Apple Cider Vinegar anyone?



  • Medic911ETH
    Medic911ETH Posts: 31 Member
    Sorry, but with today's typical modern diet, our bodies cannot keep up with the demands placed upon its regulatory system, which in turn allows sickness and disease to become possible.

    <a href="; >Acid Base Chart</a>

    As you will see when clicking the above link, the acid/alkaline content of the food doesn't always matter.

    and . . . I can't make my link work:angry:
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    I only use it for cooking.

    2 TBSP of Apple Cider Vinegar for 1 Lb of black beans plus many other ingredients.

    I will not use it otherwise.

    Good luck in your journey
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It's delicious in salads. I'd just have a small salad with it...
  • lisahewitt22
    lisahewitt22 Posts: 102
    I used to have some every morning and evening but only for about a month and it did clear up my skin and I'd really like to do it again. But, I could never mix it with anything, I always thought adding water to it made it taste even worse. I would just down a shot of it and then have a little milk or something to get rid of the taste.
  • LuHox
    LuHox Posts: 136
    I read it's bad for your teeth to drink a straight shot... and that you have to dilute it. That just extends the grossness. So I gave up on ACV.
  • duckcom39
    duckcom39 Posts: 8 Member
    I use it occasionally but diluted 1 teaspoon in a water bottle. It helps me bc I have acid reflux and have kidney issues (like kidney stones, sand in my urine, etc) I was born with kidney issues. So if I had a flare up I drink this mixture once a day for a week.
  • I mix 2 tablespoons with Honest Tea Kids Organic Grape Juice. It's actually very good with the grape juice (tastes like the blue kombucha). Very low calories (40) and sugar (9g) compared to other juices.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    No. I don't do that.
  • FlatWet
    FlatWet Posts: 109 Member
    Am I the only one obsessed with the flavor? I drink it with breakfast and dinner pretty much every day.
    I just dilute w some water because I don't want to erode enamel so badly.
  • LadyTalulah
    LadyTalulah Posts: 174 Member
    Gaah, yes!! I don't take a shot of it though, that's really hard on your tooth enamel and even a bit harsh on your stomach :S
    But definetely diluted in water (through a straw is best apparently).
    It has worked EVERY time for naseau (mostly due to my TOM), bloating (you should take it before the meal) and other digestive issues! Definetely worth it IMO