at around 196lbs. I'm now maintaining around 105-110lbs. I want to become and look stronger so going to start lifting. My confidence shot up when i started to lose the weight.

    Congrats so far and good luck!

    What size jeans are you? Congrats!
    It does vary but typically a UK size 8. Thanks!
  • Maybe it's me but 120 sounds pretty low... I'm 5'3" and my soft target is 140... Maybe 130 if I can keep this up! There would be nothing left at 104 :-o !

    I'm 140 and I still have belly and thigh fat. But that's me. According to BMI it's a bit high too.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    I'm 5'4" and I was comfortable at 120 before I had any children. I got back to 125 after two pregnancies and now I'm working my way down from 180 (now at 163). My goal is 130 but I would probably be comfortable around 125. I am a small frame too and I think it depends on your frame size and how much muscle you carry as far as how much weight you can carry.
  • Fit_Happens_2021
    Fit_Happens_2021 Posts: 303 Member
    I am a small frame too and I think it depends on your frame size and how much muscle you carry as far as how much weight you can carry.

    ^^ This is very true, it is different for everyone. I am 5' 2.5" (that .5 is very important to me as you can see, every little counts lol) I started at 136 and now I am at 123. My goal is 115, but I expect that I may get to 115 loosing and then gain some as I continue to improve my weight lifting. However, I am really more concerned with what my body fat % will be, and how I look and feel, than the actual number on the scales.

  • hhumphries578
    hhumphries578 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm also 5'2. I went from 135 to 128 during my first month or so of weight loss. I'd love to hit 115. Then I plateaued about a month ago and haven't budged since! :s I've been doing cardio 6 days a week, and strength once or twice a week.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    5'3.5", work in progress @135, work in progress.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I'm 5'2". 42 years. Started at 195 lbs and now 122. My target is 120 so I'm there really. Now focusing on improving fitness and finding my maintenance calories.

    I lost it over 8 months. Started at 1200 calories and slowly increased it over time. Now I'm at 1700 plus exercise calories. I didn't worry about macros to start with or any exercise, but over time added a daily walk and working out, plus balancing protein, fat, saturated fat and fiber.

    I went from US 16/18 petite to US 2 petite/XS P. I have some loose skin but mainly related to having had a baby 8 years ago rather than weight loss. I also have fabulous muscles in my arms which appeared out of nowhere...
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    A little shy on the height request at 5'1
    Started at 128 or 130, scale broke after 1 month and the new one reads higher, reached goal of 102 in about a year. The slow weight loss was because I kept at 1200 cal which is high for under 110lb. I did aqua fit 3 times a week for the first few months, added weights (not heavy lifting just medium) for a few months then added Pilates.
    I keep a weight range of 102-105 and have done so for 3 years with no problem.
    I still aqua fit and have just started back on Pilates after a summer break.
    I don't count all the time, just 3 months a couple of times a year to refresh portion sizing.
  • Cassie_DE
    Cassie_DE Posts: 58 Member
    5'3", though I started my official weight loss attempt at 220 on New Year's, I'm sure I was higher, even significantly higher, in the last three years. I was in serious flux for a while :(

    I made lifestyle changes and lost 30 pounds, dropping to 190 by August but I plateau'd after that point. Three weeks ago today I started to hit the gym. I noticed early on that I put on muscle really quickly so I'm likely to be heavier at my ideal body weight than what the BMI scale would suggest, as muscle weighs more than fat. Any suggestions for what my target weight should be, or how I could calculate it more effectively? I'd appreciate any pointers.
    I'll be rooting you all on and aiming for 130 in the mean time =)
  • 5ft2 here. 188 days ago I weighed 173.5lbs. This morning I'm 136. My goal is 126lbs. On Saturday's weigh in, I officially became healthy according to my BMI. I was wearing UK size 14, am now comfortably a UK size 10 with some items in an 8.
  • daffyfroz
    daffyfroz Posts: 10 Member
    edited October 2014
    I'm 158cm or 5' 2" and started at approx 140lb 3 months ago and I'm down to 130lb at the moment. I'm aiming for 120lb (55kg) in the next 3 months as I have a small frame and my 'pear' is still too big for my liking. I'm an australian size 12 aiming to be a size 10 for summer :wink: