Mind Trick

pinkdayzies2 Posts: 6 Member
edited October 2014 in Motivation and Support
Hey - how many of us do the self justification.. the just one is okay? Or the, ' its not my cheat meal but I am still going to treat myself after all I am doing okay'. Well you're straight messing up! You are just cheating yourself from reaching your goals and being a healthier you. So this is what I do to get over the " I wish I had or could haves"
- I don't say I am going to deny myself I say I am "replacing". I don't have to deny myself instead I just find a healthier alternative or something of equal joy that can satisfy me.
- such as this morning I wanted a caramel mocha latte and it would have been 320 calories! Whoa Mama! Thats 1/4 of my days whole intake so instead I had regular coffee with 4 single serve (mini tubs) and each are 25 calories, so my coffee was still good and 220 calories I saved by not giving into craving and then I felt better ;)
- So just replace dont deny :smiley:


  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
  • pinkdayzies2
    pinkdayzies2 Posts: 6 Member
    It just works for me and has helped me.. if it doesn't for you I am sure your got your tools too
  • ashmoody0505
    I will try this. i despise denying myself!! it makes me so bitter & resentful
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    A lot of people on here don't like substitutions and will disagree with you. Just ignore it. Personally I love substitutions :) this is life and there will be times I can't fit something I want into my macros, mainly because I don't meal plan/prep so when a sudden treat appears it doesn't always fit. For those times I've found ways to satisfy cravings without going overboard. Its been especially helpful for me as I'm a binge eater and will take volume over quality any day. Its been "mind tricks" and, when I do have the macros for the real thing, extreme self control that has gotten me to an 80 lb weight loss so far :)