Never Sign up with a personal trainer from Goodlife fitness

I signed up with a personal trainer from Goodlife to help me meet my fitness goals, which was to improve my running. I kept showing up for appointments but my trainer was usually a no show and eventually quit.

Goodlife looks at only the payment to them and not your needs. I signed up for specific reason and not the club can't even meet those goals. They won't let me out of my contract though my trainer quit and are forcing me to pick another one. It is the worse experience I ever had in my life. It is like having a boyfriend cheat on you and being forced to stay with him even though you don't want too. I have no trust in the club after this experience.

I went online and saw that I was not the only one to fall for this. Some people got passed from 6 trainers as the all quit the club and then was FORCED to go to a different club as all the trainers quit.

I know not everyone's experience is like this and a trainer at the right club can help just not at goodlife. I've meet more of my fitness goals using this site then with a club who doesn't care about me. I lost 6lbs with this sites suggestions and zero with goodlife's personal training program.

I am writing this so people are aware of how this is set up because I had no idea. If I would have known I would be passed around like a hot potato and not be taken seriously I would never have signed up. If you still wish to sign up that is fine but I just like people to be aware of things that they do not make clear.

Even if you sign up to improve your hockey and he quits and no one in the club even knows what defence or the bruins are they will still force you to continue...

Just something to consider..

I am also happy for you if you did sign up with a trainer and they helped you...Didn't for me obviously.


  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    If you have a 24 hour fitness club in your area, go there! They are awesome and their trainers are professional.
  • JoyK76
    JoyK76 Posts: 26 Member
    I am sorry that you had such a horrible experience. Unfortunately, I fear that with the economy the way it is, "contracts" are going to have even FINER print and loops holes that businesses are able to get away with in order to stay afloat. It doesn't justify how you were treated but don't be surprised if you begin to see the lack of customer service in many other industries (if you haven't already). I am not sure what you situation is but have you tried contacting their corporate headquarters? It might be worth a shot at continuing up the "food chain" so to speak until you get someone who will assist. If this fails, word of mouth (exactly what you are doing with this post) is one of the best tools around. I would also look into reporting them to the Better Business Bureau.
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    That is no good at all. I am so sorry you have had to go through this. As a trainer I need to start looking for a place to work and wish I could just do it through my home, but I don't want people in my house with my children. Gyms can be such weasels. I have had my share of bad experiences. I am so sorry!!
  • digby765
    digby765 Posts: 163
    Have you got access to a 'Small Claims Court' if so speak to them I think you may have a case as they have clearly not kept to their part of the contract...good luck :happy:
  • Bonnie1974
    Bonnie1974 Posts: 58
    Thanks for sharing, I work out at Goodlife, and they tried everything to get me to sign up with a personal trainer.. So i took the time to meet one, and go thru what I can and should be doing.. and then final line if u give me $5k for so many hours (less than 3 months), I can get you to your final goal..

    I know personal trainers are expensive, but my gutt told me not to do it..I've been burn't before at my last gym. That if I want a personal trainer I will look outside of the gym.. Chances of them sticking around will be long term, compared to the many faces I have seen come and go withing the employees at the gym
  • I wish this topic was here when I signed up with a PT in March.

    I've been going three to four times a week since signing up for a personal trainer the middle of March (2011), and am currently just over halfway through my 72 sessions - Which is costing me $3200. Sad thing is, I'm on my second trainer after the first did nothing but brag about her beauty pageant days, but I haven't lost anything. I've improved my diet greatly and am following what my trainer has suggested for me - Have lost only one pound of fat, gained one pound of muscle, and lost two inches off my waist. That's literally it, and my weight has gone up by six and a half pounds. I'm extremely disappointed and now have no way of getting out of the training. Going to my sessions leave me feeling even more defeated than I did when I started. My trainer is now trying to tell me that I don't need to reach my goals, because I have a "large frame" and am "tall" (5'7" - average height, not tall). She thinks that I should just tone the curves I already have. It's quite depressing.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Not sure where you live but if you have an X-Sport Fitness in your area, go there! I have a trainer there and he rocks! I couldn't be happier with him.. and you should be happy with yours too!

    I'd tell them that if they can't keep you with one then you want to cancel your contract and go somewhere else.
  • Sadly, according to my contract, I cannot get out unless I have a doctor's note. And there aren't a lot of affordable gyms in the area (or female-only). It's not necessarily the gym I'm unhappy with, it's the personal training.
  • In response to falloncarrier, I joined Goodlife and took the 6 personal training sessions "on sale". I had to cancel my first 2 due to illness, and they called me to tell me that I was being charged for another day that I wasn't even booked!! That is all they want, the $$. They kept insisting that 6 was not nearly enough and I should book more. I just joined on Monday the 27th and am already fed up with them. Not to mention, that they called me at 7 am to tell me that they would be charging me. grrrr
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Speak to an attorney. They will usually give you a free assessment on your options to do.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    In general most trainers pretty much suck regardless of their certifications. I have met a few good ones but for the layman it is hard to tell who is good and who isn't.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    necro thread from 2011
  • geojeepgirl
    geojeepgirl Posts: 243 Member
    necro thread from 2011

    kind of appropriate for Halloween... a Zombie thread and all. :)
  • KristaPerseveres
    KristaPerseveres Posts: 87 Member
    I'm sorry you are having such bad luck with your trainer. I have a wonderful trainer, and our word is our honor with each other. No contracts. I will say I pay more per session than you are, but I've had 1 day where I was sick, he didn't charge me for the day, we just rescheduled. He's certified and professional. It has made all the difference in my workout routine. I lost 12lbs in the month of October with him, but the difference in my body composition is very noticeable. I just hired him for 36 more sessions because it is exactly what I need. Accountability and motivation both with my workouts and with my nutrition. I hope you can get it resolved, (aka threaten to get an attorney involved for breach of contract) and maybe find a trainer that you pay directly, not through the gym.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    necro thread from 2011

    kind of appropriate for Halloween... a Zombie thread and all. :)

    Yeah, I was thinking of that. Zombie personal trainer - that's a pretty good idea for a costume!