black girls workout too

I have started week 2 of black girls workout too and I lost 7 pounds. But when I weighed 4 days ago I lost 2 pounds, then yesterday I weighed and gained 4 pounds back. brown rice, cabbage soup, steamed veggies, fruit, yogurt are all I been eating. I have been following the maealplan completely. I have been consuming around 600-800 calories a day according to my calorie counter. I'm not sure what happened. I'm new to working out. I was told that I consumed too few calories each day. But I honestly did not feel hungry because I drank 8 glasses of water each day. Help me please. Was this water weight or did my body go into starvation mode. I'm 5'2 and 300lb female if that helps.


  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    A few things...

    1. The 7 pounds you lost was water weight
    2. Starvation mode doesn't exist
    3. You absolutely need to be eating more than 600-800 calories. How many does MFP give you? I'm guessing in the 1800-2000 range? Eat that.
    4. When you start a new workout program, you retain water. Everyone does. Give it 3-4 weeks to calm down.
    5. Everyone's weight fluctuates from day to day. It can fluctuate up to 10 pounds or so, depending on a lot of variables (TOM, your starting weight, what you ate yesterday, how recently you went to the bathroom, etc.). You don't actually weigh 300 pounds from day to day; you weigh in the range of 295-305 or thereabouts. Most people don't weigh themselves on a regular basis before they start trying to lose weight, so they don't know that they fluctuate and they freak out when they start seeing it on the scale. Again, give it 3-4 weeks, track your fluctuations and get to know your body's patterns.
  • Jaimz2k
    weigh yourself everyday right when you wake up to get an accurate reading before you eat. you should notice small fluctuations +/-5lbs this is normal but your overall trend should go downwards 2 weeks is not long enough to get a good idea of where you are at try 3 months. 800cals is far too low and could slow down your metabolism causing you to actually gain weight rather than lose it especially if you're working out. A good workout could potentially burn 600 cals so if you only consumed that much that day your net cals would be 0 which is exremely unhealthy.
  • TrolleyRide
    TrolleyRide Posts: 64 Member
    feeling hungry isn't an accurate way to gauge how much you should eat.

    look up a TDEE calculator online and figure it out based on science.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited October 2014
    You're eating 600-800 calories a day (of carbs) and you weigh 300LBS at 5'2".

    STOP. PLEASE. Learn to do this right.

    Tell MFP you want to lose 1.5LBS and then EAT AS MANY CALORIES AS IT TELLS YOU TO EAT. You have to fuel your body.

  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    AliceDark wrote: »
    A few things...

    1. The 7 pounds you lost was water weight
    2. Starvation mode doesn't exist
    3. You absolutely need to be eating more than 600-800 calories. How many does MFP give you? I'm guessing in the 1800-2000 range? Eat that.
    4. When you start a new workout program, you retain water. Everyone does. Give it 3-4 weeks to calm down.
    5. Everyone's weight fluctuates from day to day. It can fluctuate up to 10 pounds or so, depending on a lot of variables (TOM, your starting weight, what you ate yesterday, how recently you went to the bathroom, etc.). You don't actually weigh 300 pounds from day to day; you weigh in the range of 295-305 or thereabouts. Most people don't weigh themselves on a regular basis before they start trying to lose weight, so they don't know that they fluctuate and they freak out when they start seeing it on the scale. Again, give it 3-4 weeks, track your fluctuations and get to know your body's patterns.

    All of this!!! Myself, I only weigh once a week so that I don't have to stress over day to day fluctuations.

    Also, 800 calories being too little isn't about whether or not you get hungry. It's important to eat enough to fuel the body and get the nutrients you need for the body to work efficiently. The more efficiently your body works the easier the weight will come off (that's not a very scientific way of putting it but oh well).
    I'd say you shouldn't let your calories get below 1200 and 1400 is probably better. Especially if you're working out because you'll need the energy. Besides, dropping from 1200 to 800 calories doesn't speed up weight loss the same way that decreasing from 2000 to 1600 does.
    It's a myth that "starvation mode" will actually make you gain weight because you'll still be at a calorie deficit. However, your metabolism will still slow after a few days of such a low caloric intake making it fruitless to cut them down so low. So get the nutrients.

    Most of all, make sure whatever eating regimen you go with is sustainable for the long term.

    Good luck!!
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Jaimz2k wrote: »
    weigh yourself everyday right when you wake up to get an accurate reading before you eat. you should notice small fluctuations +/-5lbs this is normal but your overall trend should go downwards 2 weeks is not long enough to get a good idea of where you are at try 3 months. 800cals is far too low and could slow down your metabolism causing you to actually gain weight rather than lose it especially if you're working out. A good workout could potentially burn 600 cals so if you only consumed that much that day your net cals would be 0 which is exremely unhealthy.
    1. You don't need (and probably shouldn't) weigh yourself every day
    2. You will not gain weight from eating too little else third world people with not enough to eat would gain weight, think about it.
    3. You are right about it being unhealthy though.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    You're not eating enough. And don't look at it as a "black girls work out too." You are a human being and as a human you lose and gain and build like any other human. Anyway, you are not eating enough. 800 calories a day, that's crazy.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    ValGogo wrote: »
    You're not eating enough. And don't look at it as a "black girls work out too." You are a human being and as a human you lose and gain and build like any other human. Anyway, you are not eating enough. 800 calories a day, that's crazy.

