Do you make your meals separate from the rest of the family?



  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Nope. Everyone eats the same thing's food.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    We have been running around so much lately, we aren't all together for a meal. I will make/buy enough for whoever is home and enter that. But, when we do have a meal I just have smaller portions than everyone else. I have used the recipe builder and it works great. I want to eat real food and I want to make changes I can stick with, If separate meals work for you that is great.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member

  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I cook different meals for my entire family, sort of.

    My husband is cutting and has a specific macro requirement.

    I lift and do endurance exercise, so I have a different macro requirement.

    Our kids are extremely active and need far more carbs and fat than we are allowed.

    For example, today for lunch, he got 16 ounces of 93/7 ground beef, no bun; I got 8 ounces 93/7 with bun, the kids got 85/15 with bun, mayo, etc......

    It generally takes me 15 more minutes to make meals, so it's no big deal. Right now, because I have certain fitness goals and so does he, that trumps saving 15 minutes.
  • acheben
    acheben Posts: 476 Member
    Since I've been counting calories, my husband and I have always eaten the same meal at dinner. The easiest way for me to judge how much of a meal I'm eating is by using the recipe tool. I build the recipe based on measurements from my food scale and then I weigh the finished meal. You can then either divide by the number of servings you want to get from that meal (and note the weight per serving) or enter the final weight as the number of servings and simply weigh your serving and log it.

    We still eat most of the meals we used to eat before I started this process. I just eat smaller portions and make everything fit in my day.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I eat the same things, but with high calorie foods like potato I weigh out my portion and cut it into a different shape from everyone else's, so rondelles rather than cubes, for example.

    Otherwise, I don't worry too much. Basically, logging accurately is best, but any logging is better than not logging at all. I eat in a school cafeteria on a regular basis and guesstimating there has never done my weight loss any harm.
  • boomhower1820
    boomhower1820 Posts: 86 Member
    Typically I do. Just depends on what we are having. Burgers and I eat with them. Crock pot/casserole type stuff I don't.
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    Usually. I'm a vegetarian, my husband and children are not. Most days, myself, kids, and husband all eat different meals but it's not a big deal. Or I'll eat part of the meal, like veg fried rice and I'll add meat for the kids. I like to cook so it's not a problem.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I cook like normal, and then portion out helpings to everyone .. and then I'll measure what is left to gauge the servings. Our staples are all roughly the same. Sometimes I use 1.25 lb packs of ground turkey instead of the 1 lb tubes, so I just alter the recipe when I do that without changing the servings. Tonight I even measured DH's food on the scale, and then gave the remainder to the kids.
  • ell_23
    ell_23 Posts: 103
    When I make a meal for my family, we all have the same thing together. I just normally control my own portion. For example, I'll cook lots of veg and potatoes for them, but I just won't have the potatoes. If there's not enough alternative veg for me, I'll just put some extra peas on for me or have a bit of side salad too.

    If we are having rice or pasta, I measure mine and put it in a little separate saucepan to cook so I don't overeat it. If we are having fish and chips, I just make sure I have a small portion of the chips and fill up on a big side salad or some extra cooked tomatoes and/or veg.

    That kind of thing. We rarely eat things like stews. If we do make things like that with sauces, like casseroles, I work out the calories of the entire pot based on what goes in it, then make sure I more or less take my equal share, or a little less than my equal share. Normally we use low calorie sauces and stock cubes in our stew type foods, and use meat enough for 2-3 people. There's 4 people in the household normally, sometimes 5, so the extra bulk comes from loads of veggies like carrot, leeks, sweet potato, onions etc in there too.

    My sister and I want to lose weight and eat clean, my mum tries to lose weight, my dad is a little bit of a health freak and my brother is a gym/health addict anyway. The boys both do a lot of exercise and/or bulking so I just normally make extra large portions of whatever main carb is in the dinner (i.e. pasta, rice, potatoes).
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,491 Member
    Hell to the NO!

    One, I don't eat "diet" food, two, I have four kids and am not a short order cook.

