Mindless eating..how to stop it?



  • You can't eat what you don't buy. Avoid the snack aisle at the grocery store.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I second pre-logging the entire day's meals, including snacks. I do it the day before, so I know EXACTLY what I'm going to eat over the whole day, and I know it'll be within my calories and I'll get the protein, fat and fiber I want. If you really need that post-work snack, then maybe pre-log that first and work the rest of your meals around it. But I question whether you are really hungry, or just looking for some way to "celebrate" the end of the working day? In which case, figure out a different way of celebrating being home, like going for a walk or having a shower.

    I work from home, my office is right next to the kitchen, and I have cookies, candy etc. all lurking about 4 feet from where I sit all day (I don't live on my own and I don't expect my daughter to give up her candy bag, which is teaching her self-discipline and moderation, just because Mommy doesn't have any self-discipline!). I used to graze all day, but it's a habit that can be broken. I relied heavily on drinking cups of tea. When I felt the twitch to graze, I would get up, make a cup of tea, walk around the house (get a fitbit/vivofit!) and then drink it. It took about 2 weeks, but I broke the habit, and haven't mindlessly grazed since mid-February this year. It absolutely can be done!
  • Zerodette
    Zerodette Posts: 200 Member
    lpeterson wrote: »
    You can't eat what you don't buy. Avoid the snack aisle at the grocery store.
    Some people live with others, who DO buy snacks. This is where willpower has to come in.
  • shellyae
    shellyae Posts: 34 Member
    I find that eating a mint or chewing sugarless peppermint gum helps me avoid snacking when I'm not truly hungry. Very few things taste good after eating a mint - at least for me. I also agree with logging the snack before you eat it - seeing the numbers often makes me decide against it.
  • Rashanti1
    Rashanti1 Posts: 108 Member
    Binge eating after work was a HUGE problem for me! Also, drinking tons of beer in one sitting. Like others have said, will power, buying healthier snacks, and logging it before you eat should help some.

    One of my favorite foods in the hold planet is sweet potato pie. I used to eat a whole entire pie all by myself. I was at my cousin's house about a month ago and she decided to make sweet potato pie. I was a mess as I was extremely tempted to have some, but I watched her make it and saw the amount of sugar that was included. It instantly turned me off.

    Point is, logging whatever you're about to eat and seeing the nutrients/calories can massively help with whether or not you want to eat it. Also try drinking water before snacking as dehydration can sometimes be confused with hunger.
  • d6melanie
    d6melanie Posts: 84 Member
    The best thing that has worked for (and not everyone supports this.) Is first, to not have those foods in the house. And second, to make a no snacking rule. If I'm truly hungry I'll add more food to my meals, but I am a well fed american who doesn't have medical reason that would make it unhealthy for me to stand being hungry until my next meal.
  • joflo723
    joflo723 Posts: 119 Member
    edited October 2014
    Distract yourself, I find walking, reading, painting my nails (can't eat after either because you can't do anything with wet nails, and also, nail polish remover tastes nasty and is all over your fingers.) cleaning, looking at gross pictures can make you lose your appetite, studying, and doing sit ups really quickly especially after drinking a glass of water can make you feel sick just thinking about food, and spinning around, you don't want a cookie when you're dizzy. Lol Just a few things I do. :)

    LOL haven't tried the last few, but distractions always work for me. I find something I get totally immersed in and I completely forget about snacking.
    funchords wrote: »
    In your home, create some traditions around meals --

    You eat at the table.
    You set a place.
    You have fresh flowers there.
    There is a candle that you light before being seated.
    You play soft music, but neither TV or other devices are involved.
    You serve your meal. You focus on the foods' tastes and textures and smells.
    You take at least 20 minutes to finish.
    You clear your place, extinguish the candle, and go about the next part of your day.

    This is for food in the home. It's a tradition, a little lighter than a rule but generally something you observe.

    ...but this makes the most sense...need to try this myself!
  • I second pre-logging the entire day's meals, including snacks. I do it the day before, so I know EXACTLY what I'm going to eat over the whole day, and I know it'll be within my calories and I'll get the protein, fat and fiber I want. If you really need that post-work snack, then maybe pre-log that first and work the rest of your meals around it. But I question whether you are really hungry, or just looking for some way to "celebrate" the end of the working day? In which case, figure out a different way of celebrating being home, like going for a walk or having a shower.

    I work from home, my office is right next to the kitchen, and I have cookies, candy etc. all lurking about 4 feet from where I sit all day (I don't live on my own and I don't expect my daughter to give up her candy bag, which is teaching her self-discipline and moderation, just because Mommy doesn't have any self-discipline!). I used to graze all day, but it's a habit that can be broken. I relied heavily on drinking cups of tea. When I felt the twitch to graze, I would get up, make a cup of tea, walk around the house (get a fitbit/vivofit!) and then drink it. It took about 2 weeks, but I broke the habit, and haven't mindlessly grazed since mid-February this year. It absolutely can be done!

    good advice, thanks

  • LookAWalrus
    LookAWalrus Posts: 52 Member
    I'm going to hippo and tell you what I've done.

    1. Buy only one unhealthy snack for the week. Usually dark chocolate.
    2. Only shop once a week to avoid buying more junk.
    3. If I feel like eating more than the serving size drop it on the floor. I threw away an entire chocolate pie.
    4. Drink water. It helps.

    I still snack but I'm not as bad as I used to be.
  • kierajewel
    kierajewel Posts: 2 Member
    I find that if I deny myself all treats I tend to fall off the wagon more. That said, if you DO have snacks in the house then NEVER snack from the bag/package. Just take one serving, put it in a dish, return the snack package to its out of sight location and head to the other end of the house. If you have a cookie a day habit, then take the one cookie, and a piece of fruit. When you get to the end of the cookie, eat the fruit and do NOT go back into the kitchen.

    When you are eating, no matter what you are eating, try to STOP DOING ANYTHING ELSE and JUST EAT. Mindless eating in front of a tv or computer is too easy. Turn it off, focus on the food and you will eat less and be more satisfied for it.

    Do NOT watch commercial TV (especially not in America). All that FOOD PORN will make you want food even when you arent hungry!

    During my most successful weightloss regime (lost 100 pounds and kept it off for several years). I had a one a day chocolate habit. These are little mini candy bars with about 50 calories, I would save one for after dinner each night - PROVIDED I had met my calorie goals for the day. http://www.fatsecret.fr/calories-nutrition/côte-dor/mignonnette-lait/1-mignonnette After I had it, no more eating for the day. I would break it into six pieces and just savor it like it was a much bigger bar and let it melt in my mouth rather than chewing.

    It probably sounds silly like that, but it did work for me and I will probably take it back up as I work myself back into a solid regime. Of course, you have to be willing to delay gratification but I found have something nummy to look forward to at the end of each day really kept me motivated. I didn't feel so "deprived" when I was dieting, because if i DO feel deprived I will fight myself tooth and nail (and lose a lot) and eat crap.