Post here if you want more friends!



  • fejiofor
    fejiofor Posts: 373 Member
    DanZiehm wrote: »
    I'm always looking for active, fun, motivational friends on MFP. If you're reading this, please feel free to send me a FR.

    Same here add me.
  • NikkiLouise15
    NikkiLouise15 Posts: 67 Member
    Hiiii! I have been a member of MFP for about 3 years but today I deleted my old account after looking through my old food diaries and being pretty ashamed at the amount of fad diets I have done! I have lost around 28lbs in the last 12 months but today I start again - this time the healthy, clean way! ADD ME to follow my journey
  • Nona240
    Nona240 Posts: 78 Member
    Me!!! I love new friends!
  • Add me :# im new and none of my friends have joined :'( xox
  • Hi There!!! I'm starting my diet on Monday.... No support at all around me!
    Anyone who's just started or looking for mutual motivation? Message me! :-)
  • ATK57
    ATK57 Posts: 302 Member
    The more the merrier!
  • Me me! I am not technically new to the site but have never used it properly before! I lost weight after having a baby but haven't managed to keep it off - looking for a bit more motivation this time!!! :smiley:
  • stephenahill
    stephenahill Posts: 40 Member
    add me 23 year old certified personal trainer
  • lisarivp
    lisarivp Posts: 5 Member
    I'd love some new friends too!
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    I WANT ONE !!!!
  • looking for friends as mine abandoned me while I was away on holiday.
  • Alanf1515
    Alanf1515 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm starting over again after awhile off the site. I'm looking for friends to help keep me motivated.
  • iame_kandi
    iame_kandi Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. Please feel free to add me. I swear Im struggling with food ideas and just continuing to use the app. I really need some encouragement. Thanks everyone!
  • jennc6977
    jennc6977 Posts: 7 Member
    Please add me!!!!!
  • Feel free to add me :3
  • TheBigFb
    TheBigFb Posts: 649 Member
    I could do with a few more MFP Pals
  • mcblevins
    mcblevins Posts: 74 Member
    Looking for some friends that track daily/almost daily!!
  • I can always use more friends who are willing to offer motivation and support. I will offer the same in return. :) (p.s. if you are an avid cyclist...that is a MAJOR plus!)
  • ajalcazar84
    ajalcazar84 Posts: 72 Member
    Looking for peoples for motivation and awesomeness. Being from the same area would be even more awesome so we can work out together or something.
  • kittyfantastico66
    kittyfantastico66 Posts: 32 Member
    Yes please! :smiley: