What are everyones motivations for losing weight



  • draco25000
    draco25000 Posts: 28 Member
    I have always pretty much been an 'average' weight until College where I put on almost 8kg (I know, don't kill me.) Then I went abroad, became sick, lost a lot of weight, and felt a lot more comfortable being thinner. But I knew I hadn't lost the weight healthily sooo I joined MFP to make sure I could maintain my weight whilst choosing healthier options. Happily I've lost 10kg since College and I'm nearly towards my UGW!
  • ViolaLeeBlueberry
    ViolaLeeBlueberry Posts: 182 Member
    Good evening from Kathmandu,

    I like mountains, but mountains don't like me when I'm huffing and puffing.

    I like clothes, and when I say "clothes" I don't really mean "sausage casings."

    I want to eat my cake and not have it too. At least not on my waist. Which is where it is now.

    I keep having birthdays, which is of course a good thing, but they come with things like "increased risk of _____" (Fill in the blank.)

    And so on!

    Incidentally, I love how people are weighing in from all over the world. (Uh, no pun intended.) Today on this board, thanks to UK folks, I just learned what a "stone" is. I think that may be the most sensible term for a whole lot of weight that has ever been invented. So here's another motivator: I do not like the idea of walking around carrying a whole bunch of stones :smile:

  • rachelbragg
    Kayzia_M wrote: »
    Greetings from Ghana! :)
    What helped to keep me motivated when i started was thinking about how much easier certain things would be if i lost a little weight...(climbing stairs without feeling like I'm about to die, finding clothes that fit right and look good etc.)
    Once I lost the first few kilos, and started noticing the little changes,(how different I looked, how slowly the folds are disappearing, how i had more stamina) it became easier to stay motivated, and my goal weight didnt look so impossible.

    -log in everyday even on the days you eat rubbish, log it in and move on
    -don't let a setback stop you from trying again
    -weigh everything! It would surprise you how much stuff actually weighs when you're no longer eye balling it.(you can stop once you get the hang of it, but for accuracy sake I'd say weigh everything
    -Take progress pictures, it helps to show that there HAS been a difference, when you feel like it hasn't.
    Hope this helps. :)

    Thank you for posting, your message is inspiring me. You're right that I should still log my food even when I didn't have a great eating day. I often skip the bad days in an effort not to get down on myself. But that is probably just what I need so that I can see how much better I feel when I am sticking to my plan.

    I am attempting to lose the weight from my 2nd baby (4 months old) and it is very hard to find time for myself, keep enough calories for effective breastfeeding and not just eat junk food on the run.

    My boys certainly are my motivation and I need to practice more self control and find the time to eat better. Thank goodness that this app keeps me honest and has worked for me before.

    Best of luck and thanks again.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Honestly? And this sounds stupid ....but my motivation is to be attractive to the opposite sex. I've been single for over 2 years and I'm hoping that having a nice figure will help my cause.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    Good morning! I started this journey when I realized that I gained 20 lbs after moving to Florida from NJ. I have never been overweight except for after I gave birth. Lost all that weight and maintained at 145 lbs at 5'3 tall. I am now 162. I am less active here then I used to be. My clothes fit tight and I can barely put on most of them.

    I cannot stand to purchase new clothes, so I started this journey. I struggle, because I am not hugely overweight and am curvy, I make excuses to not give it my all. I have only 17 lbs to lose and only have lost 3 so far. So that is one motivation.

    My other motivation is living in FL. The beaches!!! I want to rock that bikini with confidence. Stretch marks and all I want to go to every and all beaches here with not a doubt in my mind that I look good :).

    My last motivation is all these fit woman look bomb! I want to look like that too! Fit, curvy and sexy.
  • misstcrosby
    Honestly? And this sounds stupid ....but my motivation is to be attractive to the opposite sex. I've been single for over 2 years and I'm hoping that having a nice figure will help my cause.

    A guy shouldn't be with you for your figure, they should be with you for you :smiley:
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Health came first. Then all the rest of the good things that come with being thin. :)
    Honestly? And this sounds stupid ....but my motivation is to be attractive to the opposite sex. I've been single for over 2 years and I'm hoping that having a nice figure will help my cause.
    That is NOT stupid. It's natural, normal, and a lot more common than I think many people admit!! If that's you in the picture, you're so pretty. A good figure and the men will be throwing themselves at you!

