BINGING... again! :(

I am currently seeing a therapist, but I need to bounce ideas around because I only see her once a week. I am struggling major with binging. In the last 3 days it has happened every day. I am very overwhelmed and just feeling like I can't get back on track. I feel so defeated and upset. Please help and give me advice...


  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Can you find something to do? Go out for a walk or something. Even go take a nap if you have to. I've never had a binging problem, so I'm really at a loss as to tell you much more. I just know when hunger(bored) pangs happen I try to do something to get my mind off the craving.
  • Kellyfitness128
    Kellyfitness128 Posts: 194 Member
    I feel you. I binged all weekend and now my weight is higher than when I started back on MFP a couple months or so ago :( It's an extremely hard thing to overcome but the past is the past and all you can do now is move forward. Focus on the future, once you start getting back on track you'll feel better! We got this.
  • Maryam2014mfp
    If you do eat/drink something, try to have something healthy that fills you up. I usually have a glass of skim milk and that fills me up.
  • PrimroseFlower
    PrimroseFlower Posts: 110 Member
    Look...I totally understand this. I battle with this too...and when I say "battle"...I mean battle. I have certain triggers that I am trying to understand and deal with as well. Here are mine and maybe you can relate...
    1. If I am tired and I get into something high in carbohydrates, it is hard to stop eating.
    2. If I drink...I have this "freak it" attitude and I eat all the things that I feel I have deprived myself. (So this means if I want to look fabulous, I don't need to drink)
    3. If I deprive myself too much I seek out what I've been craving before too long and go crazy :neutral_face: .

    So today has been a good day. I've drank LOTS of water. I've eaten lots of protein and things I like. I bought me a package of Halloween m and m's and allowed myself one package. I wanted pumpkin pie, so I made myself some pumpkin oatmeal. (just in case I ate the whole pie lol). Just take it one day at at time/ one meal at a time. If you binge, shake yourself off and try again. It's what I do. You are not alone. Hope I helped. :wink:
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Try getting rid of the offending foods. If you can't have them in the house without eating them get rid of them. There are certain trigger foods for me. If they are here they will be eaten. Dont tempt yourself by buying things you can't control right now. Dont punish yourself with these triggers. You cant binge on what you dont have.

    Good luck.
  • choosing_fitness
    Thank you for the insight! Any other advice?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Are you getting enough calories daily?
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I have big issues with this too. I've been trying some of those apple pectin fiber pills that you eat before meals to help you feel full faster. It works as long as I make sure to take them on time and regularly because if I don't feel like I'm starving I can then prevent myself from bingeing. You have to know what your binge triggers are: is it hunger, or something emotional?
  • choosing_fitness
    I know I eat enough calories, it is an emotional thing. If I feel like I have done "bad" or cant recover... I binge! :(
  • MaggieMooze
    MaggieMooze Posts: 3 Member
    I made myself a binge emergency kit. When I feel the urge to binge coming on, I go straight to the kit now...Mine is full of gum, green tea packets, etc. Then I take my dog for a walk around the block to settle my nerves and keep myself occupied. I also threw away ALL the trigger foods in my house and I don't buy them anymore!! If I can't eat it responsibly, it's best just to not buy it at all. With some foods, I just know I don't have any control over how much I eat (anything in a jar or tub... ice cream, nut butters, chips).
    Still, sometimes binges do happen. Once a binge starts, it is very easy to say, "Well, I've already cheated today. Might as well just eat everything on the planet." It is possible to STOP! Just put the fork down!! Just because a binge has started doesn't mean it needs to be continued any further! And last of all... forgive yourself. After a binge, I try not to weigh myself the next day because then I only end up feeling worse. Don't let the negativity carry over into the next day. Tomorrow is a new day and a chance to get back on track!!
  • sydneydeb
    sydneydeb Posts: 93 Member
    Paint your fingernails - hard to eat with wet nails or take up knitting or cross stitch - you don't want dirty hands on your craft work - both worked for me.