
Ok, seriously...I need to know how to stop snacking! (Especially at work, when I'm BORED, and at night after my son goes to bed!) Anyone have any tips???



  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    I could use some tips too! Seems like after all the kids are in bed, I start in on all the snacking!!!!! AHHHHHH!
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    HeelsAndBoxingGloves Posts: 916 Member
    I find the best way for me to not snack is to not have any available! I've stopped keeping snack foods at work and at home I try to only have healthy snack foods.
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    If you feel the need to snack, especially at work, maybe make sure you have lots of veggies handy, so that's all you will eat. Self control is the key. Good luck.
  • ratkins811
    ratkins811 Posts: 190 Member
    I can relate... I had a terrible night after kids went to bed fighting the munchies. I did much on ok stuff but feel so guilt ridden today. We can encourage each other to get back on track
  • birdieking007
    Raw vegetables (low carb) without dip and popcorn. Also drink lots of water!! In the evening I chew sugarless gum or brush my teeth to keep me from eatting.
  • cj1234cj23
    cj1234cj23 Posts: 113 Member
    I learned this from reading someone else's post. I drink some beef or chicken broth (you can buy it already made and fat free, low sodium if you want) and it's only 20-30 calories a cup, and I dip some multi-grain saltines in the juice. Tastes pretty good and lets me get the crunchy feel of the saltines (snacking) in. I usually have enough calories left over at end of day to have one or two servings of this at night during the prime snacking hours. Good luck!
  • Aperyan83
    Aperyan83 Posts: 69 Member
    trash all the food you dont want to eat..

    i know you spend money on it but... it's like paying for weight!?
  • Aperyan83
    Aperyan83 Posts: 69 Member
    I learned this from reading someone else's post. I drink some beef or chicken broth (you can buy it already made and fat free, low sodium if you want) and it's only 20-30 calories a cup, and I dip some multi-grain saltines in the juice. Tastes pretty good and lets me get the crunchy feel of the saltines (snacking) in. I usually have enough calories left over at end of day to have one or two servings of this at night during the prime snacking hours. Good luck!

    good idea... a nice HERBAL tea with animal cookies is a sweet option?!
  • bijalita
    bijalita Posts: 8
    Get rid of the snack foods! It's too easy to give in to the temptation. Try replacing the junk with baby carrots or celery or if you really need a snack factor it in to your calories and consume one serving slowly. It's a matter of will can do it!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    *WATER water water! If you get sick of water, alternate lots of ice, fresh lime or lemon, nestea singles in moderation etc to change it up! I find my mindless need to snack is due to thirst sometimes.

    * Eat more at meals. Upping your protein to half your body weight (so if you weigh 100 pounds, get 50g of protein min) will help you stay more satisfied.

    *get rid of your worst offender snacks.

    *cut up fruit and veggies for quick grabs.

    *celery and hummus (measure hummus first) is good for mindless crunching

    *Try and plan your day out ahead. At lunch i try and log my dinner and then i know how much room i have left for snacks.
  • happyhappyjoy72
    I have that same problem!! I have only been at this for a week but I thought ahead on this one. First if you’re a snacker you need to think of that when you’re planning your calorie intake for the day and You need to leave room for your snacks and then you need to find healthy snacks. 94% fat free snack size popcorn or the 100 calorie snack packs and my all-time fav is the no sugar added fudge pops.
    You just need to think ahead and you will have it made. Just don’t eat just before going to bed. I snack no later than two hr's while watching a little TV and doing laundry or light house work.

    Good luck!!
  • Rubino469
    Rubino469 Posts: 12
    While at work said earlier snack on fruits and veggies, or popcorn..but the key to what I have done is if I really want something that I probably should not have I eat it but I only eat the recommended serving size ... and if I feel guilty about eating it I just work out a lil longer or hard the same or next day.
  • Bettyou
    Bettyou Posts: 2 Member
    whenever I'm feeling like I want to snack, I go have a glass of cold water first!
    Generally i feel full and then get distracted on to another task! If you eat anything after 8 PM ~ try almonds, crunchy, salty and
    fulfilling. Hang in there... the Mental part is most our battle!
  • Angiebug1969
    If you feel the need to snack, especially at work, maybe make sure you have lots of veggies handy, so that's all you will eat. Self control is the key. Good luck.

    Great advice!! With snacking, we'll nibble on what's available... so make available great choices for those moments when temptation strikes! LoL!

