A little support doesn't hurt no one!



  • Winterlover123
    Winterlover123 Posts: 352 Member
    My boyfriend does that! Then he tries to feed me his food because "one bite wont kill you". No, but it will make my cravings go crazy! Ugh. So frustrating!
  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    I cook normal foods every day - three meals a day. I just eat very small portions and usually add a salad to fill me up. If I make something like mashed potatoes for the family I will take out a spoonful of the potatoes for myself before mashing them with butter and milk - so I do make some small changes like that but nothing huge.
  • imju5tme
    imju5tme Posts: 85 Member
    That's horse crap! I cook dinner. If my wife or daughter doesn't like it, they starve. Or my wife finds something else to eat herself. I don't play that game.

    ^^ This. My family is capable of making their own food if they do not care to have what I am having.
  • lisaward111
    lisaward111 Posts: 30 Member
    Lol..I know right! Well Ive been doing good so far, I have little cheats here an there but Im getting used to satisfying everyone's cravings. The goal is healthy living and I think Im pulling it off..lol..thanks guys for your output!
    My boyfriend does that! Then he tries to feed me his food because "one bite wont kill you". No, but it will make my cravings go crazy! Ugh. So frustrating!

  • BeginningNoStop
    BeginningNoStop Posts: 78 Member
    Eating healthy is the goal he will eat somethings that I make but my meals are extra healthy, I do make the side dishes but sometimes he wants some tasteful food. My daughter eats what I eat but hates veggies..lol..This is just a challenge cause hes not trying to lose weight.

    omgee this looks so good. Now i want greens for dinner
  • JaneECS
    JaneECS Posts: 71 Member
    There's a difference between unsupportive and genuine need. The unsupportive people in my life are history. The one who would love to support me, but genuinely has a metabolic issue which means he has to fight being underweight - him, I'll put myself out for. Even then, I don't cook a totally different meal, I just add other things to it that will stop his calories dipping