Frustrated on NO Weight or Inches Lost



  • vick9180
    vick9180 Posts: 144 Member
    I am, by no means, a nutrition expert, but I checked out the food diary, and there are a lot of entries where fast food was logged, or days were incomplete. But also, I'm curious how the OP's calorie requirements are less than someone like me, who is 5 inches shorter and weighs less. I don't say that to be mean, at all! I promise! But I'm eating more calories than the OP and losing weight and inches.

    Knowing that weight loss isn't a one size fits all, it could be that you might need to eat more foods, but cleaner foods, to get the results you're seeking. I know how hard it is to eat healthy when life is so busy, but maybe if you plan to bring your lunches with you to work, rather than grab a quick bite from a fast food joint, that might help the inches and pounds shrink away. Also, try to log every single thing you put in your mouth. I can say that from a personal standpoint, my weight loss was stalled when I wasn't logging everything. I may have perceived that I was in my calorie range, but if I'm gonna be honest with myself, I really had no idea. Once I started logging everything I put in my mouth, the weight started coming off...slowly...but it's working.

    My opinion is that you could try to do a little more meal planning in your busy week, and work on getting the majority of your calories from foods that aren't processed. It's definitely ok to have those things once in a while, but maybe work on getting more of your diet from wholesome foods, and veer away from the processed stuff.
  • stepgeiger12
    stepgeiger12 Posts: 9 Member
    I like all the feedback I need it whether it is negative or positive we learn that way. I do have a food scale that is accurate and I know Mc Dees is not healthy but it happened. On the Homemade stuff since I am making this stuff at home should I separate each item?
  • stepgeiger12
    stepgeiger12 Posts: 9 Member
    For the Cal intake I just put in the goal and the lbs per week and my measurements and that is what it gave me, I have no idea how to do this stuff. If I go on other sites it is like I get different numbers of calories everywhere its hard
  • stepgeiger12
    stepgeiger12 Posts: 9 Member
    I looked at your diary too, so many generic entries. If you are using other people's homemade this or generic that you honestly have no idea if it is good fit for your diary because you have no real idea what is in it. If you are not weighing everything get a food scale and start to do that, weigh in grams not ounces.

    I eat awful, honestly I love fast food so don't take this wrong, but you say you eat healthy but there are a lot of entries of McDonald's and other foods that appear to be processed. Like I say I love them and fit them into my calories, but I wouldn't call McDees eating healthy. I've lost 58 lbs while fitting them in to my day so it can be done.

    My best advice is the food scale and don't depend on so many homemade and generic entries. Oh one last thing, don't depend too much on the calories burns here, get a heart rate monitor. I'd be surprised if walking 20 mins is burning 200 calories, but I could be wrong.

    ^ this right here. Start by getting a food scale, I love what someone else called it "portion distortion"

    Maybe I should have put TRY to eat healthy :)
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    The best advice I can give you is no junk food, no fast food! Ditch McDonald's, don't drink sugary sodas, koolaid, "sports" drinks that are just sugar water, etc. That stuff is packed with sodium, terrible for your body, and actually addictive. Cook at home, prepare healthy whole foods like fresh meats, vegetables, and small portion of potato or rice. Measure/weigh everything and don't forget sauces and dressings and oils count. Everything counts. In my case to have success I had to do a total reset on what counted as food to me. Fast foods, chips, and soda do not count as food to me any more. That's in the "junk" category now. It may sound a little draconian, but weight loss is hard and requires sacrifices.
  • rand486
    rand486 Posts: 270 Member
    I like all the feedback I need it whether it is negative or positive we learn that way. I do have a food scale that is accurate and I know Mc Dees is not healthy but it happened. On the Homemade stuff since I am making this stuff at home should I separate each item?

    First, I find that many posts that come off "negative" are actually just people being blunt/honest. I don't think many people intend to be rude; text just has no tone.

    Good on you for getting a food scale, and especially for owning up to the less healthy choices you made. I don't like the idea of "failure" or "cheating" - you ate what you ate. Just adjust the rest of your day/week accordingly, and you're fine. The goal is to eat well in general; perfection is a pipe dream that leads to failure.

    Lastly, I like to enter my foods into the Recipe section, then log it in the diary based on how much I served. Realistically, there are leftovers for most homemade meals (at least, that's how I cook!), so this way, you can just enter all the ingredients, then log the amount you ate. No mucking around with "Well, I guess I would've had half a carrot, and .33 of a green pepper, and..."
  • stepgeiger12
    stepgeiger12 Posts: 9 Member
    rand486 wrote: »
    I like all the feedback I need it whether it is negative or positive we learn that way. I do have a food scale that is accurate and I know Mc Dees is not healthy but it happened. On the Homemade stuff since I am making this stuff at home should I separate each item?

    First, I find that many posts that come off "negative" are actually just people being blunt/honest. I don't think many people intend to be rude; text just has no tone.

    Good on you for getting a food scale, and especially for owning up to the less healthy choices you made. I don't like the idea of "failure" or "cheating" - you ate what you ate. Just adjust the rest of your day/week accordingly, and you're fine. The goal is to eat well in general; perfection is a pipe dream that leads to failure.

    Lastly, I like to enter my foods into the Recipe section, then log it in the diary based on how much I served. Realistically, there are leftovers for most homemade meals (at least, that's how I cook!), so this way, you can just enter all the ingredients, then log the amount you ate. No mucking around with "Well, I guess I would've had half a carrot, and .33 of a green pepper, and..."

    Great Advice Thank you!

  • stepgeiger12
    stepgeiger12 Posts: 9 Member
    How's your sodium? Are you absolutely measuring everything and doing it accurately? MFP uses the Mifflin-St. Jeor formula. Compare your goals with this website If you are truly eating less calories than your body burns, you will lose weight.

    Calculate TDEE

    Ft In
    Imperial Metric
    Mifflin-St Jeor
    Katch-McCardle Body Fat %

    Calculate TDEEl Your BMR is:
    Your TDEE is:

    So how do you know what percentage to take from the TDEE? 5-20 it says?
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    When you said all the "homemades" in your diary were yours that is really what I was asking in my post, did you personally actually make all these or did you just grab what someone else did. Like someone mentioned above definitely use the recipe calculator, it's a great tool and you can enter exactly what you put into the recipe.

    The % you take off depends on what you want to do. I use 15%, it's a slower loss but I thought it was a more healthy steady rate.

  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    edited October 2014
    --- Sidebar ---
    sheribobby wrote: »
    Also remember muscle weighs more than fat.

    1lb of muscle weighs the exact same as 1lb of fat. Can you clarify?

    @gamesandgains If OP is losing fat and gaining muscle the scale may not reflect it. Your weight is still the same, because 1 pound = 1 pound, but you may be MEASURING less. Which she already clarified she isn't. But this is just to clarify for you, because you seemed confused. 1 cup of fat weighs less than 1 cup of lean muscle.

    --- Sidebar Closed --- Sorry!