Please tell me what im doing wrong!!

jerzite Posts: 12 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I must be doing something wrong... Its been 20 days, ive exercised and ate less and more healthy, it says i will weigh less after every entry but im still the same!! I set my goal calories at 800 a day, yet got to add several hundred for my exercises, so i averaged around 1200 a day.. yet i havent lost an ounce!! :(


  • KidP
    KidP Posts: 247 Member
    Don't know your specifics (i.e. age, height, etc), but 800 cals a day sounds very low. What did MFP recommend calorie-wise when you set your goals? I'd stick to that (plus exercise calories). If you're eating too few calories per day, that is a likely culprit for why you're not losing weight.
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    You need to net 1200 a day or your body will enter starvation mode and will hold onto your fat cells. (Trust me, I KNOW this is easier said than done... I've been having a problem netting 1200 this week because I've felt a little off.)

    Have MFP do your goals for you, don't set them yourself. Good luck!
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Not sure what you set your goal as? I started with 2lb a week. I ave about 15lb I want off. then it hit me to change my goal to 1lb loss a week. Changed my caloric intake, per recommended by people who have lost a lot of weight successfully......I am on day 4...I do feel better, they swear it works, I trust way obviously does not work. Try that?Good luck to you!
  • 800 calories a day sounds like a crash diet. And from what I understand those suck and don't work. Up your calories to 1200 a day, earn exercise calories, and then eat all those too. Otherwise you're just gonna burn your body out and get nowhere.
  • jamiek89
    jamiek89 Posts: 105
    800 cals is WAY too low! 1,200 cals is the generally recommended safety net (as in, dont go any lower than that) because otherwise you dont get enough of the basic nutrients your body needs to function. When your body is struggling to function, it hangs on to every calorie you consume because it needs all the help it can back! It might sound crazy but you need to eat more to lose weight! I would stick to what MFP recommends or at least not go below 1200
  • Yep SuzMac1981 is right , if you lower your intake your metabolism will grind down and really it is better to eat more often to speed it up. Granted your not gonna be eating bigmacs but I try to eat breakfast every morning around 8:30 AM then at 11 ish I have a snack like a banana or a apple then 2:00 I eat lunch then around 7:00 I have a small dinner and at 9:00 I eat a activa yogurt and a decaf coffee.

    I have heard allot of people say that eating too late can add weight I agree with that , I normally go to bed around midnight.
    That is my routine I don't know what yours is but I do have days that I eat 2000 cal and some days I eat 1200
    I am doing P90X program as well and have lost 40 pounds in 8 weeks on that program. I am taking a break from the program because I hurt my knee but I joined this site to help keep me on track with eating.

    Building muscle burns fat and keeps it off , allot of women say they don't want to lift weights well if your lifting like 5 pounds at a time or even get some leg weights and wrist weights that strap on while your doing house work or going for a walk can greatly help in keeping you tone and this will do wonders for arm fat , jello arms. The first time I worked out on the p90x program I could only do 7 minutes of cardio that was it I was laying on my couch and heart was pounding i was sweating like crazy and I realized OMG I am 42 years old and I am in serious trouble.

    I am not a exercise expert so I can't tell you exactly what will work for you all I can say is what is working for me. I do take a vitamin every day , I like the gummy ones cause it is almost like having a piece of candy that is good for you .. :)

    When I first started to diet I was a midnight eater now if my stomach is rumbling before I go to bed I will eat cheerios 1/2 cup with a little milk just to stave off the tummy monster till I can get to sleep.

    You have to fuel your body to build muscle because if your not building it your losing it.
    Especially if your in your 40's + years
  • jerzite
    jerzite Posts: 12 Member
    When i up my calories to 1200 a day i gain weight! If you look back at my progress the first week or so it was set at 1200.. i gained almost 4 pounds... ! so the last 20 days i started at 136 and right now im still 136!! UGGG
  • agree with everyone! up the healthy calories! and don't forget muscle weighs more than fat!! maybe you should take measurements to track your inches lost! that may boost your spirits! don't give up!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I'm not one of those that thinks that everyone will go into "starvation mode" if they go under their calories for one day, or don't eat all of their exercise calories, people do differ BUT 800 a day is way too low to get even the bare minimum that your body needs.

