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So 300 hundred pounds and excercise #HelpPlease!

hi! im 26 and currently 294 lb ,started eating healthier and going to the gym 10 days ago, i've lost 4 pounds since then, when i joined the gym i did not have any idea of what to do, but i guessed that doing some cardio was probably the best thing, so basically what im doing is 5x a week; 1 hour in the tread mill + 20 mins in the stationary bike + 15 mins in the elyptical, which aprox comes out like 350 calories burn, do you think that's enough?
and the other thing is that today i decide to take a zumba class and felt miserable, i could beraly could finish the class and make all the movements -_-. is there anyone about my weight that could tell me what worked for you, or what at type of excercise should i do?
im lost here, any advise are welcome.

Tx u.


  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    I'm 330 lbs (started at 410 lbs) and I personally love the elliptical. It's easier on my back and joints than the treadmill. But that is my personal preference, you should do what you feel like you can handle. If you're only 10 days into exercising make sure you take it slow and work your way up otherwise you could burn yourself out or injure yourself. When I took a zumba class for the first time I loved it... but I pulled my hamstring BADLY and ended up on crutches for over a month. I had to learn my limits and work with my body and now I can get through a zumba class with ease, even being at my weight.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    anything that is more than what you were doing yesterday is enough. Stick with it long term, you'll do great.
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    Sounds like your original workout was working perfectly. It is a process and takes time. As long as you continue to lose weight at that rate for a while, I wouldn't change what you are doing. You want to build a sustainable effort, not overwhelm yourself and end up giving up.

    I am at 250 and when I do Zumba it is because I enjoy it. If you enjoy it, continue, but maybe don't push quite so hard so that is fun and you don't feel like it is trying to kill you.

    Good luck on your journey and keep with it. :)
  • panda4153
    panda4153 Posts: 417 Member
    I did not start as high as you, but one thing I found was just doing something that I enjoyed. For me, I personally really liked the ellpytical. I started on that and just set some reasonable goals for myself. I honestly started by saying I just wanted to go 10 minutes. Then I added time to invidual workouts each week until I can go for over an hour now, but I usually ony have about 45, minutes for a work out.

    Later I added strength training, yoga, running, hiking and stairs, and classes. I found that as I got fitter, I wanted try more activities, and go go longer.
  • Medivh73
    Medivh73 Posts: 140 Member
    I started at 400 lbs in June and I currently weigh 325 lbs. Along with eating within my calories (I never eat back exercise calories), I ride on the stationary bike an hour a day/6 days a week.
  • pinuprevival
    pinuprevival Posts: 65 Member
    I think more people would say your diet is what you should be focusing on more. Exercise is like the icing on the cake for a healthier way of life. Years ago I would run 4-7 miles a day depending on the work day I had, but my choices of food and drink were awful and made it so I had to do that much running. Wish I knew then, what I know now. Feel free to add me, my diary is open for friends. :)
  • callas444
    callas444 Posts: 261 Member
    I started at 340(ish.. the scale couldn't weigh me until I got down to 335, so I could have been more.) Anyway, the first thing I did for fitness was got a pedometer and started building my steps. I couldn't exercise hard core back then. I gradually built from 3000-4000 steps a day until I was getting 7,500 or so on a regular basis. When i was about 270 or so I started a fitness class that uses cardio, strength, and toning. Now that I am 100 + pounds down, I'm still a big girl, but I am strong. It doesn't happen overnight though. I take 4 classes a week (zumba, PIYO, and 2x the fitness class). Most days I get 10,000-15,000 steps.
    I think the thing to remember is that you want to slowly increase your fitness for several reasons. First, you have to give yourself time to adjust to movement. Secondly, it's easy to hurt yourself when you are 300 pounds. If you do, you will be down for a long time AND your knees and stuff are never the same again if you injure them. Just don't. Lastly, tons of unexpected exercise right away is very confusing for your body. Your body gets all WTF are you doing??? And then it holds on to the fat.
    Keep in mind that weight loss happens in the kitchen. Eating well is essential for weight loss. The exercise is for health, toning, and to burn calories. You can't eat like crap and then do an exercise class and expect to lose weight. The calorie control needs to be first.

