When Did You Finally Believe?



  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    I think it's pretty common. I'm 20 lbs down, and now am actually the size I THOUGHT I was for the last few years. I can tell because I'm no longer horrified when I look in the mirror. But I also know that 20 lbs from now, I'll still see myself at this size for a while.

    Last time I lost a lot of weight, I tried on a pair of pants that looked impossibly small but said they were the right size. They went on easily, they buttoned, and they looked great. I actually burst into tears in the fitting room.

    Sadly, that was my lowest weight in the last 10 years. The next week I started a new desk job, my weight went up again, and all my new skinny clothes slowly stopped fitting me. I believe that not seeing myself as having lost the weight was one factor in my regaining.

    The good news is, that will never happen again, because I actually have a maintenance plan now (even though I'm pretty far from both my Current Goal Weight and Ultimate Goal Weight). I know my actual weight (ignoring variance and water fluctuations), and I know how to tell within a week or two if I'm gaining, losing, or maintaining. I know my caloric intake and my TDEE with and without exercise. And I know how to lose 5 lbs before they turn into 10, then 20, then 30. I am so much better prepared for maintenance than I was before.
  • TitikiOoh
    TitikiOoh Posts: 40 Member
    When I put on clothing that used to be snug or have to buy something a size smaller then what I thought I would.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    When I walked into Target and bought underwear, right off the shelf (instead of ordering them online via Amazon because my size was too big).
  • prdavies1949
    prdavies1949 Posts: 326 Member
    I believed last week. My wife and I started this new life two and a half years ago. In the next Eighteen months I went from 306lbs to under 200 and at 6' 2" I was pretty much where I wanted to be. Believe it or not that was the easy bit. Maintainance has been a roller coaster but last week I compared my weight to the same time last year. I'm within 2lbs of that weight. So hey I've maintained for a year. I now know that I can go up a bit and down a bit. And live a normal life.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    My husband introduced me to a new client of his, knowing that we had some job related similarities. We had a great time talking. After she left I thought - she sees me as a normal size person, never imagining I was 32 lbs heavier. I still have 12 lbs. to go, but I feel more confident. And I can't stop looking at myself in the patio door reflection when I go outside with the dogs :p
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    When I bought a size 10 pants and it fit!! ... but sometimes I think I am bigger than I am still.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I still don't. I get comments about how thin I am but I don't think I'm that thin at all (I'm still very curvy plus I have a noticeable amount of loose skin on my belly). I fit in size Small clothes but I still can't quite believe it either.

    I got my husband to take a picture of me and the kids two weeks ago though and for the first time I realized I really don't look fat anymore when I saw it, but that's about it. My brain still hasn't caught up.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I still am having trouble believing that I'm as small as I am. I still dislike my tummy (and am working on losing a few more pounds and weight training to try and get it to where I want it). I kind of look at myself in the mirror in disbelief that I am relatively thin. People tell me I'm tiny, and I wear smaller clothing sizes, but it's kind of hard to comprehend. I often sort of feel like I'm still the same size as I used to be, and then when I see a picture of myself 10-15 pounds heavier I am astonished at how much heavier-looking I was then.