    Good example is tonight: grilled chicken legs, egg noodles, steamed broccoli. I ate two legs and a mound of broc with a little butter. The three of the kids with me each ate at least a portion of broc, two legs and two small helpings of noodle. One of the three also got a good sized second helping of broc.

    Most of our meals are of similar setup. I choose less(or none) of whatever the starch is, double or triple up on veg, good portion protein.

    The very idea of cooking separately sucks hardcore. My husband also just eats whatever I cook.
  • kkimpel
    kkimpel Posts: 303 Member
    I don't.. I just add a grain for them, and sometimes an extra vegetable for them..We all eat good food..
  • Vina4
    Vina4 Posts: 23 Member
    I only cook one meal for Lunch and for dinner. The only time i vary from that is when i want a vegetable that my husband hates. Then i will also cook him one he likes. Even when my stepson is here. He eats what I make.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Yes me and my beloved prepare our own dishes as she does not eat meat. We seem to have our timing down though so we are both ready to sit and enjoy at the same time.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    i make one meal and everyone can eat it or starve. :devil:
    there is no way to please everyone and i'm not breaking my back for 5 different dinners. no one has dared complain!

    Yeah. This is me. I use the recipe builder a lot.

    I personally am completely against different food for children for a whole bunch of reasons, so my daughter has always eaten the same as DH and I and I usually eat with her (DH gets home later). There's no reason why that should suddenly change, regardless of what my body weight is, since we all need to eat healthily. She sees me weighing food, but understands that I'm focusing on making sure that I fuel my body correctly, and she just gets less than I do, so that her body is fueled correctly too.
  • ihateyoga
    ihateyoga Posts: 111
    Yeah. I only eat authentic Asian food. He only eats American food. We only eat together in the restaurants.
  • jeepskate
    jeepskate Posts: 16 Member
    My wife and I eat the same meals. I use the recipe builder and measure out a serving for myself. She doesn't count calories, btw. I eat pretty much whatever I want as long as I am within my calorie budget. I haven't quite figured out how to cook with my macros in mind and I blow it pretty much every day on fat, carbs and sodium. I have lost 22 lbs in a month so it isn't real high on my priority list, but I need to work towards it. We have fun cooking together and trying new recipies so it shouldn't be too burdensome to go towards healthier recepies.
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    I don't eat diet food. And I don't run a restaurant. I have a full time job and no interest in spending all night in the kitchen.

    My partner is a legend, and while he was raised meat and potatoes by his mum he will happily eat whatever I cook. I'm low carb so this is usually a good cut of meat, and some vegetables. Or bacon and eggs. Or a Caesar salad minus the croutons. What's not to love.

    His two girls (15 and 13) are rather spoilt and ungrateful, and will pick and whine about everything that's put in front of them unless it's schnitzel or pasta, but too bad. The older one stuffs her face when she comes home from school and again after we go to bed, so there's no point trying with her, and the younger one will take a large portion, eat a little bit of it and put the rest in the bin, then be in the cupboard getting rubbish food an hour later.

    This does drive me crazy as I've asked her to take only what she's going to eat, and I hate waste when it could be someone's lunch tomorrow, but they're not my kids, and not my problem. My kids have moved out now, but used to eat everything, and loved vegetables etc. I never used to keep cupboards full of crap for them to eat, and I never used to feed them just schnitzel and chips or pasta, so it was never even an option.

    So for us, it's one meal or nothing. And if my partner chooses to buy chips and cookies and other rubbish for his children, that's his business.
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited October 2014
    I cook separately for my husband often as he likes more oily/fatty food and does not eat dairy products. It's not hard for me. Sometimes (usually on weekends when I have time) I can cook three different dinners: for my kids, my husband, and myself :)
    Sometimes we all eat the same. Bu tin general we like variety, so we usually have 2-3 dished cooked: a pot of soup, a pot of stew, some salad, etc ... :)
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    No. I make one meal with regular food. People can choose to eat some, all or none of it. If they want something different they can get it themselves.
    I do involve the whole family in the meal planning process so everyone generally has something they like most days.