  • misstcrosby
    This thread has made me feel so much more positive about the journey I am beginning - Thank You all for your input! Keep it going :blush:
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    It started off as knowing my boyfriend and I would be getting married here in the near future and I wanted to be able to have an easier (and less expensive) time finding a dress. Why wait till you get the ring to start losing weight? Plus it would be less stressful trying to drop all this weight in a short amount of time. Anyways then I started feeling better and my knees wouldn't hurt as bad so now it's morphed into I want to be healthy and able to kick butt.

    Plus I want to be in great shape when the zombies come.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Honestly? And this sounds stupid ....but my motivation is to be attractive to the opposite sex. I've been single for over 2 years and I'm hoping that having a nice figure will help my cause.

    A guy shouldn't be with you for your figure, they should be with you for you :smiley:

    I live in New Jersey - the land of doucherockets. 'nuff said lolol
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Health came first. Then all the rest of the good things that come with being thin. :)
    Honestly? And this sounds stupid ....but my motivation is to be attractive to the opposite sex. I've been single for over 2 years and I'm hoping that having a nice figure will help my cause.
    That is NOT stupid. It's natural, normal, and a lot more common than I think many people admit!! If that's you in the picture, you're so pretty. A good figure and the men will be throwing themselves at you!

    Thank you! I hope you're right!!! :D

  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    JeriAnne84 wrote: »
    Plus I want to be in great shape when the zombies come.

    Yeah my reasons are zombie related too! That and vanity and that I have spend a shed load of money on new clothes that are quite snug, need to fit into those clothes! :smile:
  • jenny3008
    jenny3008 Posts: 97 Member
    Evening from the NW UK

    I started because I was sneaking into a size 18 (sshhh don't tell anyone) and I was introduced to a PT that was just starting out. I got a deal on sessions and started with the intention of training 1 hr a week. Well that didn't work out and now I train 5-6 times a week.

    As I got stronger, not necessarily lighter my joints and back started improving, and I realised that I needed to lose the weight for my physical well being.

    I'm down about 11kg, I'm a load stronger, I've lost something like 15cm from my hips and loads from the rest. I feel better, healthier, stronger and yes I admit it sexier.

    I'm motivated to keep going by that and I want to be light enough and strong enough to manage those pull ups in the gym :smiley:
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    My fitness motivation is a part of my overall desire to be the best version of myself physically, mentally and spiritually.
    It's nice to look my best, feel great and know that life is joyful and wonderful.
  • Numberwang22
    Numberwang22 Posts: 213 Member
    Vintage Rolex :)
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    Myself! I hated looking at myself in the mirror a while ago. I hated pictures anyone took at me. My boyfriend took a picture of my and my horse... and I can still barely look at it without crying. I looked 10 months (yup.. ;)) pregnant.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    Part of my motivation is I want to get back to running like I use to and overall be healthy again. What my real motivation is that I don't tell most people. My 20 year high school reunion is next summer and I REFUSE to go fat! I wasn't fat in high school, I wasn't fat at my 10 year reunion and I refuse to be the one the women gossip about saying things like I can't believe she let herself go like that. Nor do I feel like I should have to explain that yes I gained 75 pounds after breaking my pelvis and not being able to walk for two years.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    edited October 2014
    my health and hygiene were and are still my motivators.
  • infomancer
    infomancer Posts: 16 Member
    This sounds ridiculous and not even slightly neurotypical, but I'm doing the fitness thing to take care of my brain. Of the known risk factors for dementia, the ones I can control are my diet, my activity level, and my weight. Sold!

    Now that I've started, I'm finding that clothing fits better and that's turning out to be an encouragement to keep at it. (Sans clothing, on the other hand, I think most humans are fairly odd looking, self included; weight loss is unlikely to change that.)
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I decided I didn't want to turn out like my parents. My dad was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at the age of 42 and had massive surgical complications at 56 that led to him being in a coma for three weeks and hospitalized for three months. HBP and cholesterol run on both sides of the family as well. If I didn't start to do something, that was the path I was headed down.