    I think getting some more pants that actually fit might help. . . . I only have one pair of size 4 pants and one pair of that size shorts, and that's what I need. The pants I like that will look good and last are not cheap! It is always a surprise to pick up something in my new size, look at it and think, "oh that's too small" but try it on and find that it fits, or is even a little loose. So weird! I guess it might take me a few years of maintaining this size to adjust, since I was the bigger size for the last 9 years or so!
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    I hit my goal this month, lost 62 pounds! I was thin not that long ago so I still had my old clothes to wear. Those clothes got to big so I needed to buy new ones...Size 2!! I was shocked that all of my clothes are labeled size small, x small, size 2 or 3, but it really didn't hit until I saw a picture someone took of me last weekend. I had to show my husband and kids asking "do I really look like that?!?!?" Of course, they looked at me like I was nuts, and said, "umm...Yeah!" Even though, I knew what size I was, I didn't really SEE the size I was. I think it will be a while to see my size in the mirror.
  • iwilldoit2018
    iwilldoit2018 Posts: 10 Member
    I have been at GW for about 6 weeks, having lost 76 pounds. It is still hard to view myself as thinner than before, even when I see pictures I still view myself as heavy. I am working on it, but I have a feeling it will take time to adjust to the fact that I am not heavy.
  • blc1971
    blc1971 Posts: 170 Member
    I hit my original GW back in April, but I've since lost about 11 more lbs. I am the thinnest I've been in my entire adult life. It took a little over 2 years to lose 76 lbs, so you would think losing so slowly would make accepting the thinner me easier. Honestly it hasn't! I still have that feeling of disconnect when I see myself in a full mirror or look at new pictures. I'm amazed when I hold up clothes that fit me now and they seem so incredibly small! I think they're never going to fit, but they do. I don't know when this feeling will go away entirely, but I do think it's getting a little better with time. I do feel more confidant and more the "me" I've always been inside. Part of that is my age too. I'm beginning to accept who I really am and appreciate myself more.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I started by "trying to lose some weight" as a few pounds came off I thought "why not get all the pounds and inches off". It became mission and I realized I can do this. I still get some people that don't recognize me. I pulled out a suit jacket I bought last year and it ate me up.
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I guess it depends on how fast the change occurs. For me, the changes usually happen so gradually that I go about my day without noticing anything until someone asks if I'm losing weight or did your arms and chest just get bigger. Then I look at myself and say, yeah I guess so. I think a lot of guys take it in stride and are oblivious to most of it until someone else points it out. We generally are oblivious about a lot of things. blush:
  • cathylopez1975
    cathylopez1975 Posts: 191 Member
    I lost 90 lbs to my goal and then 5 lbs extra to prep for maintenance - almost a year ago. I've gone up a little and am working on losing 5 lbs again. But the loss took 18 months and was so gradual that I didn't really think much about it. I'm still the same person in my head. But people who hadn't seen me in a while - and former elementary students - don't recognize me and are shocked when I tell them :smile: I get called skinny and bony, even though I'm not really. It took me almost 6 months before I didn't do a double take in passing a mirror or plate-glass door.
  • rand486
    rand486 Posts: 270 Member
    Yeah, it's just a normal part of the journey. One of my favourite things at the gym is watching new people come in and just melt away. (Take a look on MFP at how many calories Brazilian Jiu Jitsu burns in an hour, if you don't believe me ;) )

    For the first 6 months I hit goal weight, all I talked about was food, macros, clean eating, blah blah blah. After a while, I learned how to be a normal person and enjoy life, and I now recognize I was just proud of myself for my achievements.

    I have to remind myself of this often with certain new people at the gym who are losing weight, or have hit their goal weight, as they keep showing people pictures of their old body, and talking non-stop about food, etc. They'll grow past it, as we all do.
  • jharwell58
    jharwell58 Posts: 30 Member
    When I bought a size 10 pants and it fit!! ... but sometimes I think I am bigger than I am still.

    When I tried on a size 10 and it fit, I seriously thought the clothes had been mis-sized....it has taken my a while to really believe that I AM a size 10. It is still kind of hard to grasp....not after squeezing myself into size 16's for years.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,585 Member
    edited November 2014
    I never have liked looking at the mirror or seeing myself in a store window, so when it does happen now that I'm on maintenance, it's still a nice surprise. And sometimes my DH will say, boy, you sure are tiny. I have to think about that. Being overweight most of my adult life left a mark, that's for sure. For the longest time I would continue to start off trying on new clothes in the plus section. But now I go to the smaller sizes but still take 3 sizes in with me cause every designer/manufacturer seems to have a different idea of what each size should measure.

    Congratulations on your loss. And you know, maybe never letting it become a oh-hum moment when we chance to see our transformed selves might be a key to keeping the weight off. :) Who knows, but I'll take whatever NSV I can to stay here and not go back there.
  • JVClubs
    JVClubs Posts: 139 Member
    didnt believe until i stopped hating myself which was about 30 lbs ago (around 365).

    its still kind of surreal to me, even now.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member

    I have to remind myself of this often with certain new people at the gym who are losing weight, or have hit their goal weight, as they keep showing people pictures of their old body, and talking non-stop about food, etc. They'll grow past it, as we all do.[/quote]

    Eh... do we really all grow past talking non stop about food? I can't imagine that happening for me..
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    About 2 weeks ago! I visited my brother and sister in-law and we went hiking and stuff, we took a lot of pictures and for some reason I went into compare mode and felt like a tele-tubby next to her! But then in dawned on me that for several reasons I would never be her size and that I currently wear a size 4 - I'm not fat, anymore! In fact I went shopping yesterday and the 4's were too big and that was the smallest size the store carried. I think it's just human nature to focus on what we don't like and miss all the other great things about ourselves - but I know I have more good days that I focus on the good than bad ones so it's already getting better!