I lost 53lbs, but now I'm stuck...

I'm 5'10 and at my heaviest I was 327 lbs. I now I weigh 274 lbs. I'm on a low calorie diet 500-700 calorie intake which I know is too low I wanted to see fast results and I also didn't exercise. Sooo now I'm stuck. The scale does not want to move. I wanted to start jogging, but should I start walking first or maybe do both and for how long? Also, calorie intake? I feel lost right now. I'm scared if I add more calories I'd gain back idk...



  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    How long have you been losing weight and how long have you been stuck? And forget the fast results...eat at a comfortable deficit, weigh your food, and be patient.
  • kbunney21
    kbunney21 Posts: 13 Member
    I been losing weight for about 3 months and I've been stuck for about a week.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    You certainly can't eat any less, OMG, you need to eat at your maintenance for awhile. What is the rush!!!
  • Local_Atlantis
    Local_Atlantis Posts: 262 Member
    Your calorie intake is too low. You need to focus on eating the right food, as well as eating less.
    You need to move more. If your fitness levels are low, start with walking. Build yourself up to jogging. Walking as fast as you can for as long as you can is just as effective when you have a lot to lose, and are just starting out.

    Hope that helps. Good luck x
  • UtahSeth
    UtahSeth Posts: 10 Member
    YOU NEED MORE FOOD! seriously. Bump back up to whatever my fitness pal says is 2 pounds a week loss and stick with that until you are where you want to be. I would also start walking for your cardiovascular health, and look into a lifting program, don't have to go bodybuilder or anything, but some resistance training will boost your metabolism for the whole day.
  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
    Research Layne Norton - Metabolic damage,

    What happens is you struck to low, tooo fast, fat loss needs to be done at deficits slightly.... your metabolism has haulted, you need to ever so slowly re add calories back up to put your metabolism back in normal swing before you start to lose again.... take my advice, and research that, please, .
    You have F##ed your metabolism for now. Your body is taking in all the nutrients because it has been in a major defecit for too long, now it soaks in ANYTHING. This is bad news, to fix your metabolism you must not, go out and binge, you must gradually and very very slow reintroduce 1-150 calories per week, to creep and build your metabolism back to its adequate state and BMR for your body. You can research Layne Norton on his article about metabolic damage, he is a doctor and a former bodybuilder. His advice is valuable, and I highly encourage you too seek out that information. You CAN fix this, SLOWLY but Surely. May I recommend you to NEVER go below your RMR. Your body needs the minimum calories for your basic functions. Do not underestimate your bodies needs. GL :#
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    kbunney21 wrote: »
    I been losing weight for about 3 months and I've been stuck for about a week.

    A week isn't that long. I started at 325 in May and last week hit 275 (50 lost), throughout that time there where weeks I didn't lose anything, but the next week or two it came off. Give it time. You didn't put on the weight overnight, so don't expect it to come off overnight.

    Also, with your very low calorie diet, is it doctor monitored? With that low of calories it really should be, your body is not getting the nutrients it needs to properly function. We started around the same weight, and currently are about the same weight, I've been netting about 1600 - 1900 calories a day, and I've lost 50 pounds, much like you. I don't feel hungry and I have great energy. I've been able to exercise (with your low calories you can't, not enough energy to do so) I've never felt better, not only have I lost 50 pounds I've also upped my overall health & fitness. Please consider long term sustainability here!
  • daynerz
    daynerz Posts: 227 Member
    Youtube that, and listen to everything he says about this, he will SIGNFICANTLY HELP YOU.
  • kbunney21
    kbunney21 Posts: 13 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    You certainly can't eat any less, OMG, you need to eat at your maintenance for awhile. What is the rush!!!
    Yes Im going to try to eat atleast 1200 and see how that goes.
  • kbunney21
    kbunney21 Posts: 13 Member
    lisajo89 wrote: »
    Your calorie intake is too low. You need to focus on eating the right food, as well as eating less.
    You need to move more. If your fitness levels are low, start with walking. Build yourself up to jogging. Walking as fast as you can for as long as you can is just as effective when you have a lot to lose, and are just starting out.

    Hope that helps. Good luck x

    Thank you!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    kbunney21 wrote: »
    I been losing weight for about 3 months and I've been stuck for about a week.

    A week is nothing, then. It could be sodium, it could be TOM. Figure out your goals to lose two pounds a week and go from there.
  • Been there done that.. I did the same thing when I used to weigh 265 lbs and I'm only 5"5...my calories intake used to be around 500 to 600 calories a day..yes I did lose weight at first but it got stuck later on..

