Looking for friends with BED for support

Hi, I'm Sarah and I'm a binge eater ☺️

It sucks! I've been on this nearly four years and I've lost a grand total of 19lbs. I know it's a lot but I'm 6ft tall and 244lbs. I struggle on a daily basis. I think of food constantly. My family and friends don't really understand. Have been for counselling. Wasn't for me. I was "diagnosed" with BED this year. Though I've known since I was 19 it was a problem.

My binges are less frequent but I find I graze more throughout the day or I'll make excuses and think, one binge won't hurt me. Then I hate myself after. I ate really healthy today and was really proud of myself. Even had a treat and came in under my allowance. Then I got home for work at 10pm(I work shifts) I have no sweets in my house so I had a bagel with chocolate spread and I put chocolate chips on it and inhaled it. Didn't even enjoy it. I wasn't even hungry! There's as no need for it. I didn't need it. Straight away I felt like cr@p.

I hate feeling like this and I know some people will understand me. I'd like some fellow BED friends and maybe we can help each other through it. It's the only part of my life I have no control of and I hate myself for not being able to stop.

Thanks for reading.



  • NeIIaBeIIa
    NeIIaBeIIa Posts: 31 Member
    I am the same, I know exactly how you think!

    I have been on and off here for a few years (interrupted by international moves etc) and anyway, I am not making much progress. I eat perfectly health food all morning then invariably mid afternoon(my trigger time) I go crazy and am totally in denial that it will impact me in any way whatsoever. Until afterwards... When I hate myself.... And I just stop logging out of shame. I don't have an official diagnosis and have never seeked treatment, but it's an option I guess.

    My family say 'just stop doing it!' And think I'm crazy. Seriously, I wish it would be so easy...
    Anyway I'm back on here now and most of my old friends have dropped off so please feel free to add me!
  • Frostbitten007
    Frostbitten007 Posts: 84 Member
    I haven't been officially diagnosed with BED yet, but I am pretty sure I have it. There are some times I eat double the calories I am supposed to eat. I will eat random foods too like plain brown sugar and French fried onions. Other times I will eat a whole tub of ice cream or a whole large pizza or a whole box of mac n cheese. I've known I had a problem since I was around 14 years old. I was thin back then, but healthy. I was between 100-105 pounds and 5'4". Now, I am 5'5" and 160 pounds. Even time I lose weight I just gain in back in about a few weeks. It's really frustrating.

    My family always says, "just eat less. Don't overeat." My mom brought me to a mental health clinic one time because she thought I was crazy. Just for the idiot doctor to say "It's all in your head."

    So, I know how you feel. I am here for you if you ever need someone to talk to. My name is Hannah. Feel free to add my as a friend and message me.
  • HazelBug1987
    HazelBug1987 Posts: 30 Member
    Well, I don't have BED. But I hope that you find good support! I know my experience is probably trivial compared to yours. But I want to say that you are not the only one who loses self control around food. I can't buy sweets and have them in the house for more than 2 days. I will eat them all. I will eat the entire box of cookies, the whole package of doughnuts the entire box of pop tarts or the whole 12 pack of soda if I have it. I wish I had the control to just stop at 1. But I've never been able to. I could see how it can be hard to stop once you start. Fortunately for me it's just sweets I struggle with and I don't have to deal with the struggle if I just don't buy the junk foods too often.
    Anyway, I hope you feel better and that people can help you through your struggles.
  • motmot21
    motmot21 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! Thank you so much for posting. Although I've not been diagnosed, i , too, binge eat. It could be anything, healthy or not, when I'm in that mood, VN I'll overeat anything.

    I am 5'9" and weigh 387lbs...a long way to go yet I believe that if I take one moment, meal or day at a time I can overcome.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend, I believe positive feedback and support on MFP is priceless!

  • joanna_82
    joanna_82 Posts: 151 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi Sarah
    Well done for posting. Binge eating is hard and it is a real struggle and I am sorry that you are having problems with it.
    It is very difficult to get control of, but I think in order to gain control back, you have to reach a point where you decide that you don't want to do it anymore. Bingeing gives you something, because you keep going back and doing it. What is it you are looking for, is it comfort, are you eating because you are stressed, emotional, etc?

    I tried many a time to get on top of my BED but I always failed. I'm not sure why I've been successful this time around but ultimately I just decided that i wanted to look after myself and I wanted to feel well and I started to realise that bingeing didn't help me at all, it just made me feel worse.

    Something I also realised was that I wasn't eating enough during the day, so I was getting home and being so hungry that i would binge on everything I had at home almost in panic mode because I needed to eat.

    Sorry that counselling hasn't worked for you. For me it was the support I needed to take the risk to try stopping it.

    Make a choice not to binge for just one day. Try eating three big meals a day, try getting back into the habit of normal eating. Maybe take a break from logging for a week or so, get yourself back into a normal routine first. Then, when you feel a little better, you can start looking at your diet and seeing what you can change. For me, I have to have little amounts of the things I like so i don't crave them in huge amounts.

    Ultimately it is your decision to say, right, that's it, no more. But if there is an emotional reason behind bingeing, then you might need some more support until you get there.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I log every day and try to keep to what i feel is a healthy balanced diet.

    Jo x