    Feel free to check out my food diary for meal ideas and friend me if you'd like some support from someone who has been there. Good luck!
  • scarletstripes
    scarletstripes Posts: 5 Member
    take it easy.. start low and build it up. Zumba is high energy and I'm not surprised you felt miserable. Rome wasnt built in a day afterall. Talk to your gym. Do they have a personal trainer that can advise you properly instead of going in all guns blazing? My concern for you is that you will injure yourself by not being prepared.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    karyabc wrote: »
    hi! im 26 and currently 294 lb ,started eating healthier and going to the gym 10 days ago, i've lost 4 pounds since then, when i joined the gym i did not have any idea of what to do, but i guessed that doing some cardio was probably the best thing, so basically what im doing is 5x a week; 1 hour in the tread mill + 20 mins in the stationary bike + 15 mins in the elyptical, which aprox comes out like 350 calories burn, do you think that's enough?
    and the other thing is that today i decide to take a zumba class and felt miserable, i could beraly could finish the class and make all the movements -_-. is there anyone about my weight that could tell me what worked for you, or what at type of excercise should i do?
    im lost here, any advise are welcome.

    Tx u.

    Are you sure about those calorie burn numbers? That seems low for an hour and half of cardio for someone who weighs 300 pounds. I plugged in 2.0 mph on the treadmill for 60 minutes + 300 weight and it says 340 calories just for that.

    If you want some serious calorie burns try swimming! I swim laps and do deep water aerobics four times a week and I burn a lot of calories. Plus, my biceps and leg muscles have gotten so much stronger and defined. I started at almost 300 pounds and have lost 60 pounds since March.
  • ajalcazar84
    ajalcazar84 Posts: 72 Member
    The fact that you are doing SOMETHING is enough to kickstart your metabolism. Zumba is a great way to get moving. I would much rather see you next to me trying than the fitness guru who makes it look so easy that I want to quit. As you continue working at it, each exercise or workout will become easier to do. This is where you will begin to increase reps or time then continue to build on that. Don't try to much to soon because then you will burn yourself out. I was at 240 and built when I was in the Army. I got lazy after and quit on myself after an accident and ballooned to 388 lbs. I am currently 309. Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    I was about your weight when I realized that I needed to stop my upward weight climb. I started cleaning up my diet by quitting pop and drinking water, eating more veggies and fruit, and limited fast food to one meal a week instead of ten meals a week (some days I only ate fast food). I started by working out for 20 minutes a day for 4 days a week and after a month I increased my minutes.

    I like to use my bike on a trainer at home when the weather is nasty outside or my elliptical. That has really helped to alleviate the pain on my joints. I have dropped 43 pounds since January and as I have dropped more weight I have started hiking and jogging. I have even registered for a couple of fun runs to keep me motivated. I walk a big portion of these races, but I am improving every day!

    Find exercises that you enjoy and have fun as you get healthier! Feel free to add me if you would like an additional friend.
  • RachelInSpace
    RachelInSpace Posts: 23 Member
    My biggest piece of advice is get a heart rate monitor. You can get exact calories burned (or pretty close) and the MFP calculator is sooooooooooooooo bad. 350 does seem really low for that amount of effort.