    One little thing I've learned to do, is grab water FIRST... when I'm itchin' to nibble on something while I'm in my office. I'll drink some water FIRST, then sometimes I'll go ahead & snack, sometimes I won't. Either way, I'm getting my water, and if I DO snack, it's not as much... and the water helps with digestion. WIN - WIN!

    (Did I mention my boss keeps a full candy dish... Saboteur!!) LMBO!!

    :bigsmile: Angie
  • KayyB13
    KayyB13 Posts: 84 Member
    Chew gum! I kind of blew off this suggestion at first, but I know it helps me now! At night I tend to mindlessly snack, but when I reach for that snack and realize I have gum already in my mouth triggers my brain into the "what are you doing, put that down you don't need to eat that" kind of mode haha. Also sipping on really hot tea :)
  • Emilystbt
    Snacking really isnt the problem, its what your snacking on,
    I snack all day long at work and I am never hungry, I bring grapes, baby carrots, low fat yogurt to mix with a little Bear Naked granola, I chew lots of gum, hard boiled eggs, apple with all natural peanut butter. You get the idea, I occasionally get a Cliff bar or all natural granola bars but those can have alot of sugar in them so be careful. Eat as much fruit and veggies since those are so good for you and non fattening. And make sure to drink plenty water sometimes what feels like hunger can be thirst.
    Hope this helps =) The idea is to keep yourself from feeling hungry and not give into cravings at that moment.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I could use some tips too! Seems like after all the kids are in bed, I start in on all the snacking!!!!! AHHHHHH!

    This used to be me!! Its a hard habit to break. At first I tried just veggies or an apple. Lots of gum or tea. Now I just try to remind myself once I start, I won't stop. If I am truly hungry then I do have some homemade veggie "zero point" soup on hand but the majority of the time it was never hunger, it was my way to wind down, my me time after caring for kids all day.

    Its gotten easier now, but I still have a night or two where I have to avoid looking at the kitchen and keep chanting that I'm not hungry, once I start it'll turn into a binge, I WILL regret it tomorrow and so on.

    Take it hour by hour and good luck!
  • lily1972
    lily1972 Posts: 375 Member
    For the evening temptations:
    I brush my teeth after dinner and then chew sugarless gum in the evening to satisfy my need to chew. I've also taken the habit of taking a 20-min walk in the evening, when possible, which gets me focused on something else. If nothing seems to work, I usually have plain rice cakes or plain homemade air-popped popcorn, or crackers if I can't curve my salt cravings. Just keep it light! You certainly don't want to eat a lot of calories it's too late to burn off...

    Good luck! :ohwell: :flowerforyou:
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Nothing is wrong with snacking. Its what ur eating that might be the problem. I eat carrots, alot. Or a air popped bowl of popcorn with low cal yogurt butter. To work I bring 2 snacks, maybe almonds& grapes, that I eat half way between breakfast and lunch and then one in afternoon too. Or I can munch on them one or two at a time all throughout those time periods. I also have something in my lunch, such as carrots or a fruit cup (sugar free) that I could eat early if im really hungry, or save for the next day, or later in the afternoon in case I get more hungry, or just eat it with my lunch like I had planned. If u don't like what ur snacking on, then throw that stuff away. I have a 3rd snack at night after dinner and how large it is depends on how many calories I have left...usually the popcorn or carrots, but if I have a sweet tooth I might do a sugar free pudding or strawberries with sug free whip cream. If I want something crunchy I might measure out a 1/4 cup of my cereal, or nuts. Salty I might do a nabisco brand 100cal ritz snack mix...all types of options but only u decide what u eat
  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    I am a snacker, I must have them. At work I chew gum if I want a snack too close after eating breakfast or lunch. I bring my snacks to work to stay away from the vending machines. I usually snack on pretzels, cheese and 2 fruits at work. When I get home I must have a snack every night after my daughter goes to bed. Using MFP, I track what I eat so I can gauge how many calories I can have for a snack every night. Depending on my exercise level that day, my bedtime snacks range from popcorn, ice cream, sorbert, cheese or fruit. My husband always has cookies and chips around but eating only 2 cookies is the same amount of calories on indulging in a scoop of ice cream on a cone. The key for me is to stick to serving sizes. I am managing to still drop at least a pound a week (my goal) and keep snacking smartly. When I go grocery shopping I make sure to pick up snacks that are under 200 calories so I can have options. Oh, and sometimes I just eat plain cereal for a sweet kick.