Bored at Work! lets chat!

I would love to hear about your fitness goals and what you are doing to to reach them!


  • chrishazza
    chrishazza Posts: 21 Member
    Am at work also.My goal is to run 4 times a week,with the hope of doing a marathon in spring of next year.Whats yours?
  • MegzC321
    MegzC321 Posts: 152 Member
    Oh that's a great goal. How big of a Marathon?

    Well I want to lose weight. But I also want to do the Tough Mudder next summer.
    So I have been going to the gym 5 days a week. I'm just doing cardio till the end of next month then I'm going to add in weight training.
  • chrishazza
    chrishazza Posts: 21 Member
    Well done gym 5 times a week is fantastic.I did a 6 mile mud run with obstacles in may,it was great fun.Tough mudder would be alot harder but worth it.Go for it,you can do it.
  • MegzC321
    MegzC321 Posts: 152 Member
    6 mile mud run would be fun!
  • chrishazza
    chrishazza Posts: 21 Member
    Keep training the way you are,and sign up for a challenge soon,its the best way to stay motivated.
  • ajalcazar84
    ajalcazar84 Posts: 72 Member
    Marathon? Mud run? To rich for my blood. For now anyways. I would to do both of those one day but I still a ways off. My main goals are to get back to my Army weight and be healthy enough to be around for my kids when they get all growed up and have their big life events.
  • ajalcazar84
    ajalcazar84 Posts: 72 Member
    I would *love* to do both of those...
  • MegzC321
    MegzC321 Posts: 152 Member
    Make it happen!!
  • Fasttrack2freedom
    Fasttrack2freedom Posts: 122 Member
    Teaching Krav Maga classes after I finished my first job of 10hrs. Fortunately no one showed for kids class so i have a free 45min. Enjoying getting to catch up on here. Things have been super busy lately
  • tarangolts
    tarangolts Posts: 5 Member
    FITNESS GOAL- Live and be healthier for my kids and husband & lose enough weight to be at my ideal weight.
    What I'm doing to reach them: Praying, Working out (fitness blender videos on youtube), walking, running anything I can do and 1200 calories a day.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    you naughty people should be working,shame on you, get back to work.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    I got complacent and gained back 10 of the 80 I lost. I am back to logging and making it to the gym at least 6 days. For now I have set a low calorie goal but that is just to slap me into reality of just how complacent I became. I know that I had more to worry about than keeping off my weight and am mad at myself for letting my routine go wayside.
  • Still bored at work???
  • MegzC321
    MegzC321 Posts: 152 Member
    you naughty people should be working,shame on you, get back to work.
    I dont want to go back to work haha
  • MegzC321
    MegzC321 Posts: 152 Member
    I've noticed even adding in more walks to my day as helped me stay motivated
  • david2831g78
    david2831g78 Posts: 79 Member
    I'd rather be working out right now.
  • MegzC321
    MegzC321 Posts: 152 Member
    That is true! today is my rest day from they gym! Thats when I take my 2 Barkers on an extra long walk!
  • david2831g78
    david2831g78 Posts: 79 Member
    MegCole321 wrote: »
    That is true! today is my rest day from they gym! Thats when I take my 2 Barkers on an extra long walk!
    Nice. Do you walk them or do they walk you? I do 4 miles everyday 6 days a week. One day I walk, the next I jog. I'm trying to lift every other day but its all becoming a bit much. Just cant help but hit the pavement everyday. Its my zen time.

  • Lucky people. I'm laying here with bronchitis :(
  • MegzC321
    MegzC321 Posts: 152 Member
    Well I walk 2 miles on my lunch and then I do 45 min of cardio after work 5 days a week. I have 2 rest days a week and take one of my dogs on a 2 mile walk. My other dog is scared of everything and barks. No one wants to deal with a barking dog.
  • MegzC321
    MegzC321 Posts: 152 Member
    Dadof3bbg wrote: »
    Lucky people. I'm laying here with bronchitis :(

    Oh nooo! get better!!
  • estragonsboot
    estragonsboot Posts: 4 Member
    i used to use my fitness pal everyday, and when i did, i worked out more and ate better. i didn't stick with it, and eventually i gained the weight back. funny that! so i've just started again, working out at my apartment complex gym (a little weight work, mostly cardio even though i hate it) and writing down what i eat, which always helps. i'm also trying to participate in the community more, it always helps when there are other people working toward similar goals.
  • Ha great thread I was sitting here thinking how bored at work I am and then this thread popped up...awesomeness!
  • MegzC321
    MegzC321 Posts: 152 Member
    Ha great thread I was sitting here thinking how bored at work I am and then this thread popped up...awesomeness!

    I'm happy to help you threw your work day haaha
  • MegzC321
    MegzC321 Posts: 152 Member
    i used to use my fitness pal everyday, and when i did, i worked out more and ate better. i didn't stick with it, and eventually i gained the weight back. funny that! so i've just started again, working out at my apartment complex gym (a little weight work, mostly cardio even though i hate it) and writing down what i eat, which always helps. i'm also trying to participate in the community more, it always helps when there are other people working toward similar goals.

    I understand I have been using the app on and off for about a year.
    I just started using the social media aspect and found it is helping me stay motivated.
    I made my food diary public to help me eat right.
    Every little bit helps!
  • Its one of those days where I could just fall asleep or just close up but hay ya never want to miss those customers...
  • MegCole321 wrote: »
    Dadof3bbg wrote: »
    Lucky people. I'm laying here with bronchitis :(

    Oh nooo! get better!!

    Thank you!!!!!

  • MegzC321
    MegzC321 Posts: 152 Member
    True that! I'm stuck at a desk and its slow!
  • MegzC321
    MegzC321 Posts: 152 Member
    No problem!
  • brittk2013
    brittk2013 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm probably heading home soon, but I'm pretty bored here as well.

    I just came back to MFP after a 6 month hiatus. I lost about 15 pounds at the start of the year and have gained 8 of that back so I'm starting back in. I'd like to lose another 15-18 more. I'm a bridesmaid in a wedding in September, and every other girl in the wedding is super skinny so I'm determined to drop some of this weight and feel better about myself.

    For now, I'm getting used to eating better again and taking vitamins. I'm planning on doing couch to 5k and signing up for a race in the Spring.