    Do you know what I did to solve that problem? I ate more and I exercised..the only reason why your body is refusing to lose weight is because you are not feeding yourself or giving your body a reason to burn anything since you aren't eating anything anyway! plus your body got used to your routine..so if you wanna see results again..increase your calories intake..you can still lose weight if you eat more if you eat more veggies..fruits protein like fish and eggs.. Trust me this is how I solved my problem my calories intake is around 1200 to 1400 calories now.. you might see that u gained few lbs at first it's because your body got used to the 600 calories thingy but give it time..because we need to get you as healthy as we can. I used to face problems before when I didn't eat as much as I needed..like my hair started falling down and my skin went pale and it's just not worth it :(..

    At least go for a walk you know change stuff in your routine..if you are afraid of eating much to gain? then do one thing.. get up early in the morning like 7 am eat breakfast then eat lunch at 12 then a snack at 3 pm then dinner at 7 pm with small portions..you will give your body a chance to burn a bit and increase your metabolism if you eat only 500 calories you will not lose weight at all.
  • kbunney21
    kbunney21 Posts: 13 Member
    amcook4 wrote: »
    kbunney21 wrote: »
    I been losing weight for about 3 months and I've been stuck for about a week.

    A week isn't that long. I started at 325 in May and last week hit 275 (50 lost), throughout that time there where weeks I didn't lose anything, but the next week or two it came off. Give it time. You didn't put on the weight overnight, so don't expect it to come off overnight.

    Also, with your very low calorie diet, is it doctor monitored? With that low of calories it really should be, your body is not getting the nutrients it needs to properly function. We started around the same weight, and currently are about the same weight, I've been netting about 1600 - 1900 calories a day, and I've lost 50 pounds, much like you. I don't feel hungry and I have great energy. I've been able to exercise (with your low calories you can't, not enough energy to do so) I've never felt better, not only have I lost 50 pounds I've also upped my overall health & fitness. Please consider long term sustainability here!

    This definitely helps!!! I don't feel alone now. Lol I will definitely up my calorie intake. What type of workouts do you do???
  • kbunney21
    kbunney21 Posts: 13 Member
    UtahSeth wrote: »
    YOU NEED MORE FOOD! seriously. Bump back up to whatever my fitness pal says is 2 pounds a week loss and stick with that until you are where you want to be. I would also start walking for your cardiovascular health, and look into a lifting program, don't have to go bodybuilder or anything, but some resistance training will boost your metabolism for the whole day.

    Thanks a lot! Yes my intake is really 1600 calories. I have to do better!
  • kbunney21
    kbunney21 Posts: 13 Member
    Been there done that.. I did the same thing when I used to weigh 265 lbs and I'm only 5"5...my calories intake used to be around 500 to 600 calories a day..yes I did lose weight at first but it got stuck later on..

    Do you know what I did to solve that problem? I ate more and I exercised..the only reason why your body is refusing to lose weight is because you are not feeding yourself or giving your body a reason to burn anything since you aren't eating anything anyway! plus your body got used to your routine..so if you wanna see results again..increase your calories intake..you can still lose weight if you eat more if you eat more veggies..fruits protein like fish and eggs.. Trust me this is how I solved my problem my calories intake is around 1200 to 1400 calories now.. you might see that u gained few lbs at first it's because your body got used to the 600 calories thingy but give it time..because we need to get you as healthy as we can. I used to face problems before when I didn't eat as much as I needed..like my hair started falling down and my skin went pale and it's just not worth it :(..

    At least go for a walk you know change stuff in your routine..if you are afraid of eating much to gain? then do one thing.. get up early in the morning like 7 am eat breakfast then eat lunch at 12 then a snack at 3 pm then dinner at 7 pm with small portions..you will give your body a chance to burn a bit and increase your metabolism if you eat only 500 calories you will not lose weight at all.

    Yes I will take this into consideration! I will also try that eating schedule.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited October 2014
    kbunney21 wrote: »
    I been losing weight for about 3 months and I've been stuck for about a week.

    On all diets one can get 'stuck' for weeks at a time as the body adjusts perhaps.

    I like others are concerned about your health because I see you are not dieting but STARVING your self and are at risk of being 350 pounds in the future. I finally went to a 50 or less than carb high fat diet but it is not so much about cutting calories as it is about cutting the carbs especially initially then long term keeping them under 100 grams of carbs a day.

    Again I am not suggesting you go low anything diet. In fact as others have stated I think a few weeks of eating at least the number of calories that you are burning may be a good thing until you can get an appointment with a doctor/clinic. One can die from doing a diet that is not medically sound. Fasting is NOT a cure all especially when we start with stressed bodies.

  • kbunney21
    kbunney21 Posts: 13 Member
    kbunney21 wrote: »
    I been losing weight for about 3 months and I've been stuck for about a week.

    On all diets one can get 'stuck' for weeks at a time as the body adjusts perhaps.

