Small, Frequent Meals?

What are your thoughts on frequent, healthy snacking? I'm finding that my most calorie dense "category" is snacks eavh day. I think this is largely attributed to the fact that I work with small children (0-4) who eat every two hours, so my eating schedule is the same. Most people in my field are like this.

I'm worried that being a "snacker" is causing me to eat too much. Any tips on this? I'm trying to mitigate this by pre-logging my food to get rid of impulse snacks, and by eating more filling, lower calorie snacks like brocolli and fresh fruit, and avoiding my more beloved snacks like peanut butter!



  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    edited October 2014
    Honestly, at the end of the day its only total calories that matter. I am very odd - I like to eat often, so i take my calorie goal and break it up into 10-11 "snack/meals" (mostly snack size). Each one is 100-200 calories, so I end up about 16-1800 calories a day. When I want to lose weight, I will adjust to 75-150 calories each so it totals 13-1500 instead.
    - Every morning I pack my lunch bag, I make sure there are 7 distinct "snacks" (greek yogurt with added protein or crunchies, ham/cheese on rice cake, PBJ on rice cake using whipped PB to reduce cals and low sugar preserves, etc). I eat about every 2 hrs or so . Then I have 4 left in the evening usually. If I am extra hungry I might eat two "snacks" together and skip one later.
    - The best way to eat is the way you can stick with. So if you prefer to eat frequently, break up your calories to allow that. I used to have 3 bigger "meals" of 300 calories, and 5-6 "snacks" of 100 calories. At one time, I did only 100 calorie "snacks" 15 times a day to hit 1500. Some people dont snack and might eat 500 calories 3 times. Work with your schedule and eating pattern. Just watch the total!
    - You can still eat a lot - 100 calories of broccoli is a HUGE amount (or make smaller and add some spray or real butter or cheese to even it out). I try to "volumize" most of my "snacks" so I feel like I am eating more but for the same calories. That means some subbing... like using Jif whipped PB instead of real PB... it has fewer calories and I find I can use 1/2 serving and be happy.
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    Fruit in vegetable snacks are low in calories and high in nutrition!
  • briaggressive
    briaggressive Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for the advice! Yeah, I think I'll go back kmto missing lunch and instead having extra snacks during the day. That's how I used to eat and honestly it was much better for me. My boyfriend is a "meal" guy and often insists on me bringing a hearty lunch because he can't imagine getting by on cheese, crackers and salad.
  • habit365
    habit365 Posts: 174
    My snacks tend to be very high carb, so I need to limit them or I'll never hit my protein. A snack like a lettuce wrapped piece of meat with cheese/fruit/veggies I would think of as a small meal.
  • TrailRunnermn
    TrailRunnermn Posts: 105 Member
    edited October 2014
    If you feel better and have energy eating the small, frequent "snacking" meals then stick with it. If you feel like your energy drags, then turn those snacking meals into actual meals. If you are staying active, I wouldn't worry about eating too much unless your caloric intake is 2500+ calories. Even then, depending on your training, 2500 might not be enough.
  • briaggressive
    briaggressive Posts: 15 Member
    I'm keeping under 1600 calories and I'm quite active in my job ( like I said, small children! ) plus trying to get on the nightly work out train.

    I think you are right, thanks :)
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I always have 6 smaller "snack" meals on days I work out. I just plan them a day ahead to fit my calories/protein/fat/fiber just like regular 3-squares a day. If I burn more than I expect I have a larger evening "snack". Pre-logging will help calm any anxieties that you're eating too much/too little.
  • sweetmelissa222
    sweetmelissa222 Posts: 290 Member
    I usually pre plan the majority of my day, leaving a little wiggle just in case I get hungry or stray from the plan. I tend to do a morning snack and an afternoon snack and then a snack right after I get home from working out, which I usually eat while cooking to keep myself from random snacking and then I reserve an after dinner snack, but don't use it often. Most of these are fruits or veggies or light yogurts. Almost always under 150 calories, so they don't consume my whole days worth of calories.