    "Black girls work out too" is the name of a fitness program.
  • missjazminenicole
    missjazminenicole Posts: 379 Member
    You are not eating enough and your body will go into starvation mode if you do this eat that little for more than three days(studies have been done to show this is true). You are damaging your metabolism. I do 1200-1400 a day that puts me at about 2-3 lbs a week of weight loss and sometimes 4 or 5 when I workout really regular. Sometimes my calories drop below that but I make sure I get them back up the next day. Keep up the good work. Eat variety. Make sure you are doing something sustainable. Losing a lot of weight in the beginning is great but it will suck if you can't keep it off. Look into making some lifestyle changes :).
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    mika2690 wrote: »
    I have started week 2 of black girls workout too and I lost 7 pounds. But when I weighed 4 days ago I lost 2 pounds, then yesterday I weighed and gained 4 pounds back. brown rice, cabbage soup, steamed veggies, fruit, yogurt are all I been eating. I have been following the maealplan completely. I have been consuming around 600-800 calories a day according to my calorie counter. I'm not sure what happened. I'm new to working out. I was told that I consumed too few calories each day. But I honestly did not feel hungry because I drank 8 glasses of water each day. Help me please. Was this water weight or did my body go into starvation mode. I'm 5'2 and 300lb female if that helps.

    Why in gods name are you only eating 6-800 cals a day? No wonder your body is holding on to the weight! You can, at your weight, certainly afford to eat much more and STILL lose.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    If you are going to weigh yourself daily, compare today's weight to what you weighed Sept. 29. Tomorrow's weight to Sept. 30 and so on. Sometimes what you do today will not 'show' on the scale until tomorrow, the next day or a week from now.

    Eat enough to fuel your body. Your body needs energy to function properly long term. Monitor your portions, get a variety of fruits & veggies & lean protein & grains & healthy fats. Move more, find activities you enjoy that you can stick with. Try new things, have fun. And trust the science that putting in the effort day by day will pay off in the end.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    KylaDenay wrote: »
    ValGogo wrote: »
    You're not eating enough. And don't look at it as a "black girls work out too." You are a human being and as a human you lose and gain and build like any other human. Anyway, you are not eating enough. 800 calories a day, that's crazy.

    "Black girls work out too" is the name of a fitness program.

    I have some ideas what is in this program.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    EAT!!!! That's good you started working out and are eating healthier but you need to eat a lot more calories than 600-800. Make sure you are measuring your food and using a scale. At least 1200 calories!!
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    AliceDark wrote: »
    A few things...

    1. The 7 pounds you lost was water weight
    2. Starvation mode doesn't exist
    3. You absolutely need to be eating more than 600-800 calories. How many does MFP give you? I'm guessing in the 1800-2000 range? Eat that.
    4. When you start a new workout program, you retain water. Everyone does. Give it 3-4 weeks to calm down.
    5. Everyone's weight fluctuates from day to day. It can fluctuate up to 10 pounds or so, depending on a lot of variables (TOM, your starting weight, what you ate yesterday, how recently you went to the bathroom, etc.). You don't actually weigh 300 pounds from day to day; you weigh in the range of 295-305 or thereabouts. Most people don't weigh themselves on a regular basis before they start trying to lose weight, so they don't know that they fluctuate and they freak out when they start seeing it on the scale. Again, give it 3-4 weeks, track your fluctuations and get to know your body's patterns.

    Read the above.

    Then go read this:

    I weigh less than you, am a little bit taller, and can lose weight eating 1800 calories a day. If you don't have to eat 6-800 calories a day to lose, you shouldn't. (Most people shouldn't eat that low anyways because it isn't healthy. The only time that is acceptable is when medically prescribed by your doctor and monitored by him/her.)
  • Philp0718
    Philp0718 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm 5"4, 25 yrs old, averaging about 1400 calories a day, and still losing approx. 1lbs a week. Trust me, you can (and should!) eat more!
  • marinabreeze
    marinabreeze Posts: 141 Member
    I am 5'1 and weigh a little bit more than you, and my target is 1700 cal sedentary, and I still lose weight. 600-800 calories a day and such a limited menu is not sustainable and is setting yourself up for failure. Just because there are starving people in the world who are underweight doesn't mean starvation isn't damaging for the metabolism and long term maintenance.
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    The title of the thread is .... well, I guess it might be news to you that black people exercise. You might be surprised to find people of all colors and nationalities exercise.
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    jbach2 wrote: »
    The title of the thread is .... well, I guess it might be news to you that black people exercise. You might be surprised to find people of all colors and nationalities exercise.
    I believe it's the name of the program the OP is using ;)
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    She's only eating that much because the first phase of the program is a detox/cleanse. In fact, I think it's just soup (sans any meat) for a while.

  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    KylaDenay wrote: »
    ValGogo wrote: »
    You're not eating enough. And don't look at it as a "black girls work out too." You are a human being and as a human you lose and gain and build like any other human. Anyway, you are not eating enough. 800 calories a day, that's crazy.

    "Black girls work out too" is the name of a fitness program.

    I have some ideas what is in this program.

    If your idea is a mother and daughter duo doing fitness exercises, then you have the right idea. If it's anything other than that, get a new idea.