


  • I usually have a snack in the mid-morning and late afternoon, between meals. Usually a grapefruit or apple, and maybe a granola bar or some light crackers. Whatever the case, I just make sure I keep my portions in check, record the calories and pay attention to what else I eat. When I absolutely have a sweet craving, I allow myself a mini dark chocolate because that is the only dessert I ever allow myself. It satisfies my craving right away. Snacking can actually be good for your diet if you avoid things really high in fat and calories, and keep in mind how it affects your daily intake of calories. I'm a big believer in rewarding yourself in moderation.
  • Drink a full glass of water before you snack on anything. If you are still hungry after the full class of cold water, go for something protein, like a handful of peanuts, or maybe just a piece or fruit.
  • inktink
    inktink Posts: 135 Member
    I tend to distract myself.. I have a calorie burn counter that I wear daily and when I get in the mood to munch I remind myself that I have dishes, laundry, homework, organizing.. LOTS of things I can do with my time and my energy that are benificial to my health. Snacking is not :P I can watch my calorie burn numbers go up and it's very motivating.

    I know when temptation strikes it can be hard to turn and look the other way but honestly I've noticed that once I get my mind set on taking care of this task or that, within minutes the craving is gone and I'm zoned in on getting stuff done! My husband is definitely pleased with the trick, Lol.

    It's important to remember every move you make burns cals, the more you keep yourself busy, the less you will feel the need to snack. Once you've finished up all your chores you can remember that you fought all the "craving battles" through the day, you're not about to lose the war now!! :P

    But, If I'm really dying to munch I usually go for a cheese snack (Land o Lakes Mild cheddar cheese snacks- individually packaged so its hard to indulge!), jalepeno stuffed peppers, something bold thats going to rock my taste buds and hopefully put my cravings to bed :P
  • cj1234cj23
    cj1234cj23 Posts: 113 Member
    Ummm....I hadn't thought about the herbal tea and animal crackers. Putting that on grocery list right now.
  • aimee0515
    aimee0515 Posts: 67
    You should snack throughout the keeps your metabolism going. That being still need to watch the calories. The posts about veggies is a good idea (if you like them and it leaves you feeling satisfied)...for me...this would never work. I eat 6 meals a day. One of my favorite snacks is 2 salt free rice cakes (70 calories) with either 2 tbsp hummus, 2 tbsp natural organic peanut butter, or 2 triangles of light laughing cow cheese spread on them. The peanut butter is more calories than the other...but if you're craving sweets, it helps.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I know lots of folks say throw out the snack food, but if you're like me, that won't work:
    1. If you have kids around, you'll have snacks around
    2. If I don't have snacks around and I get the munchies, I'm just going to eat some non-snack food

    Here's what I do:
    First, when you do buy snack foods, buy stuff you don't really care for but which your kids like.
    Second, make sure you have no or low calorie drinks around. I love peppermint tea and flavored seltzer. As summer approaches, you might want to get in the habit of brewing a large pot of tea and keeping it in the fridge.
    Third, find something to keep your hands busy. I like to knit and crochet, and neither mixes with sticky fingers.

    Good luck!
  • stnkpot
    stnkpot Posts: 2
    GRAPES AND BERRIES! I am a huge snacker. I lost a lot of weight after my first child was born, and it was partially by switching my snacks to grapes and berries. You get to pop them in your mouth, they're satisfyingly sweet and juicy, and you get a lot of bang for your snacking buck. Also, you can try to fit a snack of sugar free Jello-O pudding into your day. I love the chocolate-- it usually hits the sweet spot.
  • nkenga
    nkenga Posts: 46
    I keep things around to snack on, like fruit, almonds, etc., and prepare them ahead of time so I can just grab them. Slice up the carrots or celery, measure out one ounce portions of almonds and put them in snack-size baggies, have my measuring spoons clean so I can measure out 2 tbsp of peanut butter, hummus, etc. THAT helps a LOT with eating the right amounts of the right things.

    Also, I do NOT keep junk in the house - too tempting! In order to have any junk food, I have to actually MAKE it - usually not worth it!
  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    I think your snacking urge at night is a desire for attention -- you've spent the whole day attending to everyone else! It's time for you. You're probably exhausted, so a leisurely walk is out of the question, and most of us do not have a hot tub.

    I suggest a long, hot bath with favorite music, candles, and small glass of red wine (4 oz. glass). It will provide the endorphins and relaxation that you crave.
  • joilet
    joilet Posts: 99
    you can buy this popcorn bowl at target so that you don't need an air popper
    you just buy popcorn kernels in it in the microwave, no butter or oil,... and less calories and way cheaper than buying microwave popcorn... all for a BIG serving!

    4 cups of airpopped popcorn is about 100 calories.
    then i buy these popcorn flavors in a shaker, the directions say to sprtiz your popcorn with oil so that the flavor sticks... but i just bought a water spray bottle, fill it with hot water, spritz the popcorn then sprinkle the flavor on it.
    the flavor SAYS 0 calories on it, but a serving size is just a few shakes... so I assume that several shakes adds SOME calories...

    but you end up with a BIG bowl of flavored popcorn (butter, ranch, garlic, cheese, there are lots of flavors...) for about 100 calories.
    and it's crunchy!
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    What about changing what you call your snacks..

    If it's nutritous, it's a snack (fruit, protein, veggies, etc). If it's something that tastes good, but isn't "healthy" it's a treat. Snacks throughout the day are fine. But if I think of it as a treat, I have an easier time leaving it alone (unless it's a special occasion).
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Ok, seriously...I need to know how to stop snacking! (Especially at work, when I'm BORED, and at night after my son goes to bed!) Anyone have any tips???
    If your work is boring you, either approach your boss and ask for more responsibility or additional tasks or change your job. That might sound drastic, but nobody deserves to be bored at work.

    At home, are you eating things like carrot sticks as a snack? If so it's not a problem, far from it. If you're talking about high sugar / high fat foods, simply don't have them in the house. You might say that you need them for your son, but if they're not good for you they're not good for him either - if he whines, tough. Do you want him to have to go through a diet when he gets to your age?
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I drink skim milk. Milk has always filled me up while water makes me more hungry. Add some Ovaltine for the vitamens and I'm good!
  • ltlchic
    ltlchic Posts: 1
    Helpful tips would be great! Sitting at a desk all day BORED leading to munching :( Craving the chocolate and salty crunchy stuff just seems to happen more often than wanting a carrot or celery!
  • tarabee04
    tarabee04 Posts: 8
    For me out of sight out of mind. If I bring it to work I will eat it. And keep your food in a drawer or area you don't go to often.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I eat small meals and snack. I dont snack on high calorie or high carb foods though. It works for me and that way if I am hungry I can eat something. I also use portion control. I only eat one serving of whatever it is I am eating. At night when I do not want to eat anymore I brush my teeth.
  • Frozen pineapple is the bomb - you eat way less when its frozen. You can also put it in the food processor and you have an instant sorbet.
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