I have hypothyroidism. Would love to add friends that have this as well.

Anyone interested?


  • trivard676
    trivard676 Posts: 90 Member
    I was just diagnosed last week. Still trying to figure out what dosage will work for me. Feel free to add me.
  • bharatirats
    bharatirats Posts: 25 Member
    Its difficult to lose weight after hypothyroidism..I m also facing the same problem..
  • delightfulmnl
    I've had an underactive thyroid for about 8 years now. I'm 5"3 and a chubby kid growing up. My heaviest weight was 172lbs at the height of my hypothyroidism. I was able to lose weight through dieting and weighed the lowest at 123lbs. Unfortunately, I gained a lot of lbs and I'm currently at 160lbs.

    Been struggling to lose weight. I got myself checked a couple of months back and it shows that my hormone levels are not normal AT ALL. They are way off even with 150mcg of Thyrax daily. Gonna visit a new endo tomorrow to check if there could be other ways...

  • Sparkles281
    Sparkles281 Posts: 14 Member
    I was diagnosed about 3 years ago! I haven't had any problems losing weight thus far, but I've only just begun so time will tell.
  • littlecompton
    Have had it for years. Just found out that my doc didn't bother to tell me that my TSH was out of range again (have been on 88mcg Levothyroxine for years). At my suggestion she upped me to 100mcg. Going to endo. in March. It's important to follow up with specialists because sometimes GP's don't understand the importance of staying in range, as is the case with my own. Feel free to add me.
  • Realtree2429
    Realtree2429 Posts: 81 Member
    I was diagnosed about 8 years ago....you can add me :) I'll be honest, I haven't had my levels checked in over a year (bad me!) but I feel great when I take Armour Thyroid. Felt horrible on Synthroid!
  • annie422
    annie422 Posts: 114 Member
    I was just diagnosed last week as well. Feel free to add me. haven't started meds yet but will soon and trying to research synthroid vs. Armour and would love any experiences folks have had with them.
  • annie422
    annie422 Posts: 114 Member
    I was diagnosed about 8 years ago....you can add me :) I'll be honest, I haven't had my levels checked in over a year (bad me!) but I feel great when I take Armour Thyroid. Felt horrible on Synthroid!

    Hi Realtree, what were your side effects on synthroid vs. Armour if you don't mind me asking? just starting to look into this and hope to talk to my doctor later today. they automatically prescribed me levothyroxine, but I get the feeling it's their default and not really specific to the patient.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Me, me, me! hypothyroid AND menopausing! Please let me recommend Armour Thyroid over synthroid. I have been through this experience and I can tell you there is a huge difference in the quality of life and ability to lose weight versus it being impossible no matter what you do!
  • azure7
    azure7 Posts: 136 Member
    Hashimoto's here! Feel free to add me. We also have a group called "Butterfly Chasers" with lots of helpful info and support :)
  • lunchlady61
    lunchlady61 Posts: 17 Member
    I was diagnosed about 40 yeas ago. My weight has always been a problem, even with Synthroid or Thyroxine. I do have to say that I feel better when taking Armour over the synthetics; and the generics did not work well at all for me. Under 5 feet tall, and over 50, it is even harder to lose the weight, but I don't feel as tired all the time. Even though my blood work comes out normal, I still have symptoms of hypothyroidism. Lol, hot flashes can be a welcome thing for a woman who is hypothyroid.
  • sabel20
    sabel20 Posts: 7 Member
    I was 4-5 years ago...still take my meds and have trouble loosing weight sadly But i believe m levels are off and thankfully have a appt soon!

    Happy to be friends with anyone though
  • valeriejo
    valeriejo Posts: 14 Member
    I have been diagnosed for about !2 years. I had a lot of success with eating a gluten free "paleo" diet. I was able to drop 65 lbs in 5 months. The problem is that once I stopped eating that way, it all came back. But to be fair I wasnt eating at all healthy. I am starting back up again and would love more friends who are also in the same boat as me with their thyroids. Feel free to add me!
  • bbg_daryl
    bbg_daryl Posts: 150 Member
    Hiii! It's not easy to lose weight with this condition, but it's not impossible. :D Add me and check out my blog to see some of my success over the past year. That sounded like advertising, I apologize. <.<;
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi. Diagnosed about 10 years ago (Mum & one of my sisters have it too). Been on Levothyroxine for ages without any problems. Reviewed every year. Have managed to lose weight OK. My main problem is feeling the cold too much :| Happy to have extra friends too ;)
  • jacqueline7599
    jacqueline7599 Posts: 159 Member
    Omg I need help with this bad!!! I went to endocrinologist because I can't lose weight no matter how hard I workout or healthy I eat. I'm constantly tired. All I want to do is sleep even with B12 pills. My TSH was 0.435 in july. The range says 0.450-4.500 is normal, so I'm below. Before bloodwork he found nodules on my thyroid and said wow no wonder you have problems losing weight. Well when bloodwork came back he said I was fine and didn't need meds and we'll just keep check on nodules! Seriously! !! I'm frustrated! !!
    Any opinions or help would be appreciated. I also have gained 25 lbs in 2 yrs and 45 in past 6 yrs. I do 5 k's and have trained for mud runs and marathons and still not lose 1 lb. I'm not lazy and not workout or eat right, like people try to say.
  • jacqueline7599
    jacqueline7599 Posts: 159 Member
    Oh my only thing is I'm never cold. 90% of time I'm hot. So I don't have that symptom.
  • Singularity84
    Singularity84 Posts: 98 Member
    I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism a few years ago and ended up having to have surgery to remove an enlarged nodule and half of my thyroid, which, of course, left me with hypothyroidism. Granted, I've been heavy my entire life, even when I had an overactive thyroid (instead of increased metabolism, I got anxiety and high blood pressure. Thanks, thyroid!)
  • 1Mrsmcdilbert
    1Mrsmcdilbert Posts: 44 Member
    I was diagnosed 10 years ago. I had just lost 40 pounds and couldn't figure out why I was struggling at maintenance and putting the weight back on when they finally diagnosed me. I need to figure out how to lose the weight again.
  • bharatirats
    bharatirats Posts: 25 Member
    SueGeer wrote: »
    Hi. Diagnosed about 10 years ago (Mum & one of my sisters have it too). Been on Levothyroxine for ages without any problems. Reviewed every year. Have managed to lose weight OK. My main problem is feeling the cold too much :| Happy to have extra friends too ;)

    hello. I diagnosed about 3 years ago.Taking Thyronorm 50 mg daily.
    I cant lose weight only. Else till date everything is normal.