    Even if you do lose weight at 800 calories a day, you'll be losing muscle.

    Unless you're extremely short, you need 1200 calories a day minimum, even if you don't eat your exercise calories.
  • gremlet
    gremlet Posts: 21 Member
    800 calories a day sounds far too low. You won't be able to sustain that in the long term.

    Also, try not to worry TOO much about the numbers on the scale. I know that's easier said than done, but try to find another way to measure your progress.

    I've been using MFP for over two months now. I've been doing a 5k training plan, 3 times a week and I'm now running at least 5k, 4 times a week. I've also started strength training and I belly dance every now and again. I'm almost always under my calorie allowance and I've lost... 4lbs. BUT my clothes are much looser, I can see in the mirror that I'm slimmer, I can now run for an hour without stopping whereas 2 months ago I could barely manage 10 minutes. That's much more important than what the scale says.
  • michelleion
    michelleion Posts: 122 Member
    jerzite - when you say you gain weight when you up your calories to 1200, it's probably because your body is used to surviving on 800 a day and therefore your metabolism will be very slow, holding onto all the calories it can get, so by suddenly 'shocking' it with 1200, you will gain weight for a bit as your metabolism speeds up and gets back to normal, then you will start losing again, and at a faster pace, trust me.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    What is your exercise routine? Are you doing any strength training? Muscle burns fat.
  • fasttrack27
    fasttrack27 Posts: 324
    When i up my calories to 1200 a day i gain weight! If you look back at my progress the first week or so it was set at 1200.. i gained almost 4 pounds... ! so the last 20 days i started at 136 and right now im still 136!! UGGG

    If you only went one week at that level that wouldnt be enough time for your body to adjust. Could be a variety of things that made it go up a little. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Dont expect big results that quickly. Go back to the basics - set a healthy cal goal and stick with it longer. Be sure to eat a healthy 1200 cals (i didnt look at your diary) drink lots of water, and get regular excercise - you WILL start seeing in difference in time
  • ChristineM1953
    ChristineM1953 Posts: 135 Member
    Just eat more and net 1200 calories. Go online and read a little about starvation mode, eating your calories, etc... It is very helpful. and be sure that you are drinking enough fluids, getting a good balance of protein, carbs and fiber, and watch your sodium intake. You will succeed.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I just looked at your profile and you're down from 240 lbs I see and only 8 lbs to lose. Those last lbs are the toughest.
    I would need to see your diary to be of any help. Add me as a friend and let's see if I can help.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    When i up my calories to 1200 a day i gain weight!
    In that case, the most likely reasons are either:

    1. The scales readings were false, eg you weighed yourself just after and before a period, after a meal, after eating salt which causes fluid retention, when you were constipated etc.

    2. You are about four foot six.

    3. You are not measuring your food, and estimating those 1200 calories incorrectly.

    4. You have a serious metabolic disorder and should see your doctor.

    Only you can know which of those is more likely.
  • jerzite
    jerzite Posts: 12 Member
    Ive been walking 4.0 for 60 mins several days a week, been gardening for 3-5 hours a day, i used the weights a few times, and im constantly on the go.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    If you're constantly on the go, then your body will NEED more than 800 cals a day to keep functioning.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Sound like you need a good structured plan of Nutrition, Strength and Cardio. Have you checked out P90X, Chalean Exrteme or Turbo Fire?
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Ive been walking 4.0 for 60 mins several days a week, been gardening for 3-5 hours a day, i used the weights a few times, and im constantly on the go.
    Keep going like this and you'll pass out. If you really are only eating 800 calories a day, and yet doing all of this exercise, you're doing your body a load of damage.

    Oh, and you won't lose any of your fat.
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