Starting over, and needing some motivation

Hi hi!

I'm 24, almost 25, 5'3", and am restarting my journey! I'm 206lbs right now, and my long-term goal is to reach 135-140. I've been trying for years, but have always lacked motivation.. soooo yeah!


  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    Hi there, I'm Steve. I have lost 116 pounds since January. I started out at 341 and right now I weigh 224. Still have a few to go but feel free to add me if you need support and or motivation.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    What have you done all the previous years that failed? Attack everything this time completely differently and stick to it this time for real. :\
  • MichelleS08
    MichelleS08 Posts: 109 Member
    Crazy I was about the same weight 205 at my heavyest. I have lost about 65 lbs, feel free to add :)
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    You are welcome to add me as a friend. I'm 5'2" and just started back today too. We can do this. There is a great support group on MFP.
  • Hi! I am also starting over. I'd love to help keep you motivated. I'm 26 and have started/stopped/started again many times. I am 40 pounds away from my goal weight and I finally feel like I've found the determination needed to reach it. Feel free to add.
  • yoovie wrote: »
    What have you done all the previous years that failed? Attack everything this time completely differently and stick to it this time for real. :\

    Mostly just mindsets, really. So I'm going in to this completely differently. :smile:
  • Boatnanu
    Boatnanu Posts: 1 Member
    I'm restarting today too...we pretty much have the exact same goals.
    This time I hope I can stick to it
  • SparklyPinkMom
    SparklyPinkMom Posts: 50 Member
    I restarted today as well. Last year I lost almost 40lbs and then I started travelling for work and gained almost all of it back :( I'm aiming to lose 50-70 lbs.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    What have you done all the previous years that failed? Attack everything this time completely differently and stick to it this time for real. :\

    Mostly just mindsets, really. So I'm going in to this completely differently. :smile:

    awesome!!! how?

  • ixtreme
    ixtreme Posts: 9 Member
    Hi you can add me if you wish
  • aftonslater
    aftonslater Posts: 69 Member
    Hi!! I'm the same height and my highest weight was 206lbs in January 2012, I got down to 152lbs by August 2012, and got pregnant again in January 2013, I went up to 183lbs when she was born in October 2013, and by July 2014 I was down to 133lbs before getting pregnant with my 4th in August :) Feel free to add me, I feel our journeys will be similar (minus all the babies haha)