Tattoo!!! Sexy or Not?



  • jt_alucard
    jt_alucard Posts: 956 Member
  • LovelyLaroo
    LovelyLaroo Posts: 194 Member
    Def sexy
  • jt_alucard
    jt_alucard Posts: 956 Member
    sexy for sure!
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    I find them very sexy
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    Here's the deal, If you're sexy, tattoos are too.
    If not, oh well....
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    As long as they're done tastefully they're hot. It's the ones where people just get one because they can and there's no meaning, no reason behind them that usually turn out bad.
  • kimble77
    Not sexy, very personal. I'm middle age and still contemplate my next one. All of mine have taken years of contemplation and then at that time when I just know, I will get it done. 7
  • RejsGirl
    RejsGirl Posts: 198 Member
    It all depends. IMO, tattoos are art, some art I like and some art I don't. It's not a "one size fits all" kinda deal. I like Ansel Adams, but not real keen on Dogs Playing Poker.

  • algwynt
    algwynt Posts: 76 Member
    guys get them to look tough,women get them to look younger,neither just look trashy.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    Proudly tatt free since 1982. I always wanted a tattoo when I was younger but I am SO glad I didn't get one. For one thing, I hankered after a lower back referred to as the 'tramp stamp'...
    FWIW, I think artistic tattoos look really hot on some people, but usually only when you're young, fit and healthy. Faded, blurry old tatts on wrinkly old skin look gross IMO. They can make you look kinda thuggish too, especially eyes tattooed on the forehead, spider's webs across a shaved head, or LOVE-HATE on the knuckles. Eew.
  • MyTurn2BHappy
    MyTurn2BHappy Posts: 475 Member
    I have 2 and love them... but some can be trashy... it depends
  • DWhy5
    DWhy5 Posts: 541 Member
    I would never... ever... ever... get a tattoo...

    But I absolutely LOVE them.
  • Benjinkan
    Benjinkan Posts: 1,107 Member
    Love tatts, still working on my full sleeve...
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    Just got the first sitting of my half sleeve done on Wednesday. Will be back early next week to hopefully finish it up.
  • corrine679
    YES!! I have a few sexy on men and women
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    I was good to go. The tattoo artist was ready to go home I think. I was 4 hours in and ready for more.

    You're a wimp.
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    So not my thing :po:)>:)
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    People with tats have body image issues so they cover up in them. Kinda sad really. I want someone who is comfortable the way they are with out the emotional baggage.

    Seriously?? Tattoos = emotional baggage? :\

  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    headofphat wrote: »
    I was good to go. The tattoo artist was ready to go home I think. I was 4 hours in and ready for more.

    You're a wimp.
    HAHA justifications

    get early or full day appointment...only way to go.

    He's a good guy I just think he was ready to get home because I was there until late. He said that my skin needed a break. I'm not a tattoo afficianado so I don't know if that's true. I will make sure to finish it up on the next sitting...probably about 5 hours.