It's quite disappointing... [this is a long first post!]

From my understanding,
This website, is to help live a healthier lifestyle, and to meet friends, and find support ant motivation.

I can tell you, 2 years ago, this website was FILLED with kind, encouraging people who thought before they wrote. There was only a handful that were rude, left mean messages, made others feel belittled and dumb for not knowing something..

People read the full post before writing their response, they saved negative comments for somewhere else, and wrote things in a positive manner.

2 weeks on this site again, and I feel like it's completely reversed.

There are insane amounts of ignorance, in comments on these discussions, and on other areas of the website.
I see people bringing down others when they ask questions, that to some seem so obvious, and others just have no clue.
People attack you, personally, instead of just carrying on with their lives.

They also don't read the post. They read part of it, or quickly skim it, and then go on about something that really had no business being said..

Example. I wrote a post about soup. There was writing and a picture. The writing was above the photo, and stated clearly I was adding chicken after, that was just a base.

Well, 1/2 the people who commented told me to add meat. {I thought chicken was meat :open_mouth: }

Then 1/4 of the people went on to say no one could help me because they didn't know my goals.

and the other few, actually just gave some ingredients or things they would do to make it taste a bit yummier and add vitamins and minerals.. (Which was literally what my initial question was, that's all)..

So why are you on a website, posting on boards, if you're not going to be kind?
No need to call anyone names, or belittle them.
ABSOLUTELY no need to call someone fat.. (I mean, that should be a given, but I couldn't count on both hands how many times I've seen that in the last 20 minuets going through different posts..)

This is a motivation site, Let's do what we're all here for, and motive and help others.

Don't cause more problems - you don't know what anyone is going through!

Me? I have diagnosed depression triggered by anxiety and certain events (mainly I'm scared to get diagnosed because it's so looked down upon) but was forced to talk to Councillors in high school and college. I never finish anything I start, because almost always someone(s) makes me feel like *kitten* and useless half way through, and I feel like I can't succeed. I'm very intelligent, and I can't finish school, because no one else believes in me, and that has brought me to a very low point. I also have only had one love interest, who accepted me as who I am, and did not use me. He suffered from worse depression, now diagnosed, than I do. We are not together because of that. And to know the only person I've ever cared about in such a way, is going through that, hurts me more. And I do what I can to be there for him, yet have no one to fall back on myself.

Bet you didn't know all that about me. I struggle constantly, and if I post a board for help, I do so here, instead of Facebook, because I thought this website would be helpful, understanding, and even people who are in top shape would just share some nice advice, not act like they are better than you because they are at a better point health wise than you.

So pull up those big girl and boy panties, act like adults, and start showing some respect to other users!

- Sorry, this was long, but I can't help that it's getting to be out of control!


  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    The post that the OP is referring to in case anyone wanted to see it:

    As you can see, her original thread was very confusing and lots of people asked questions to clarify. This apparently has resulted in her freaking out and writing out an enormous "mean people" thread complete with a sob story about her mental issues.

    Now you are caught up to whatever insanity she's going on about.
  • alighterday
    Sadly, I think OP is probably mostly right.

    The best way to avoid it, especially if it gets to you, is to stay out of the forums and just stick with your friends and groups that you know will be supportive/like minded.

    Good luck with it all <3

    That's what I did when I first opened an account 4 years ago. I got torn many new a.h. on the forum and I stopped commenting, but one last time I agreed with an OP's post and someone who didn't, sent me a personal message. I reported it but also just closed my account. Returned two years ago, but its much better in the last year than its ever been, probably because of new rules and the flags. I read the forum and sometimes when I see how "mean" some replies are I will just close it up and wait another day. But if you intend on saying anything on the forums you really need to be able to ignore whats unpleasant, use the information that's useable, and go on with your life like you don't care. Regardless of the rules and flags, the ones who told you its the internet are telling it like it is. Best of luck to you, I myself have anxiety and panic disorder, so I walk away from things that are too negative for me to handle, like coming back to the forums on another day when those type of posts are in it.
  • alighterday
    Sadly, I think OP is probably mostly right.

    The best way to avoid it, especially if it gets to you, is to stay out of the forums and just stick with your friends and groups that you know will be supportive/like minded.

    Good luck with it all <3

    That's what I did when I first opened an account 4 years ago. I got torn many new a.h. on the forum and I stopped commenting, but one last time I agreed with an OP's post and someone who didn't, sent me a personal message. I reported it but also just closed my account. Returned two years ago, but its much better in the last year than its ever been, probably because of new rules and the flags. I read the forum and sometimes when I see how "mean" some replies are I will just close it up and wait another day. But if you intend on saying anything on the forums you really need to be able to ignore whats unpleasant, use the information that's useable, and go on with your life like you don't care. Regardless of the rules and flags, the ones who told you its the internet are telling it like it is. Best of luck to you, I myself have anxiety and panic disorder, so I walk away from things that are too negative for me to handle, like coming back to the forums on another day when those type of posts are in it.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    wrote: »

    Where is the awesome flag?