    I like others are concerned about your health because I see you are not dieting but STARVING your self and are at risk of being 350 pounds in the future. I finally went to a 50 or less than carb high fat diet but it is not so much about cutting calories as it is about cutting the carbs especially initially then long term keeping them under 100 grams of carbs a day.

    Again I am not suggesting you go low anything diet. In fact as others have stated I think a few weeks of eating at least the number of calories that you are burning may be a good thing until you can get an appointment with a doctor/clinic. One can die from doing a diet that is not medically sound. Fasting is NOT a cure all especially when we start with stressed bodies.

    Thank you for your support!
  • sgtchester
    sgtchester Posts: 20 Member
    You do need to eat more. When you start walking or jogging, make sure to eat those calories as well. You want to keep your daily calorie deficit in the right range, because eating too little calories can be quite unhealthy. It sounds like you're determined to do this, and that's great. I wouldn't worry about what the scale says over one week. I'm the same this week as I was last week, but I know I've been doing the right things, and am going to dismiss it as water weight. I find the automatic calculations for MFP are pretty good, and are a good place to start. Aim for 2 lbs a week. It will also make it more sustainable in the long run. Keep up the good work. If you're interested in jogging, check out the couch to 5k program. It got me running 5k.
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    kbunney21 wrote: »
    amcook4 wrote: »
    kbunney21 wrote: »
    I been losing weight for about 3 months and I've been stuck for about a week.

    A week isn't that long. I started at 325 in May and last week hit 275 (50 lost), throughout that time there where weeks I didn't lose anything, but the next week or two it came off. Give it time. You didn't put on the weight overnight, so don't expect it to come off overnight.

    Also, with your very low calorie diet, is it doctor monitored? With that low of calories it really should be, your body is not getting the nutrients it needs to properly function. We started around the same weight, and currently are about the same weight, I've been netting about 1600 - 1900 calories a day, and I've lost 50 pounds, much like you. I don't feel hungry and I have great energy. I've been able to exercise (with your low calories you can't, not enough energy to do so) I've never felt better, not only have I lost 50 pounds I've also upped my overall health & fitness. Please consider long term sustainability here!

    This definitely helps!!! I don't feel alone now. Lol I will definitely up my calorie intake. What type of workouts do you do???

    I do a variety of workouts, mostly a mix of cardio and strength training. For cardio I started out by just walking, then I added in swimming, biking, elliptical, running & now just a bit of hiit. For strength training I do a lot of body weights, work with a personal trainer 2x/mo and do some free weights. Cardio is great to lose weight, however, strength training will help you maintain the muscle mass that you have now, so you will lose more fat, instead of the muscle you have.

    If you have health insurance, look into a registered dietitian. My insurance will pay 100% for dietitian visits. The thought is that a dietitian is much cheaper than complications from obesity (or eating at a dangerous level for a long time), so almost all insurance companies will pay for it. She was key to me getting on track right away and was able to help me figure out what works best for me.
  • kbunney21
    kbunney21 Posts: 13 Member
    amcook4 wrote: »
    kbunney21 wrote: »
    amcook4 wrote: »
    kbunney21 wrote: »
    I been losing weight for about 3 months and I've been stuck for about a week.

    A week isn't that long. I started at 325 in May and last week hit 275 (50 lost), throughout that time there where weeks I didn't lose anything, but the next week or two it came off. Give it time. You didn't put on the weight overnight, so don't expect it to come off overnight.

    Also, with your very low calorie diet, is it doctor monitored? With that low of calories it really should be, your body is not getting the nutrients it needs to properly function. We started around the same weight, and currently are about the same weight, I've been netting about 1600 - 1900 calories a day, and I've lost 50 pounds, much like you. I don't feel hungry and I have great energy. I've been able to exercise (with your low calories you can't, not enough energy to do so) I've never felt better, not only have I lost 50 pounds I've also upped my overall health & fitness. Please consider long term sustainability here!

    This definitely helps!!! I don't feel alone now. Lol I will definitely up my calorie intake. What type of workouts do you do???

    I do a variety of workouts, mostly a mix of cardio and strength training. For cardio I started out by just walking, then I added in swimming, biking, elliptical, running & now just a bit of hiit. For strength training I do a lot of body weights, work with a personal trainer 2x/mo and do some free weights. Cardio is great to lose weight, however, strength training will help you maintain the muscle mass that you have now, so you will lose more fat, instead of the muscle you have.

    If you have health insurance, look into a registered dietitian. My insurance will pay 100% for dietitian visits. The thought is that a dietitian is much cheaper than complications from obesity (or eating at a dangerous level for a long time), so almost all insurance companies will pay for it. She was key to me getting on track right away and was able to help me figure out what works best for me.

    Thanks for the info! I'm going to start walking. I'll see how I'll do with jogging and I'm going to get a bike soon. I can also give strength training a try. I just a joined a gym today so I'm excited!!! I'll look into getting a dietitian as well.