Body Reset Diet??



  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    TJR88 wrote: »
    What do people have against others discussing something they are trying out? It does sound a little fad-ish but not extreme or unhealthy. I'm personally focusing on simply tracking calories but there are other methods that can work for people and they should be able to discuss these without a constant barrage of naysayers ridiculing them.
    Yes! Well said. (*)

  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    TJR88 wrote: »
    What do people have against others discussing something they are trying out? It does sound a little fad-ish but not extreme or unhealthy. I'm personally focusing on simply tracking calories but there are other methods that can work for people and they should be able to discuss these without a constant barrage of naysayers ridiculing them.
    Yes! Well said. (*)

    Thank you for your support! I just am using this to reduce my sugar/junky snack cravings. I feel refreshed and renewed and it's only been 4-1/2 days. I'm planning on moving to healthy meals tomorrow, still a smoothie or two a day, we'll see, it will all depend on how I feel and if I can gradually continue my weight loss.

    Actually all the negative comments just encouraged me to continue on the path, I know it's not for everyone and it's just 15 days. I'm normally a wine drinker too, and I know that doesn't help my weight loss, so I'm no alcohol for 15 days. It hasn't been too bad, but I know on day 16 I'm going to enjoy a nice 6 oz. glass of REALLY GOOD RED WINE! Like the kind we store in the basement for special occasions. :#

    I'm not bragging about weight loss, although that is a major motivator. Everyone is different. My weight/BMI has been creeping to the "over" zone, and I'm back in the normal range and feeling really good.

    I'd still like to lose 15 more lbs. to feel at my "fighting" weight. But it can come off 1-2# a week, and I'll be more than pleased.
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    I survived my first weekend on this plan. I did gain 1#, but that is ok, as I did not completely follow this eating plan. I did manage to avoid any alcohol (which is tough for me on weekends) I did have some sparkling grape juice which helped to satisfy the need for a "treat" drink. Back on track today.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    digginDeep wrote: »
    Seems like this diet is sustainable! good luck!

    QFT! :laugh:

  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    So I'm going to be honest, this week pretty much stinks. I am holding steady and not gaining, but I'm not losing either.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    I said I would report back after two weeks of real food in moderation, at a deficit.

    Down 12 lbs.

    Only shakes were shakes to reach my protein levels, or just as a treat. I discovered Walden Farms Chocolate Syrup and it stepped up my chocolate protein shakes to a whole new level of yum.
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    ksy1969 wrote: »
    I said I would report back after two weeks of real food in moderation, at a deficit.

    Down 12 lbs.

    Only shakes were shakes to reach my protein levels, or just as a treat. I discovered Walden Farms Chocolate Syrup and it stepped up my chocolate protein shakes to a whole new level of yum.

    That is AWESOME!!! Good for you.

    I lost about 5# the first week, then just couldn't keep it up and gained most of it back :'( yes everyone can judge me now and say "Told You So"

    I have tried Walden Farms salad dressings, the ranch is a little thin, but for virtually no calories (I don't know how they do it) it tastes pretty darn good.

  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited November 2014
    Thank you for sharing <3 I'm not going to say that at all but let's just say it was an experiment we don't have to do. Thanks
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    WordWhimsy wrote: »
    ksy1969 wrote: »
    I said I would report back after two weeks of real food in moderation, at a deficit.

    Down 12 lbs.

    Only shakes were shakes to reach my protein levels, or just as a treat. I discovered Walden Farms Chocolate Syrup and it stepped up my chocolate protein shakes to a whole new level of yum.

    That is AWESOME!!! Good for you.

    I lost about 5# the first week, then just couldn't keep it up and gained most of it back :'( yes everyone can judge me now and say "Told You So"

    I have tried Walden Farms salad dressings, the ranch is a little thin, but for virtually no calories (I don't know how they do it) it tastes pretty darn good.

    Told you so. :laugh:

  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    WordWhimsy wrote: »
    That is AWESOME!!! Good for you.

    I lost about 5# the first week, then just couldn't keep it up and gained most of it back :'( yes everyone can judge me now and say "Told You So"

    I have tried Walden Farms salad dressings, the ranch is a little thin, but for virtually no calories (I don't know how they do it) it tastes pretty darn good.
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Thank you for sharing <3 I'm not going to say that at all but let's just say it was an experiment we don't have to do. Thanks

    Ditto... not looking to say "I told you so" either, but rather to encourage you to keep working towards your weight/fitness goals. There's a lot of good advice in this thread and some others around here about healthy calorie deficits, etc. Here's two posts you might want to read:
  • DiabolicalColossus
    DiabolicalColossus Posts: 219 Member
    I'm too busy feeling smugly satisfied to tell you that I told you so.

    But in seriousness...

    You know, people don't try to dissuade others from doing stuff like this to "hate on" or "sabotage" them. People try to steer others away from fads and such because they either already wasted the time/money on it only for it to fail, or have heard bad things about it.

  • TJR88
    TJR88 Posts: 37 Member
    WordWhimsy wrote: »
    ksy1969 wrote: »
    I said I would report back after two weeks of real food in moderation, at a deficit.

    Down 12 lbs.

    Only shakes were shakes to reach my protein levels, or just as a treat. I discovered Walden Farms Chocolate Syrup and it stepped up my chocolate protein shakes to a whole new level of yum.

    That is AWESOME!!! Good for you.

    I lost about 5# the first week, then just couldn't keep it up and gained most of it back :'( yes everyone can judge me now and say "Told You So"

    I have tried Walden Farms salad dressings, the ranch is a little thin, but for virtually no calories (I don't know how they do it) it tastes pretty darn good.

    Meh, you tried it out and it didn't work for you. Most people gain back the weight they lose whatever method they use. The key to succeeding is to immediately dust yourself off and try again, reflect about what didn't work this time to learn from it and choose someyhing more likely to be sustainable.

    I find for me psychologically thinking about weight loss as a "program" with set weekly stages can be counter productive because that implies its for a finite period. I'm making peace with the fact that like my finances, my weight is something I will have to mindfully manage for the rest of my life and hopefully it will become as routine and mundane to budget my calories as it is to budget my wages!