Isagenix anyone?



  • I believe personal trainers do not do their jobs. They consistanty harrass me via telephone and in person when I step foot in to the gym. Finally after time and time of telling them I am not interested, they have backed off. On Friday, I witnessed a personal trainer texting on her phone when she is suppose to be motivating and encouraging people. I also have friends who have invested thousands of dollars into personal training and who haven't lost a pound or toned in any way - don't you think after months of no progress the trainer would be like hmm .. something isn't quite working out here.

    In the case of the flyer, it is obvious that that person is trying to scam - not Isagenix itself. Isagenix does not promote weight loss in 4 days.

    Whatever I lost has helped me jump start in to a healthy eating cycle and exercise - things I never would have been able to do had I just relied on trying to eat healthy and working out. Now, I eat under my calorie goal and I work out 3-4x a week.

    I don't know what the change in body fat % is because I did not measure that.
  • stefanieraya
    stefanieraya Posts: 110 Member
    I just googled and couldn't find anything about this. Only advertising and people selling it.

    My cousin just called and we both started our new lifestyles around the same time. She a month before. I was telling her that we are eating healthy and trying to eat clean and doing the gym 4 or 5 times a week, zumba, weight lifting, eliptical, etc. I mentioned I lost 7 pounds, gained 6 on vacation and so far lost 4 of the six. She tells me she is down FORTY POUNDS just doing isagenix. No exercise. She says she is saving money since she doesn't eat "normal food." and she's taking vitamins and feels great. I was dumbfounded. Anyone have any information on this?

    Now, she is about 100 lbs. overweight, one child who is 5, she is about 5'9. I am 60 lbs. overweight, 5'2, three kids, youngest 9 months.

    My doctor told me that MFP, eating well and the exercise are the way to go for me. He told me to take a multivitamin and a D.

    Wondering your thoughts?

    I am taking Isagenix and have released 25 pounds. People on here who don't know about the quality of the products will tell you they are crap. Bottom line - they don't know. I've been doing this for 7 months and have kept all my weight off. I still indulge when I want but by and large this is a lifestyle change. I will have this as a part of my life forever because there is nothing on the planet that compares. You cannot get this combination of nutrients, as you find in the shake, for less than $3.00/meal. Google - John Anderson, founder and master formulator, Jim and Kathy Coover - founders. Michael Colgan, consultant and protein expert. These are the people behind these amazing products. I researched 24 different health and wellness companies before trying Isagenix. My lean body mass has increased as well as my hydration levels.

    And yes, I agree with you on the personal training scam. Most of them don't know squat about nutrition they just want your money. They do not have any expertise in the subject. Weight loss is 85% nutrition and 15% exercise.
  • stefanieraya
    stefanieraya Posts: 110 Member
    For me I am seeing that Isagenix is a lifestyle change. I have my coaches I can talk to, and it is the first time I have not been drinking coffee all day in 20 years. I never thought I would quit drinking coffee, but i have. I am learning to look at lables of food at the store and what to look for on them. So I think it depends alot on who your coaches are and which system you try.

  • aliciaks80
    aliciaks80 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been using Isagenix and am down 68 pounds and have 32 to go.
  • hollyyoung71
    hollyyoung71 Posts: 70 Member
    LOVE IT.. add me if you want a buddy
  • hollyyoung71
    hollyyoung71 Posts: 70 Member
    Very well said.. I have lost weight with MFP alone and gained it all back because of poor choices I made after with bad habits.
    Yes, Isagenix is expensive.
    Yes, I have lost a bunch of weight with it.
    NO, I have not gained ANY of it back when I stopped because I LEARNED to eat the right way and stay away from the crap. I learned through an ISAGENIX facebook board how to eat my 3 healthy macronutrients with each meal. I learned the correct way to living a CLEAN EATING DIET.
    You have to find the right coaches and know the right places to look. The program HELPS you lose the weight and then its up to YOU to keep it off after without having to keep using the products.
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    Ever notice whenever a fad/scam/dangerous diet plan or supplement thread is started there's suddenly a zillion people with 1 post raving about how great it is? :grumble:

  • Just finished day 11 today, and am quitting. I feel awful. Low BP, super dizzy, and probably all because of the eleven days of nonstop diarrhea! I may just be sensitive to the ingredients in the shake, accelerator capsules, isaflush capsules, or isa snacks , and others may feel just fine. But this girl is gonna probably gain her four pounds back tomorrow by eating real food. At least I won't be chained to the toilet feeling faint.
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    Ever notice whenever a fad/scam/dangerous diet plan or supplement thread is started there's suddenly a zillion people with 1 post raving about how great it is? :grumble:



    I love how in every post for this product, they include "lifestyle change", Soooo, you needed Isagenix for the change? Couldn't you just made the changes without spending the money? no? eat real food and exercise accordingly? :huh:
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    Never heard of Isagenix before but this thread proves it is a cult at best and a scam at worst. In either case you probably shouldn't get involved.
  • bonoeuf
    bonoeuf Posts: 58 Member
    It is a lifestyle change, it taught me to eat a clean diet, I lost weight eating less food but put it all back on, I kept it all off with snake oil because I learned.