    Get a reliable heart rate monitor for your workouts and just do what you enjoy, as long as it keeps your heart rate in the zone. Good luck and feel free to friend me!
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    When I started MFP I was 320 that was a few yrs ago. I fell off the wagon recently got back on the end of this summer. I believe you are burning more calories then you think. I love the bikes, and tredmill ( can only do 15 minutes due to ankle injury) along with Zumba for my wii. Best of luck feel free to friend me.
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    omg! tx u so much, never expect to get so many answer :blush: anyway about the calories burn, today i bouth a polar watch/ HRM for the same reason (it arrives next week) , to be sure how many calories im burning, but all i have for now is what the treadmill seas ( 5km/h =250 cal) , 20 mins in the stationary bike it says 50 calories, and the elliptical 15 mins says 50 cal aprox.

    i decided to take the zumba class because i already seem to manage so well doing all the above that i was afraid to be getting to comfortable and want to try doing something different
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    cardio is fine ..I would also suggest a strength training program. New rules of lifting for woman, starting strength, 5x5, strong lifts are all good beginner programs….get on a program and stick to it and mix in some cardio ..the weight will come off and you will preserve muscle mass as well...
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    I'm 330 lbs (started at 410 lbs) and I personally love the elliptical. It's easier on my back and joints than the treadmill. But that is my personal preference, you should do what you feel like you can handle. If you're only 10 days into exercising make sure you take it slow and work your way up otherwise you could burn yourself out or injure yourself. When I took a zumba class for the first time I loved it... but I pulled my hamstring BADLY and ended up on crutches for over a month. I had to learn my limits and work with my body and now I can get through a zumba class with ease, even being at my weight.

    congratulation on everything you have accomplish! i do love the elliptical but sometimes becomes quite a challenge, im trying to improve my time using it. i guess slow and steady it's the way to go, so for a while i will stick to my routine

  • PokeyBug
    PokeyBug Posts: 482 Member
    JMO, but you don't want to push yourself too hard too soon. For me, that has always been a recipe for exhaustion. I've never been what you'd call 'good' at stuff like Zumba. Or any exercise that requires any sort of coordination. Start slow, don't go at it all full force, or you'll wear yourself out before you've got the strength to do what you'd like to be able to do.

    There's nothing wrong with just, plain walking until you get your endurance built up a bit. I would advise eventually adding resistance training (weights, bands, or just body weight at first) in addition to the cardio. It builds muscle strength, helps prevent osteoporosis, reduces blood pressure, etc. You can lift weights, do calisthenics, yoga or pilates (I do Callanetics). Find a program you think might be interesting, watch a couple of YouTube videos and try it out, and you can buy a video for less than $20. If you are interested in lifting, and can afford it, meet with a personal trainer a couple of times a month to get you started on the right track.

    But, don't feel like you have to push yourself into resistance training before you're ready. Hopefully, this getting in shape thing is going to be a life-long commitment. There's not a timeline that says when you're going to be ready for what.
  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    I didn't like Zumba .. I'd prefer to be on the elliptical or outside. I found a new love for the outdoors and have joined a hiking club. I go every weekend! Do something you enjoy. It's more likely you'll stick with it long term! And congratulations on taking your first steps to become a healthier you! Oh and remember, what you eat plays a big part in your success too. Don't neglect it!
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    Don't feel bad about Zumba. I'm at my goal weight now, but I have zero coordination. Every time I've done Zumba I feel like a clumsy ox. Elliptical machine would be great for you. Weights too, as others have suggested, and get a heart rate monitor too. Your burn sounds pretty low. I think you're burning much more than that.
  • ikkinr20
    ikkinr20 Posts: 27 Member
    I started out at 287 and have lost about 20 pounds since. It's still really hard for me to do anything high impact and bouncy because of ankle and knee pain. I have been doing some low impact routines from Fitnessblender.com. I have noticed a big difference in my arms, especially. Arm circles, as easy as they sound, really burn! I also really like their stretch and flexibility routines. I feel like that has helped me out a lot too, separately from losing 20. I have also been walking. Over time, I picked up my pace and make sure it gets my temperature up now to count. So, I think just listening to your muscles and joints, being conscious of overdoing and also underdoing, and just trying different things until you find that magic mix is the best thing to do. We often feel like we are under a time constraint to lose weight because we want to see results and are in a sort of competition with ourselves. But the truth is, you have all the time in the world to get this right for you.