Halloween Food Ideas

PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
Just made this delectable dessert for the potluck at work...

And a few ideas that may also get put into place that are super easy...
Dirty cotton buds. Toothpicks, mini marshmallows, and peanut butter, caramel, or melted butterscotch chips.closeup-2.jpg~320x480

And dirty bandages. Graham crackers, frosting, and jam.21251429462049340Luu9G1fGc.jpg

I'm also attempting to make something like this in the morning...so fantastic!

Anyone else making anything gross, spooky, or specifically Halloween pumpkintacular?


  • fit_abbey
    Scariest thing for me is looking in the mirror after getting out of the shower ... yikes ... that is enough Halloween fright to get me through the day of celebration.

    But for those who can partake of the fun and calories, those are cute ideas. Another treat idea: brown frosted pan cake with gummy worms crawling out ... that was Halloween creepy.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    Those look great!!! I've been compiling recipes for fun things to make before taking the kids out that won't be covered in sugar. This page has quite a few. I'm thinking I'll definitely do the stuffed peppers and the peanut butter spiders. http://meowchie.snydle.com/halloween-recipes.html
  • ELMunque
    ELMunque Posts: 136 Member
    We have a gross food halloween party every year with my kids. Some things I've done:

    Use your favorit meatloaf recipe and form smaller balls in the shape of rats, put a raw spaghetti noodle for the tail (it'll soften while it cooks) and cook in red sauce, then use more raw spaghetti for whiskers and some ketchup and black food coloring for eyes.

    We had some leftover spaghetti so I unrolled a crescent roll, threw some spaghetti, extra sauce and some mozzerella and then rolled it and shaped it like a snake, bell peppers for eyes and tongue and then dusted it with colored egg whites and garlic. It was amazing.

    Kitty litter cake with little tootsie roll poo.

    If you slice a hotdog lengthwise about 3/4 of the way up, leaving the top, and boil it it curls up and looks like an octopus, I floated them in chicken broth with some shredded green onions.

    If you cut the hotdogs all the way lengthwise and cover them in ketchup and throw them on a bun they look like bloody worms

    and then all the usuals, mummy pizza, mummy dogs, lady fingers and what not.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I cut chicken breasts into the shape of a hand one year (the "tender" is the thumb) and made chicken parm out of them. Sliced some bright green olives in half long-ways and added them as fingernails, then put noodles and sauce (worms and blood, of course) on the side. Then my 2nd grader asked if the apple juice was pee and all the charm went right out of the meal.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    We always have something special for Halloween dinner.

    Some things we have had in the past:
    Witch finger cookies- a shortbread cookie shaped like a finger with a sliced almond for a fingernail stuck on with a little red or black icing or melted chocolate
    Snake coils- just crescent roll dough with a cream cheese/pesto mixture spread on it and rolled up. Sliced into about 1" pieces and placed cut side down with an olive added for a head before baking.
    Spookghetti and eekballs- spaghetti with meatballs that have olives embedded in them
    Deviled eggs with spiders on top made from black olives
    Stuffed mummy bread
    Rat shaped meatloaf
    Dirt cake with gummy worms
    Pumpkin bars
    Apple cider
    Caramel apples
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    The corpse meatloaf hands weren't as convincing as the litterbox dessert, but they still got the point across...and were rather tasty.

    Love the fact others are making some tasties too!
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    We had fun with the theme last night :)
    Chocolate covered apples, pretzels, and strawberries (thankfully I don't like white chocolate so no temptation there). I did enjoy a mummy hotdog though. The mummy bread is we'll cut up and dip in marinara sauce tonight.
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I made black pasta using food coloring splashed over the cooked noodles. It was a hit. Nevermind the fact that I made homemade alfredo sauce. YUMMY, but so very fattening.