This time I am serious... Help would be appreciated.

JD0710 Posts: 26 Member
I am currently living in Australia (only until March) and feel this is the perfect time for a transformation, I have tried before but failed miserably because I generally try too much at once.

I am 5ft 2 and weigh just under 12 stone. I am a size 14. I would like to be around the 10st mark and really want to do it this time, I need to do it.

Can anyone give me any tips/help and/or ideas to gets started. I am a live in nanny at the moment which means I eat what they eat for dinner (pastas, chicken, rice mainly). What should I do in engrams of exercise too.



  • wldrose75
    wldrose75 Posts: 128
    1. Log everything you eat, every day.
    2. Don't beat yourself up if you slip and overeat/overindulge. Its not a failure; its a pothole in the road. Even if you slip for a few months and gain back some (or all) of the weight you've lost. You can't let that be a reason to quit. That's a backslide but not the end of the climb.
    3. Still log the bad days too. Seeing it before you in numbers will motivate you to do better the next day. You can't deny it when its right there in front of you.
    4. Plan ahead. Find out what's being served for meals. Plan out your food for the day either the night before or in the mornings, and log it then so that you can see what it will look like and you can make adjustments before you eat it.
    5. Remember that you don't have to stick strictly to what you've pre-logged. That's just a plan. You can go back in and make adjustments later in the day as needed. (I always try to log out my breakfast, snacks, and lunch the night before and then make any adjustments on my log before dinner so that I can see how many calories I have left. Then I plan my dinner accordingly, ie. eat more veggies and less mashed potatoes or rice because I'm short calories or vise versa.)
    6. Find a friend to exercise with. You can motivate each other. (My exercise buddy pushes me to do more and won't take no for an answer when I start making excuses about why I can't workout.)
    7. Find a friend, or several, on here to keep you motivated. (Feel free to add me if you want.)
    8. Find exercise that you like. If you hate the exercise, you won't want to do it.
    9. Remember that not everyone's the same and not everything works for everyone. Find what works for you. (For example, some people find that eating 1 or 2 meals a day works best for them. I've found that eating 3 meals and 3-4 snacks a day works best for me. Its not that I'm doing it right and that they're doing it wrong. Its that we're both doing what's right for us.)
    10. Love yourself!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Not me. I'm gonna be serious next time. This time it's all just a big joke.
  • marlovs78
    marlovs78 Posts: 75 Member
    "engrams of exercise"? :o
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    JD0710 wrote: »
    I am currently living in Australia (only until March) and feel this is the perfect time for a transformation, I have tried before but failed miserably because I generally try too much at once.

    I am 5ft 2 and weigh just under 12 stone. I am a size 14. I would like to be around the 10st mark and really want to do it this time, I need to do it.

    Can anyone give me any tips/help and/or ideas to gets started. I am a live in nanny at the moment which means I eat what they eat for dinner (pastas, chicken, rice mainly). What should I do in engrams of exercise too.


    You can do it. Do you get to do any of the cooking?

  • JD0710
    JD0710 Posts: 26 Member
    No. I don't do any of the cooking. I eat what they eat.

    My ipad for some reason turned in terms of into engrams. Apologies.

    Thanks wldrose, I am logging my food intake etc as of now. Seeing it in front of me will definitely help.