    How can using a product full of preservatives and thickeners for a few months and then relearning to eat real food be a lifestyle change or clean. If you can't learn to eat less food forever after a successful weight loss eating less food, how can you expect to learn to eat less food forever after taking a few months course of snake oil.

    Learn once, eating correct foods, eat less carbs you do not need that much, cut out the processed rubbish and stop eating chemicals.

    Once you get used to counting, you get used to the size of portions. If you exercise you can eat more, if you don't you need to eat less. Loosing weight is a very simple process, less in more out.

    Any product will work if it gets you to eat less calories, the cheaper version is called food.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member

    Yes, Isagenix is expensive.
    Yes, some people have diarrhea.
    Yes, you will gain all the weight back if you go from the Isa system to eating unhealthy again (who wouldn't?)


    But nothin, where do I sign up for expensive diarrhea and regaining lost weight
  • vronmac
    vronmac Posts: 7 Member
    Never heard of Isagenix before but this thread proves it is a cult at best and a scam at worst. In either case you probably shouldn't get involved.

    If you have never heard of it it must be a cult/scam? Sounds a little narrow-minded
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    Never heard of Isagenix before but this thread proves it is a cult at best and a scam at worst. In either case you probably shouldn't get involved.
    If you have never heard of it it must be a cult/scam? Sounds a little narrow-minded

    LOL that's not what I said at all. I said based on what I've read in this thread it sounds like a cult/scam. I didn't say *because* I've never heard of it that it's a scam. I was just prefacing my comment with the fact I have never heard of it before.
  • Never heard of Isagenix before but this thread proves it is a cult at best and a scam at worst. In either case you probably shouldn't get involved.
    If you have never heard of it it must be a cult/scam? Sounds a little narrow-minded

    LOL that's not what I said at all. I said based on what I've read in this thread it sounds like a cult/scam. I didn't say *because* I've never heard of it that it's a scam. I was just prefacing my comment with the fact I have never heard of it before.

    It is not a cult. No one worships anything or anyone.
    It is not a scam. The products work for many, myself included.

    I am more healthy, have more energy, improved my metabolism, and am losing weight and inches at a healthy rate. I eat plenty of real, healthy food. I count calories and monitor my daily intake of carbs, protein, fat and specific vitamins. I use Isagenix as a tool to achieve my goals.

    I have been using Isagenix for four months, have lost 41 lbs. and 40 inches overall. I have more energy and get more exercise that I have in years.

    For those who have tried it and failed, I am sorry. I hope you don't give up and that you find something that works for you. For those looking for answers, this could work for you if used correctly, and if your body is not sensitive to the ingredients used in Isagenix products. All of the ingredients are posted and available online for each product sold.
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    I'd be happy to talk to anyone one-on-one about this.

    Of course you would, because you're selling this crap.

  • SarahZFeig
    SarahZFeig Posts: 2 Member
    I just finished a 30 day isagenix cleanse. Here's my unbiased (I'm not a coach!) opinion of the product!

    I just finished a 30 day and was miserable for almost the entire 30 days. I had very bad GI side effects, nausea, weakness, almost passed out at work on a cleanse day. Around week 3 I had a bit more energy after the "deep cleanse" fast days were all over. Overall I lost weight and inches, but I lost the same amount of weight doing strict 1200 calories on MyFitnessPal when I had first started back in May. I bought some of the products that I didn't mind taking just for the vitamins, which I'm continuing this month. Because the shakes are easy and taste good to me ( better than shakeology) I'm incorporating a shake or a bar every so often. Regarding weight loss for a 30 day program, of course you're going to lose weight! It's a calorie restriction! They make this claim of toxin release, but the product is NOT FDA approved, and there is no explanation from what I could find regarding the science of how it works, or the mechanism of action. They post videos of blood cells looking happier and fuller on their website, but who knows! Is it any better than doing it on your own ? In my opinion, no… but I do like some of the products, and it's structure which some people need! They have this support through Facebook groups and coach support, but the Facebook group is a bunch of people on the cleanse, who are struggling or "feeling great!", and the coaches scolding negative posts about struggles. I wouldn't endorse this product or sell it, but some of the products I may continue to purchase.

    Just my opinion, and experience on the program. With anything, if you go from eating healthy, or restricted calorie, back to eating out all the time and not watching portion control, you will gain weight back! That's with weight watchers, isagenix, nutrisystem, calorie restriction, anything! It's a lifestyle change which a lot of people struggle with, which is why these programs are great for a kickstart but you have to continue to maintain control of your habits otherwise you will gain the weight back!
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    edited October 2014
    I'd be happy to talk to anyone one-on-one about this.

    Of course you would, because you're selling this crap.
    There is no shame in sharing a gift of health. I don't sell, I help people open accounts. They pay Isagenix. <3

    My clients pay my employer but I am still a salesperson and so are you. People need to eat at a caloric deficit - it's that simple. They don't need Isagenix or cleanses or anything else. Eat FOOD.