Need friends who r 40, emotional/binge eaters w/ households that are hard to be nutritious

buckeyefit Posts: 7 Member
edited October 2014 in Introduce Yourself
Adding needing to lose at least 80lbs. Ok I have been on diets (or I should say) thinking about being on diets all my life. If my story is something we have in common please join me. I have tried WW - numerous times- and Jenny Craig. I have read all about diets and know how to eat and what to eat and do but can not sustain any weight loss and now that I am getting older, I can't even start! Plus, I live with my husband and two pre-teen boys. Having only healthy stuff in the house causes some grumbling.

So, I need help from other discouraged dieters trying to do this to give tips, share frustration and encourage with me.


  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm 44 (boohoo!) and have yo-yo'd plenty through out my lifetime. Finally, it's sticking...76 lbs. in 22 months. Still 40 or so to go, but I feel like I got this and this is a lifetime change for me. It is hard to start, but one you're 3 months in or so, it becomes a habit of a lifestyle. I promise you can do it!
  • lesliebunny
    lesliebunny Posts: 11 Member
    Hi. You can add me! I just turned 40 and could have wrote your profile for myself. ☺ I want to lose about 40-50 pounds. I yo-yo diet and lose the same weight over and over. I'm so tired of this.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I am 52....but 40 in my brain still. We are our worst critics. Don't beat yourself up about this. Just take it one day at a time. This is a great program to be accountable! You all can add me if you wish. I say more the merrier, we all go on this great journey of self discovery! The best way to get something done is to begin.
  • rosalynnsmith
    hi add me. I feel 40. I'm a 33 year old single mom trying to get my life back. I need to lose about 60-80 pounds.
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    edited October 2014
    I'm 40. I have 4 teenagers, a partner and a full time job. My partner constantly eats lollies, and his two girls are the most fussy difficult rubbish eating creatures who ever walked the planet. My fridge and cupboards are FULL of crap I didn't buy.

    My story ...
    For the last 20 years I've been trying to cut calories, eat low fat, control my portions of food. Eat less (doesn't matter what you eat) and move more and you'll lose weight right? Food completely controlled my life. I'd be fine all day, and then bam. I would eat 2 McDonalds burgers on the way home from work and then cook dinner and eat with the family. I've sat and ate half a caramel mud cake on my own. I have bought 2 pies and a cake from the bakery and ate them. It's frightening the amount of food I've eaten in one sitting.

    I personally have never been able to do "just a little bit of this or that within my calories". Restricting those "trigger" foods just causes me to fall apart and instead of having a couple of squares of chocolate I'll eat the whole block, and then a bag of chips and a bowl of icecream. And still gaze into the fridge to see what's there.

    The only thing that's stopped it, in 20 years of "I'll start over tomorrow", was cutting out all of the things that caused the problem. As of earlier this year I'm sugar free, I also don't eat grains, pasta, rice, potatoes etc. I eat mainly protein, and foods high in saturated fat. (5% Carbs, 25% Protein, 70% Fat)

    I've lost 58.6lbs so far, another 50lbs to go. I haven't fallen off the wagon, or had a binge, in 6 months. I also haven't been hungry. I feel like it's saved my life, I really do. I eat about 1700 cals a day, and this week alone I've lost 7.7lbs. I don't kill myself at the gym, I go horseriding once a week.

    As always, I don't deny that some people CAN have "just two squares of chocolate" or save their calories and eat McDonalds for dinner and lose weight. I merely share MY experience, there are those of us who can't do that.
  • myonlychoice
    myonlychoice Posts: 11 Member
    Hello! I am 41 and have issues with motivation and live with others who aren't the best support for this. I do know that you are worth it!!!!! Add me if you like.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    hi im 40 almost 2 and a life long bad eater. Have had trouble with motivation and being active. feel free to add me